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dragon warrior

  • Last updated Sep 17, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • 21 Minions
  • 7 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 8940
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/10/2015 (TGT Launch)
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A spin on warrior to use the new TGT warrior card but also to use some dragon synergy along with some fun added in. A dragon lover's deck this uses Varian for possibly insane board control but his battlecry can make cards like nefarian who have a great battlecry useless. luckily there are a bunch of none battlecry minions as well.

i use some early game pressure with alexstrasza's champion and farie dragon as both are 2 drops and have good stats and abilities for said costs bringing your oppononet to use more resoureces early.  i also do not use a lot of armor focused cards since this deck is more aggressive but it still has cards like shield block.  i prefer mortal strike in this over blackwing corrupter as blackwing corruptor has weak stat lines by the time you bring him out and better for priests to use than warrior.

Shield block over shield maiden because like i said more not much armor aspect and the draw is more useful as well as the card being able to be played earlier.  Shield block is a nice card in all phases of the game as the draw is great along with the armor.  shield maiden is nice but it does not fit in this relatively have aggro deck.  There is a few taunt minions for defensive purposes and thus a variant of taunt warrior cards can be used along with this deck.

Though 7 of 30 cards have a cost of 7 or higher can be bad sometimes with hands i believe that as they are also extremely useful that it really depends on when you draw them and that you are bound to get something good when you have 7 mana.  There are more than enough low cost cards that it would seem hard not to survive till then unless your opponent really has it out for you and gets a lucky summon. in the worst case scenario you have to put them back in your deck to mulligan which is fine.

some cards i wanted to add were faceless manipulator to copy whatever is nice including your legendaries which opens some fun with ysera.  the other is volcanic drake as it can lower it's own cost if you kill enough things and with more taunt cards it is possible but you still have to kill things which might not always happen when you have it.  brawl and bash are good for controlling or reseting in brawl's the board and thus both are in my opinion needed.

As not using justicar trueheart. Honestly it is not good in aggro decks and dragon warrior is relatively more aggressive in my opinion than control and thus isn't as useful.  the other reason that in this deck you can kill it yourself with chillmaw as well as it dies to any aoe spell. the armor up is nice but not needed in this deck as there are other turn 6 plays you can do.  overall in this deck you want your creatures to live from their own health being nice and bulky but justicar will not help in that and be relatively useless.  i only recommend her use if you choose to get rid chillmaw and a few other cards.

to compensate for some damage cards brawl and mortal strike are in the deck but they can be taken out if need be.  chillmaw and these 2 offer some decent control over the board if you need to stall but besides that you usually have somethng to play.  the reason there is 1 brawl and mortal strike is while good you force your opponent to use resources already and if need be chromaggus can duplicate them.

emperor thaurissan helps speed up the deck for things like a turn 8 varian if it gets there or ysera with less cost.  it also helps lower the dream cards ysera creates and the emerald drake ysera creates synergises well with your other dragon minions.

so if you see why i don't use dr.boom is because while nice this is dragon and aggro more so than control and while he forces good trades a higher cost card might misbalance the deck.