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First Time Legend Ramp Druid!

  • Last updated Apr 12, 2020 (Outland DH Nerfs)
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  • 16 Minions
  • 14 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Ramp Druid
  • Crafting Cost: 7720
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/10/2020 (Outland DH Nerfs)
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Just hit legend for the first time with this Embiggen/Ramp Druid deck. I don't have any stats unfortunately and I'm not going to claim this deck crushes the meta or anything. It's honestly just a solid deck that holds its own. You will still lose some games, mages will still highroll on you with Puzzle Box, but with the new Overgrowth you can ramp up insanely fast and put some huge threats out on the field early.

First time Legend proof below:


Mulligan Priorities

Always Hold (AKA Win Conditions)

Conditional Hold

  • Your lowest cost dragon if you have Breath of Dreams in opening hand
  • Archspore Msshi'fn if you have any of the "Always Hold" cards in opening hand and vs aggro
  • Embiggen vs slow decks or if you have any of the "Always Hold" cards in opening hand

Never keep anything else. You want to hard mulligan for your win conditions. Even if you're up against aggro, throw back Swipe and Bogbeam. They won't help you win, they will only delay your loss. Your win condition is dropping bomb after bomb every turn and you have to get them out ASAP.

General Tips

  • Always be thinking ahead about proccing Strength in Numbers and setting up ramp. For example, it is almost always better to play Strength in Numbers + Msshf'n on 6 mana than to drop an Emerald Explorer if you're holding another 7 mana drop. That way next turn you instantly complete side quest and get a huge board at the cost of losing some control turn 6.
  • Related to the above, be careful about coining ramp. It is not always correct to coin out  Breath of Dreams or Overgrowth, especially the former. The purpose of ramp is so that you can have a more powerful play the following turn, it's an investment. So if you coin Breath of Dreams, but you don't have a 3 mana play next turn....well then you've just wasted your coin. Same with Overgrowth, if you coin it out but don't have a 5 or 6 drop, then you've again wasted your coin and are just hoping to topdeck something.
  • Get accustomed to the fact that you will be taking an uncomfortably large amount of face damage as you ramp. It will be tempting to play swipe instead of overgrowth vs aggro, but you will have to control that urge. Remember, your big taunt minions will do the trading; get them out ASAP.
  • Always attack with Marsh Hydra first before playing your next body to see if you get something better. There are some very good high rolls: Walking Fountain, Catrina Muerte, Natalie Seline, Hulking Overfiend.
  • Be careful about using Embiggen vs. aggro decks. This can sometimes backfire as you won't be able to drop a crucial taunt when you need to. Versus aggro, I usually hold Embiggen until I have a playable curve in hand to guarantee I don't get screwed out of the board with a high draw.

Demon Hunter

Standard plan. Mulligan hard for your win conditions and ramp as fast as you can. Avoid playing Swipe on 4 instead of Overgrowth unless you get an absurd amount of value from it, like saving yourself 8+ face damage worth or something. Always drop evasive taunts first to avoid Consume Magic. ALWAYS clear Altruis the Outcast as his effect can easily clear your Winged Guardians and other taunts and create a massive tempo swing.


Super boring and difficult matchup. Your win condition is basically trying to set up an OTK with a big board + Alex or being as greedy as humanly possible with Emerald Explorer and eventually outvaluing them. Avoid giving them too much value off of Shadow Word: Ruin. Take as many value trades into their minions as you possibly can. A lot of times this matchup will just come down to how lucky they get with their resurrects. If they get Convincing Infiltrator repeatedly then it's probably over. If they pull other things like Bad Luck Albatross or Bone Wraith then you might be able to get through. If they start setting up a big taunt board with Grave Rune you can match it with more minions, ideally Emerald Explorer as to avoid Shadow Word: Ruin, and they will be very unwilling to clear everything with a Plague of Death. Save swipe to get good value off of 1 hp reborn minions and you might even be able to catch them off guard with a surprise lethal through all of their taunts if you've ramped hard enough. Mulligan SUPER greedy for all your Ramp cards and Embiggen and generate as much value as you can out of Marsh Hydra and Emerald Explorer. This matchup is sheer attrition.


Most often this will be Galakrond. Similar to Priest, you want to avoid giving them value with Plague of Flames. Be very greedy with trading for value and avoid setting up a big board and going for face because they can very easily clear AND heal for super cheap and completely reverse tempo and deplete your threats. Try to always keep the pressure by having 1 or 2 big minions on board that are threatening lethal, but never more. Scrapyard Colossus is the MVP of this match because he is difficult to remove efficiently and will keep threatening high amounts of damage. Be on the lookout for setting up lethal with him + a followup Alex. Keep a Swipe in your opening hand if you have one of your ramp cards since it just gets way too much value against their invoke plays. 


Go as hard and fast as you can on both no-minion and highlander versions. You want to ramp and drop bomb after bomb before they can The Amazing Reno on you and stabilize the board. It's annoying if they Zeph a Shadow Word:Ruin but you're still better off being super aggressive. Drop evasive minions first as mage as a terrible time dealing with them outside of a freeze/doomsayer combo. Make sure to save a Marsh Hydra in your hand just in case of this.


Face hunter is difficult if they open strong because they have a lot of direct damage and we don't have heals in the deck. Your best bet is ramping as fast as you can and then counter-threatening lethal with a strong Strength in Numbers play. Dragon Hunter is arguably even more scary because of how efficient Rotnest Drake is at removing our big single threats, especially getting around evasive monsters so easily. Again, your best bet is to ramp as fast as you can and counter-threaten lethal. Drop your floaters like Winged Guardian and Scrapyard Colossus first to help survive damage against Rotnest Drake. Msshif'n is a good keep against Hunter as he slows down a lot of early damage.


Only version I've seen is Libram and it's a very easy matchup. You outrade and outvalue them. They would have to draw absolutely perfectly to stand a chance. Floaters are best to drop first to defend against a Libram of Justice board clear. Try to keep their board clear and keep dropping big threats so they can't make value trades with their small minions + Libram of Justice. Then you can just threaten lethal in one or two turns.


Standard game plan. Ramp hard and fast. This matchup tends to be easier since Rogue doesn't apply much early game pressure. Playing smartly around their secrets is key to winning this matchup. Dropping Evasive Wyrm is your best play against both Bamboozle and Ambush since he can efficiently deal with both. You NEVER want to drop a static taunt minion if you can't rule out the secret is not Ambush as this will absolutely ruin your tempo and cost you the game. You also really have to play around Flik Skyshiv. Never drop a copy of something you already have on board if you can avoid it. If possible, also opt for playing a minion you do not have in your hand to limit Flik getting additional value this way. If they drop a Flik, make sure to trade into it so they can't Shadowstep it back later. Be aggressive and build up your board as fast as you can. Rogue has a hard time dealing with all your evasive minions.


Mulligan super hard for your win conditions. The mirror match will basically come down to whoever gets the better opening hand and pulls of Strength in Numbers. Against spell druid you want to try and outramp them and go face before they can setup big swarm turns. If they build a super wide board then your best hope is just to go face and hope they don't have Savage Roar or Gift of the Wild. If they aren't as lucky and can only get a few minions on board then you will want to take the value trades while continuing to set up your board for lethal in one or two turns. This way you prevent them from turning the tables with strong AoE buffs. 

Warrior and Shaman

Lol i dunno does anyone play these? Standard game plan just ramp and flood board I guess. Evasive > Hex. Floaters > Brawl.

Card inclusions/exclusions coming soon, but I will say for now that you may notice this version does not run the very common Exotic Mountseller or Twin Tyrant. The reason being is that I feel these cards are both very "win more" and almost gimmicky even. Against all the aggro demon hunters running around, I think it is crucial to try and get the most consistency out of Strength in Numbers as you possibly can. This means filling up your deck with taunt and rush minions. This is the same reason that I do not run the very popular Evasive Feywing or Scalerider from the old Embiggen list. Way too crucial in today's meta to get max value from Strength in Numbers.

Hope you guys enjoy. Looking forward to feedback on what everyone thinks of the deck.