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[WILD] Reno's Dragonlock

  • Last updated Feb 14, 2020 (GA Week 4)
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  • 25 Minions
  • 4 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Highlander Warlock
  • Crafting Cost: 24300
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/8/2020 (Second DoD Nerfs)
View in Deck Builder
  • pjokie
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I have always been in love with the highlander decks with Guldan - and I like dragons.

So I've been testing a hybrid and with great success. I've played this deck from rank 9 to rank 5 in wild and only lost to 1 pirate warrior, 1 face hunter and 1 aggro mage on the way. Didn't lose a single match vs. control. 

At rank 5 and 4 I’ve had a winrate of 80 % (8 wins and 2 losses due to a Secret Mage and a disconnect).

In fact, I'm highly surprised by the success - so for the second time during my relatively long hearthpwn-carreer I'm sharing a deck.

1. Description of the deck

The best and funniest thing about this deck is that it has many routes to the win. The bottom-line is that you need to out-value your opponent. What that means depend on your opponent (and – of course – on your draws):

Against aggro out-value means using the early board clearing cards (e.g. Defile and Dark Skies) into Crazed Netherwing into Lord Godfrey and Twisting Nether – maybe throwing down Twilight Guardian and Khartut Defender along the way. Reno Jackson is the ultimate counter and combined with Zola the Gorgon it is game over.

Do not hesitate to play an early N'Zoth, the Corruptor – remember, if you have played a single Khartut Defender which has been killed without silence or transformation then N'Zoth, the Corruptor brings back two.

Against other highlander decks the way to the win depends on the start – either you play offensive and press on for the win with controlling the board and throw down Alexstrasza (an early Frizz Kindleroost can dictate this style of play) - or take a defensive role by preparing for the end game by getting the most out of Zephrys the Great, Kazakus, Bloodreaver Gul'dan and N'Zoth, the Corruptor (and getting extra value with Brann Bronzebeard, Zola the Gorgon and Expired Merchant).

Harass the opponent by playing Bad Luck Albatross – there is no highlander effects happening with two Albatross’ in the deck.

Dirty Rat (optionally combined with Brann Bronzebeard) is a key card – along with Bad Luck Albatross which delays the opponent. Please be aware when using Dirty Rat that you often have to be able to kill the summoned minion to prevent it for being returned to the opponents hand - e.g. Shudderwock.

I've added Chaos Gazer and it feels worthwhile. It has showned its value against Shudderwock Shaman and Mecha'thun Warlock - especially combined with Brann Bronzebeard
You should press the opponent at all times in games like this. The opponent focus must be on declining you getting control of the board and not on getting the combo pieces (e.g. Quest Mage) or emptying their deck (Mecha'thun Warlock).

Mecha'thun Warlock: I didn't loose to a single Mecha'thun deck yet. The secret is  Bad Luck Albatross. If this card is on the board the Mecha'thun combo can be done because the deathrattle of  Bad Luck Albatross will activate before the deathrattle of Mecha'thun which means that there is two cards in the deck which prevent the deathrattle of Mecha'thun.
You should therefore kill your own Bad Luck Albatross allowing you to have enough time to set up lethal on board or prevent the combo playing N'Zoth, the Corruptor the turn before the combo is espected to be played

2. Mulligan

In Wild it is faily hard to predict if your opponent is playing an aggro,  a midrance, a control or a combo deck. Therefore we have to mulligan for aggro at all times.

Therefore I always keep Reno Jackson and other anti-aggro tools - DefileDoomsayer and Nether Breath.

3. Cards