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High Casino Mage

  • Last updated Aug 31, 2019 (Saviors of Uldum)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 10 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Reno Mage
  • Crafting Cost: 19880
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/26/2019 (Saviors of Uldum)
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Let's have some fun, folks! Before we begin, I do realise this is an expensive deck, but if you have the cards, you must absolutely try it! Personally I have always loved casino mage and this is the first time I managed to build a deck good enough for ladder.

So, as the season has ended, I managed to get to rank 8! (but I have played for less than a week. Here are some of the games I have had:



Green/red cell = victory/defeat

First bolded word/phrase = type of the deck that class used

cards listed in black/yellow = cards i kept/discarded in mulligan


Soo, what's so awesome about this deck?

1. It's casino mage!! - all the awesome rng, to give you all the answers you need, surprisingly consistent

2. It's Reno Mage...wait for it...DOUBLE Reno Mage!

3. One of the winning conditions is the awesome combo of Time Warp + Vargoth

4. If all else fails we got the 2 panic buttons: Puzzle box and the big man himself, Yogg-Saron!

So, strategy. Well, this is a bit tricky, but this deck really has all the answers. There is only one match up where you can insta concede: Bomb Warrior because your highlander cards will not work. Resurrect priest and quest Paladin are about 50-50 which is good.

You generally want to mulligan for cards that will help you complete the quest asap: cyclone elemental, vulpera, glyph. However, it depends on who you are facing.

Hyper aggro decks: 

This is where you will struggle as it is an unfavored match-up, but with a bit of skill and luck you can do it. Mulligan for Zephrys (for an early aoe), Reno Jackson, Kazakus (for 1 or 5 mana aoe) or perhaps even dragon's fury can help. Ice block is not a bad choice either, but can be vulnerable.


Aggro decks:

I would says this is pretty ok. Mulligan pretty much like above, but you could also try keeping Reno the Relicologist and dragon's fury with more confidence.

Mid-range decks:

This is where this deck absolutely owns. You got plenty of board clears to keep them in check or Reno for full just in time. Generally they are not fast enough to kill you and once they fall behind, this deck can snowball so quickly that they will never recover.

Keep some aoe, but you can even keep conjurer's calling and use in on 2-4 cost drops to contest the board long enough until you get to your value cards. Dragon's fury is amazing in this match-up. Also leyline manipulator can shine as you are most likely to get some discounted aoes or removal.

Late-game /control

Again, a heavily favoured match-up. Mulligan for spell generation cards and try to discover low cost spells to complete your quest a bit earlier. Combo them out with Vargoth (and Zephrys if needed). The only potential problems I have found here is that pesky Renolock/or Cubelock. If they get their demons right you will struggle, but it is absolutely doable


Specific combos:

1. If you go second, and you got the cyclone elemental in your opening hand, you can easily generate 2 spells on turn 2:  quest + coin + cyclone

2. Cloud prince works great with ice block. It also works great with discounted 1 cost secrets from glyph or leyline, just make sure your secrets don't get triggered before you play the prince. Also, did I mention Jaina + cloud prince? Pretty sweet!

3. Kalecgos + timewarp can catch a lot of people off guard.

4. Kadghar: apart from the obvious combos with conjurer's calling, firelands and astromancer and it works really sweet with an 8-cost Jaina, thanks to Thaurissan. Summoning 2 water elementals at once can really save your butt in a tight spot.

5.Against resurrect priest: always mulligan for kazakus and zephrys. Those polymorphs/hex on their deathrattle minions are sweeeeet. (also a randomly generated polymorph boar can induce rage quitting, trust me)

6. If you have the chance, especially against control decks, pick an extra dragon's fury. 2 of those in one turn (especially if your puzzle box is still in the deck) can be phenomenal!


So yeah, that's about it for now. Depending on your feedback I will amend this guide, make it a bit more detailed, but that's about the gist of the deck. 

Have fun with it, both in casual and ranked as it works pretty well and let me know what you think! (I'll be keeping an eye on the comments)