RoS: Day 2 Token Druid
- Last updated Apr 12, 2019 (Rise of Shadows)
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- 6 Minions
- 24 Spells
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Token Druid
- Crafting Cost: 5960
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/11/2019 (Rise of Shadows)
- CWSmith
- Registered User
- 12
- 38
- 67
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Total Deck Rating
Token Druid is really aggressive and can easily out-aggro the other aggro decks if it has perfect draw. Control matchups can get rough. No worries, tokens can still come out on top.
A perfect mulligan will see Acornbearer, Crystalsong Portal or EVIL Cable Rat, and Wispering Woods in your hand. Wrath is also incredibly handy to deal with early aggression.
Basically, you want to make your hand big for a turn 4 (or 3, with the coin and the perfect situation) Wispering Woods into 7 minions. If you don't have the card, simply build the widest board you can. Most opponents will notice the threat immediately, and will deal with your minions as quickly as possible. If you're left with a nice board, ideally, you want to pump up big with Blessing of the Ancients, Power of the Wild, or Savage Roar and strike face. If you fail to have any of those, or know you won't survive, Soul of the Forest is one magical card. It's basically a second chance.
The Forest's Aid is an insane backup late in control matchups. How good is twinspell? While there's not as much board wipes as there were pre-rotation, warrior, shaman, and mage have a couple of spells (so 4 in most decks, plus possible creation spells) that can be a right pain. If the game goes long enough, you should be able to build a board. With the Deathknights all rotated from standard, the end-game isn't as powerfully dominated by hero upgrades. Warrior still has Dr. Boom, Mad Genius, which, if he is summoned, will most likely see this deck lose unless you can swing for lethal the next turn.
Really fun and effective deck. I'm excited to see how it evolves as the meta settles
I've seen people ask if EVIL Cable Rat is worth running. In my opinion, yes. The reasoning lies in the hand. You can play the 2 drop then immediately replace its spot in your hand. This helps Wispering Woods be the best turn 4 play that it can be. The lackey battlecry can be quite handy, and adds another body to your board if you need it. Some prefer Hench-Clan Hogsteed. Effectively, it's better value for 2 mana, but it doesn't help fatten that hand. Also, lackeys are rad.
there is no such thing as ctrl warrior
lmao, what are you talking about?
And a new cancer is born, gg designerteam!
Such a fn bore to play against these decks... throw up tokens and buff and buff and buff... woopee!
how about frostwolf warlord?
Ah so this is the virgin e-deck every sht lvl 20 is using to climb 3 ranks, fml
Rank 3 now with 64% winrate, you've litterly created a monsterdeck, it's me who says nicely done :P
Wow, I think this is the best budget deck ever! Even I replace Keeper Stalladris with Forest Guide. But sometimes Forest Guide help the enemy, especially warrior. So is there any good card to replace Keeper Stalladris?
I play Treespeaker instead
Phew, I don't have Treespeaker, I think I need to craft one. Btw sometimes I play Witch's Cauldron too.
what deck beats this deck ?
why does nobody ever say that anywhere?
carpet warlock / ctrl warrior
- Nice deck! -
- I like the combination of tempo and treants with choose one on top -
- :o)
Made a very similar list before release, played it a bunch after release and I gotta say it's a very strong deck, the only card that I ended up dropping is Crystalsong Portal, it's a dead card most of the games I played and the only times I used it it's not enough to come back and I still lose.
Testing one Swipe and Wardruid Loti right now to replace it.
Crystalsong Portal, in my opinion, is core to running your best possible plays. The hand-fill is amazing, and, when things are going perfect, can allow a turn 3 coin into Wispering Woods for 7 wisps. I think a lot of people do not understand how ridiculous that can get. Also, usually 2 or 3 minions that you get from the portal are useful.
A lot of people seem to be dropping the card. While it has, very occasionally, not been helpful, there have been many games where Crystalsong Portal had been the difference between a win and a loss. Personally, I'd need a lot of good minions, and draw, to ever drop it from this deck.
Makes sense, my first iterations of the list were way more early aggro so I wasn't playing Wispering Woods either, maybe that's why I never had any real value for the portal.
I checked the stats before removing it from my deck and again now, according to HSreplay it's the lowest WR card of the deck and only one below 50% when played (for reference it was at 53/54% just a week ago), second is Mark of the Loa which is not a fantastic card but there are no better alternatives it seems.
For sure Crystalsong Portal will see play with the next expansions anyway, it's a good card.
what ya think of runnin leeroy jenkins?
Leeroy Jenkins is a great card. One of my favourites. He can help close a game when lethal is so close. So can Savage Roar. If you have 2 minions on the board, Savage Roar is just as good; 3 minions, and it's superior.
I would not recommend Leeroy Jenkins for this build. He also messes with Crystalsong Portal.
Played a few games with a more casual friend, hopefully this will give you an idea of how the deck works at rank 15-20! Check out the games over here;
(Games start at 10:57)