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Viable Malygos OTK

  • Last updated Mar 8, 2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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  • 14 Minions
  • 15 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Control Warlock
  • Crafting Cost: 15040
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 3/5/2019 (Level Up Nerf)
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  • Solem
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When it comes to Combo Decks I always loved playing Malygos in Warlock as he is definitely unexpected and your opponents usually don´t play around 16/25/34 dmg burst out of nowhere. How do we exactly deal that much damage? with two copies of Soulfire and Dark Bomb. We can go for all 4 combo pieces but tit is usually good enough to go for just two of them as we can deal enough damage over time with our demons. Emperor Thaurissan can reduce all of our 5 Exodia pieces to a total of 10 mana which makes it possible to bring them from 30 to 0 within seconds.

If that is not enough than Voidcaller into Voidlord or even Mal'Ganis can stomp aggro completely while being consisten enough to appear in the early game with Sense Demons. Bloodreaver Gul'dan can be considered another win condition as we not only deal 3 dmg a turn but also summon a huge wall of minions.

If everything goes wrong we have Hellfire, Defile, Lord Godfrey & Twisting Nether to ensure that we don´t lose to the board state. In addition to that Lesser Amethyst Spellstone & Zilliax heal us back up and a Dirty Rat to ruin our opponents combos

2x Mortal Coil

Perfect against all those aggressive decks while helping to make a curve for a full clear with  Defile at the same time. Definitely replaceable and only living up to its full potential against those 1 mana pirates

1x Dirty Rat

How do we win against Mecha'thun & other Combo decks like OTK Mage or even King Togwaggle Druid? By simply putting in this combo disruption. We could also run Demonic Project but that would mess with our Demons and Malygos too much

1x Twisting Nether

It is basically a reset when everything goes wrong. Big Priest can start over again, aggro slows down and we can play a Voidlord in the next turn which makes it a pretty god card on curve

1x Bloodmage Thalnos

Not only is he helping with clearing the board when using Defile and Hellfire he also draws us a card and allows us to heal for +1 when using Lesser Amethyst Spellstone 

1x Barnes

Here is the thing, playing this guy in any deck is a 50/50 as we do have almost auto win targets but also whiffs that make him a Yeti at worst. The good thing though when we hit any of the good cards the match can turn around in an instance. Play him in Cubelock, Even Shaman or any deck at all as he is that powerful

For all the Epic and Legendary cards that might be too expensive to just craft for a single deck even though they are definitely usable in many decks we can substitute them for cheaper, Rare/Common or even Basic cards in the following way

1x Bloodmage Thalnos

Either with a Tainted Zealot to keep the Spellpower theme going on or a Shadowbolt to remove 3 drops

1x Dirty Rat

Demonic Project and pray for the best as it might hit our Malygos or make our Giaant Demons we hold in our hand a little wimp

1x Barnes

Can be any card of your choice, I would go with Doomsayer even though they have a different purpose. A Coldlight Oracle that can burn your opponents cards out of nowhere might also be a good consideration 

1x Zilliax

Healbot or any other form of heal to not just be dead on Turn 5. A Sludge Belcher or Rotten Applebaum would also fit here

1x Emperor Thaurissan

Banana Buffoon to coin out additional spells or a Dark Peddler to aim for a third Soulfire

1x Lord Godfrey

Another Doomsayer & hope for the best as he kinda does the same but without a 4/4 body and not instantly

We always want to have a Sense Demons or Voidcaller to cheat our demons to win the early game. Besides that don´t be afraid to keep a Darkbomb and use it early on as we probably don´t need all 4 Spells to OTK the opponent. There is only a minor difference in the mulligan against aggressive or control decks. We always keep Emperor Thaurissan if we know we have the time and don´t die on Turn 4 and a Defile if we should predict our death on Turn 4

If you don´t fully understand any of the card choices, the style in which the games are played out or why we keep certain cards in the opening hand please consider asking your question for any case you might need help with when playing this deck down below or asking me during my streams which can be found with schedule won below. Don´t forget to upvote this guide as a single +1 makes a big difference, thanks!