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Wild Spider Queen for Rogue

  • Last updated May 27, 2019 (RoS Rogue Nerfs)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Shuffle Rogue
  • Crafting Cost: 11160
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/9/2018 (Boomsday)
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'Win Condition: Get opponent to 12 health, play Spellweaver and double Eviscerate.'

Here's the lore that I made up. Feel free to just scroll down for guideline down below.


Chapter 1 - Azeroth's Forgotten Folklore

‘No one knows from whence she came, or what burdens she had carried when the cleansing happened. She was banished from her world. Cursed, she literally faded away from the existence. She was forgotten. She became the Void.’

‘The story goes that after her apparent banishment, a fragment of her soul still lived on. Her grudge was so strong. She wanted justice. She kept coming back. One by one, her slanderers were all dead. Their bodies vaporized into nothingness—just as they did to her. Redeemed, her duty was done. She vanished, forever.’ said the Innkeeper

‘So she’s an Aranasi, you say?’ said Blenda, a Mistress of Mixtures.

‘He just said no one knew where she came from, darling. Pardon my assistant, she’s retarded.’ a voice came yelling

‘I’m sorry, Mistress Myra.’ Blenda weeped

‘I know you desperately want to make an expedition to her tomb, Myra Rotspring. But be careful, who knows what lies there.’ said the Innkeeper.

‘I will say this again. What’s the worst thing that could happen? Plus, I have my bodyguard right here with me. Dr. Boom probably doesn’t care anyways. I mean, what would he do if he found out? Kill me? Don't think I can die again.'

And so, the expedition began. Her objective was to collect the sample of the so-called legendary poison of the long lost Spider Queen. The gang composed of Myra herself, Blenda, and Dr. Boom’s mindwashed ex-bodyguard, Zilliax. The ladies traveled on two Augmented Elekks, powered by a large supply of Necrium. As they reached the tomb, something weird happened.

‘I knew you would come for me. Lovely…’ a whisper to Myra

‘Did you hear that, Blenda? That wasn’t you weeping, was it?’

Before Blenda could respond, a large glass tube of Necrium fell down from the Elekk. Shattered by the impact, the Necrium spilled all over the ground, and activated the mechanism inside.

A blinding light struck them. Everyone covered their eyes, while a sound of an unknown being echoed throughout the hall.  

‘At last. Come my minions. We shall conquer!’ - said the Queen herself

Nerubians crawled out from the shadows of the hall, in the most impossible way possible.

‘It’s time for Azjol-Nerub to flourish again!’ said Anub'arak

The Spider Queen glared her eyes down into Myra.

‘My champion. This is your fate. This is the sole purpose of your existence. I am glad you have accepted my offer.’

Tears streamed down Myra’s mask. Never in her life had she seen anything this beautifully absurd before. The Spider Queen’s aura came in waves of impossible colors. She walked down a set of stairs before her, melting each step in process as she touched it.

‘Let our poison cure this world’

Chapter 2 - A New Beginning

'I can still sense his presence even from here. He is alive, somewhere far away. I know he will come back one day. He will bring the same thing to this world as he once brought to my land. Total destruction. He too must fall, for his promises were nothing but lies. SARGERAS! The clock is ticking, and the web is raveling...'

I, and my underlings traveled through the days and nights. The world looked different to me, yet one thing remained the same; War. There were signs of aftermath everywhere we came across. Fallen soldiers, cursed spirits, frozen corpses, and the injured kinds. I knelt down on one knee, examining this dead, rotten flower. It spoke to me when we touched. I could feel its sorrow that we shared. Empowered, it rose from the ground, forming a shape that of a giant beast. It would join us in our travel to a place where we would perform our preparation. 

'We have arrived my Queen. Here is Venomspite, a place where we can stay for now. My associate should be here somewhere. Blenda, go see Mrs. Winterby. Tell her we need some blankets. The Queen, and I will wait for you at the lab' said Myra


'Oh, Myra! You're a genius girl. Star Moss was indeed the missing ingredient. Hmm, who is this beautiful lady here... and a spore emitting BOG BEAST? IN FRONT OF MY LAB? You'd better explain yourself, young lady.' said Plaguebringer Middleton

'I hope the maid kept my quarter the way it was when I left, Chief. We will stay here for a while. This is the Queen.'

'THE Queen? Huh!... I.. don't think.. Does she have a name? Is this a prank? I haven't talked to Repine for at least a week now. Is this her doing?' Middleton doubted

'You can call me... Death.' the Queen proceeded to touch a flower, which died right away. She threw the flower into a nearby pot of water, creating a bright green poisonous substance that melted through the glass and right through the ground below.

Middleton and Myra stared at each other face in a dumbfounded manner.

'Here we conduct many experiments. I'm sure you're familiar with the Plague. We still have a war going on, and Lady Sylvanas Windrunner rely on us to assist her by sending our latest strain of Plague.' Middleton explained to the Spider Queen, as they descended down the stairs to the underground laboratory.

'And Myra here is a bright prospect. I hope she joins us full-time... if not for that crazy goblin. Planning to steal a flying city? That's boring. Our work is much more appreciative and interesting. I'm sure you would agree, my Queen.'

'Yes, yes. I will consider your offer when my contract with Dr. Boom expires, which is soon. I'll stick around for now. People tend to do weird things when they have too much free time. I might be able to come up with something else, now that the Queen has inspired me.' said Myra.

'Yes, here we are. Take your time. I was brewing a potion, so I'll have to resume my work. Your computer still works, Myra.' said Middleton, while leaving

'The blankets are here, Mistress Myra! Mrs. Winterby also sent her gratitude' Blenda rushed in clumsily

'Yes, yes. Put them on the bed. And come here, quickly. I need your help with the design. It's nice to finally have someone to help me.' said Myra.

'I'm so happy to be of your service, Mistress Myra. Anything for you!' said Blenda

'You see, my Queen, I've been quite eager to put myself to test again after I became aware of your... ambition. But you see, in this modern world we need to cope with the progression of the technology. Mech is the thing now.'

'I have some schematics that I borrowed from Dr. Boom. How about this SN1P-SN4P? Hmm...' Myra pondered

'Yes, that thing will serve me just fine' said the Queen.

'Can we come out now, my Queen' asked Anub'arak, who protruded from the ground

'Just you, Commander. You are welcome to be a part of this conversation' said the Queen

'Your tied to The Lich King is cut. You have your own free will now. But you are still tied to the circle because you have a destiny to fulfill, as do I. Our immortality is no coincidence, and neither is yours, Myra Rotspring.'

The four individuals continued the conversation the whole night

Chapter 3 - Coming Soon


TL;DR: Is it worth crafting this deck

- No. Too low consistency, but I think that's what makes it fun. The deck is purely RNG based, which can also be frustrating. You can get much better decks with this amount of dust.

I don't recommend using this for serious ranked play due to its inconsistency. I just simply tried to 'dump' all the spider cards in while keeping the deck playable. Surprisingly, it actually is playable, and can be overwhelming to opponent if you are lucky. Some spider cards are left out due to bad synergy. Up to this point, I have added a few cards that are not completely 'lore-friendly' to the theme of the deck. I made this deck just for fun because I love the idea of shuffling cards back into your deck or the opponent's deck.

I will update the deck whenever a new expansion hits. Hopefully the deck can only get better and better.


This deck is a little bit unorthodox because it is pretty much a 'Control Rogue' kind of deck. The win conditions are to

1. Stall for board control until you draw spiders. I also found Sprint to be extremely useful when you actually need cards late game.

2. Use Valeera the Hollow, get opponent to 12 health, play Spellweaver and double Eviscerate.

I actually found this deck to be quite aggressive sometimes, if you are lucky with the draws.


Obviously, the AoE ability of Rogue is terrible, because Rogue is a tempo-based deck, and this deck is NOT. In general, this deck is not good against decks that can generate small minions constantly, or aggressive decks in general. Odd Paladin, and Murloc Shaman, for example. However, against decks like Jade Druid, or Big Priest, it really depends. You can totally deal with those with the right cards and some luck. The greatest weakness of this deck, which can make it lose to ANY deck, is the tempo. You need the right cards to come up, you need the spiders to pop up. Sometimes, if you're not lucky, you don't get to play the spiders at all.


Because of Beneath the Grounds, this deck counters Reno Jackson, and Kazakus. Envenom Weapon allows large single threat to be removed with ease. And due to the nature of the deck, it requires your opponent to clear the board many times, because the spiders tend to not come up at the same time. Surprising, it is quite alright against Control deck. I would say if your opponent doesn't play anything the first 2 turns, your work becomes immensely easier.


Two of the following: Mistress of Mixtures, Cheap Shot, Eviscerate, Envenom Weapon

The other one, or two, with coin, should be a minion, preferably Augmented Elekk, Fal'dorei Strider, Anub'ar Ambusher

Notable core cards: The core cards here are kind of obvious. But I have to mention this. Venomancer and Mistress of Mixtures are actually core cards as well. The games don't feel the same without them. Venomancer is like a third Envenom Weapon, the opponent will try to remove her. Not only that, but she also synergizes with the hero card, you can play her twice. Mistress of Mixture, or 'Blenda', is just a right card with the right effect. Anub'ar Ambusher is also a core card. He deals massive damage early on, and he becomes a target for opponent to play around him. You can play around by pairing him with Fal'dorei Strider, or Antique Healbot.

How to play


This deck is a control deck and can be very physical, the early phase of the game is important. Play Mistress of Mixture on turn 1. You equip weapon on turn 2. If opponent drops a potential threat on turn 3, you can just use Envenom Weapon, else just hold on to it. You may burn all the spells early against Aggro decks. Play the Elekk on turn 3 to develop the board. Doesn't matter if you have the shuffles or not. You should save at least one out of the 4 spider shuffles to play with Augmented Elekk at some point in the game.


The idea is to have your first spiders shuffled in as soon as possible. This is the moment where the control aspect of the deck kicks it, and you try to last through the moment.

On turn 4-6, you can play pretty much anything that suits the situation. Cheap Shot, a single Eviscerate, are used for board control, or to catch up. Anub'ar Ambusher is played here on curve as a bait, or just simply to go face, followed up by Fal'dorei Strider or Antique Healbot, to benefit from his deathrattle. Make sure you have the board most of the time. Myra Rotspring is mainly used to fill your hand while you wait for the core cards. If your poisonous weapon is spent, drop a Venomancer. She is more useful to the deck than you think.

More on Envenom Weapon, try to keep it as a surprise element for the opponent. Let him play a big boy first. He'll be surprised next turn. 

When you finally get to use Sprint make sure to have board advantage, and 6 cards in hand before you play.


Valeera the Hollow. The idea is to flood the board with spiders, play Anub'arak as a sticky. Get the opponent health to 12, and you have the option to play Spellweaver and double eviscerate.

For board clear, you can play double Abomination, and they will deal 4 damage to everyone. Since this deck is super physical, Antique Healbots are included. Play them with Valeera the Hollow and you get 16 HP. This turns the game around and cause opponent to rethink. Zilliax has amazing synergy with Antique Healbot, and Valeera the Hollow due to its magnetic ability. So play around with those, and keep yourself alive.