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perfect Card for better consistence in mill rogue
If I permanently lower cheap shot' price to 1 mana, then at what cost will be echoed copies?
P.s. Checked. Still 2 mana cost.
Oh no! Cheap was extremely effective! What will I do?
Oh yeah! Pirate types, Tempo types, warlock types, control types, and aggro types resist miracle rouge!
Will probably find a home in Miracle Rogue.
Aww look, they're hugging!
I am not sure 'hug' and 'being punched in the ribs' are synonymous.
Omg, can you imagine a miracle rogue who plays this with an Auctioneer out?
No, prep only works on the next spell you play. You could however, prep- cheap shot- prep- echo cheap shot, if you have two preps in hand.
It would be very good if:
Deal 2 damage to a minion.
Combo: The echo card stays in your hand.
it would be op af, at the end of your turn, you would have a hand full of cheap shots
Blows away the Hunter echo rush card.
This has some serious potential with spellpower buff or just as a late game way to fuel Edwin/Auctioneer. Well worth testing this card out to see if its actually playable or simply too slow/low impact to warrant a deck spot.
I hope they have some contingency for priests stealing echo cards. Infinite calling bell? Instant board wipe.
That's cool that such classic skill became a card. Might be useful in all kind of rogue decks as for now so maybe even better than useful.
This is another card that I'm happy to see. As FromBeyooond pointed out, this is a 'boardclear' and while yeah, Miracle rogue and I guess Kingsbane rogue could use it too, the card shines best in terms of not wasting direct damage on clearing the board. The flexibility of this card not only lets you power up cards like Edwin VanCleef and any other combo card, but it lets you save your direct damage for more possible burst. I like this card and also WANTED!, so I hope they are able to bring miracle back from the dead for the 15th thousand time.
Low power level cards like this won't "Bring miracle back", although miracle has never really "died" per say. Its dependent on the decks being played; if aggro paladin stays popular, then miracle will stay unpopular. However, even if "slower" decks see play, said slower deck would likely be Warlock. "Slow" these days is mana cheating a 9 drop on turn 5, which is just when miracle is usually beginning to put bodies on the board. You only have two saps, and you don't like using having to use them early on a card that was cheated out.
Reason why I say this card might bring miracle back into a spotlight is because it lets you control the board longer until you get to your swing turn. Having cards that are made to remove threats on the board will make it better against faster decks. Miracle doesn't struggle with fighting slower decks, even if the slow decks cheat stuff out.
"Because AoE's aren't apart of Rogue's class identity"
Honestly I have to agree with you, Blizzard has changed what classes are supposed to do plenty of times, and so for Rogue it's entire theme has become either Kill you off slowly with a big knife (very stealthily) or for bursting things down with miracle,(stealthy I guess if your opponent can't read your deck from a mile away). Also this card fits better for activating Spectral Pillager and Edwin VanCleef so I guess thats another reason? Still is basically just AoE.
I believe only card rogue needs is "Combo: gain spell power for each card played before". Then make fan of knives. That is your AOE without real AOE (Rogue's class identity). I don't understand why blizard ain't done it year ago.