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Druid Jade/Armor

  • Last updated Jan 20, 2018 (Kobolds Patch)
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  • 7 Minions
  • 22 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Jade Lotus Druid
  • Crafting Cost: 8000
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/13/2018 (Kobolds Patch)
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The promised is debt and apologies for the delay with respect to the mulligans.

 +10 Mulligans

With the aforementioned, we will start with the cards we want in each confrontation:

Before any cards we will always want in our initial hand some type of rampeo as for example Nourish;Jade Blossom;Wild Growth.

Vs Paladin: we look for cards that will serve us against the violent departures of the class and immediate answers to your table, leaving that clear we seek to mulling the following cards Swipe;Wrath;Spreading Plague.

Vs Priest: The mulligan in this case is simpler because we always look for our defensive armor cards (For ejample: Oaken Summons) and all the ramp we can to reach the very early Ultimate Infestation

Vs Mage: Due to the variety of decks of this class the mulligan is a little more difficult but in most cases we will consider the possibility of a freeze magician, then the cards we are looking for are Wrath;Oaken Summons;Lesser Jasper Spellstone.

Vs Warlock: Due to its strong synergy in the mao and the problems that can arise for both the control of the table and the possible inclusion in his deck of Skulking Geist will seek cards that help us quickly reach Ultimate Infestation and in this way quickly accelerate the growth of jades, A good way to improve the theft of Jade Idol or any cards that help us grow is to remove minions with Oaken Summons.

Vs Druid: This encounter will be realized in very few occasions but of being the case the most probable thing is that a mirror takes place, in this case normally the druid gains that puts more pressure in table in the less time but without leaving back the importance of the ramp and steal cards with Nourish and Ultimate Infestation.

Things that we should always keep in mind against any match, against the aggro we will always look for cards like Spreading Plague or Oaken Summons and in case of slow decks we will look for a simple ramp (ej:Wild Growth;Jade Blossom) to be able to launch in the early stages Ultimate Infestation.

+20 Guide

Hi guys

We'll start with the basics. What do we look for in the initial hand?

Depends on the meeting and the opposing class that we face we will look for different cards in our mulligans, normally and not to say most of the confrontations against aggro decks is very favorable to our balance since our deck has enough cleaning mechanics also to be able to stop the strong exits and robberies of the opponent, that said, against aggro decks we will look for immediate answers and early cleanings such as Spreading PlagueSwipe;Lesser Jasper Spellstone, will also serve us a lot especially if we manage to play it in a curve and with synergy Wild Growth whit Oaken Summons.

 That if mostly we will encounter slower decks (Or that was my case in my region) can often happen that the beginning of seasons are more aggro decks, against the clashes of slow decks we try to put a lot of pressure on the table in early turns and the more threats per turn and so the opponent always has to deal and spend resources on our minions thus bringing the tempo and control of the game.

How will we achieve that ?, taking advantage of our ramp mechanics  which we will use to be able to reach Ultimate Infestation in early stages, now that it happens if we do not have ramp, well things get a bit complicated but we can take advantage of the synergies to improve our theft of letters with Oaken Summons or even use the Nourish not for ramp if not to steal ,in this way we will look for cards like the Jade Behemoth, Jade Idol, Aya Blackpaw, or any minion with which we cause pressure on the table.

Never stop considering the possible synergies of Fandral Staghelm with the deck and also the synergy of Spreading Plague with Branching Paths.

Thank you all and I hope you will receive a greeting.

+30 replacement of card

Here I will leave the possible replacement to the cards of the deck:

-2 Ironwood Golem / +1 Mire Keeper and +1 Spellbreaker

-2 Oaken Summons / +2 Jade Spirit

The following two replacements are made in consideration of a slower deck and with more value at the late game.

-1 Lesser Jasper Spellstone / +1 Medivh, the Guardian

-1 Wrath / +1 Kun the Forgotten King