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Should be 4 mana... Weird cost if Thoughtsteal is 3 mana. I guess 1 copy card is worth 2 mana. Maybe been op with 4 mana. 5 is more "okey"/balanced.
Thoughtsteal = Arcane Intellect = 3 Mana Gain 2 Cards
Devour Mind = Nourish = 5 Mana Gain 3 Cards
"Soon" = Sprint = 7 Mana Gain 4 Cards
"If this Exist on Thief Priest" = Ultimate Infestation = 10 Mana Gain 5 Cards + shenanigans value
4 Mana gain 3 cards is overprice ya kno and its frustrating to see it on Curve 4
What do you say now when Blizz made Thoughtsteal to 2 mana instead of 3?
Gives you a lot of late-game fuel. Especially good for a Razakus deck. Also very cool to have golden, because all copied cards are golden.
Control Priest has run Thoughtsteal in the past. Now it seems they're more likely to run this.
Love the Absolution Regalia art. Tier 6 is the best tier.
Lazy card. Love the orc's face being melted ;)
Nah, imagine all those mirror matchups when you Devour Mind into two Devour Minds, so that you can Devour Mind while you Devour Mind. Bigger meme than Drakonid Operative into Drakonid Operative indeed.
Of course provided that this card would in the first place ever be played often enough to hope for a mirror matchup.
Such a lazy card.... : /
Burgle effect didn't work with Rogue. Thoughtsteal already isn't played in Priest. I can't see Thief Priest being a thing.... sorry
Greater Thoughtsteal
Just another 5 mana card that gives you 3 cards. Not nearly as good as Cabalist's Tome though as that thins out the kind of cards you could get. That is not to say that this card is necessarily bad though considering that you could grab valuable cards from a control deck. I just see this being used more in Arena to keep up card tempo.
I beg to differ. In a control Matchup the cards you get will be control cards and big minions. Cabalist's tome is much more random.
You obviously don't play either of these cards much in an aggro matchup, so you only really compare them against control. And I'd rather take 3 control cards from my opponent's deck than 3 random mage spells.
Edit: The class they are in also helps. Priest is more value centered than mage as well.
Yea sure cause i need more upgrade or counterfeit coins or kill command
Well the best counterplay against Priest is to have a shitty deck...
Don't see why people are so harsh on this; it's Cabalist's Tome that guarantees you some pretty high end stuff in a control/midrange matchup.
Can also be thought of as 2 mana for an extra card on thoughsteal which already isn't seeing play
Tell me about the high end 1 drops you will get