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This + Northshire carried me against the Lich King, 10/10 would recommend.
Fucking hate this card. When Priest gets a perfect curve and you can't deal with it, its gg..
Fucking annoying, thats all i gotta say about this card
I've been playing this in Wild Dragon Priest, it's performing really well. Even if it only gets one buff it's great removal bait, also great behind taunts.
Wow. Much more powerful than expected. Combo with Northshire Cleric Is really powerful.
2/4 Northshire Cleric is nuts. 2/4 Netherspite Historian on curve is nuts. The interaction with Drakkari Enchanter is amazing. This is the most underrated card in the set.
With this Drakkari Enchanter can be a 3/7 turn 3. And the 1/5 body for cards like Inner Fire is by default not bad :)
Do I sense an Aggro Priest comeback???
when was it ever a thing?
not as good as it looks because you have to wait till your turn is over be4 the buff activates. So you can just drop this and kill a 2 hp minion with cleric.
Very good card to play at early game if you have coin, or in mid game together with a taunt and/or PWS. Really annoying little bugger. Even makes 0/3 cards like Devilsaur Egg viable.
good mid game because if left alone, can potentially out-value its costs exponentially
I am actually a bit surprised that there is not more "meta defining" in the vote. This nearly allows priest to power creep the early game. Here are two examples of ideal turns you could have with this card included for turns 1 through 3:
1. Northshire Cleric-> coin + Shadow Ascendant + Power Word: Shield on Ascendant-> Tar Creeper
2. coin + Pompous Thespian-> Shadow Ascendant-> Kabal Talonpriest on Ascendant
I'm also surprised. People have complained for a long time that Priest doesn't really have viable 2-drops.
This is very viable and we're going to see a lot of her.
Meta defining would imply, that next to all decks are running it, no? Or rather, that there will be an influx of new decks with tier 1 potential using this card.
In my honest opinion, this card is very good, especially for priest, but still falls short of being meta defining. You don't need a specific counter against it, and sometimes it won't even hurt to let it lay for a few turns (though that may be very dangerous, with all the health buffs and whatnot). I can see some Minion focused decks paying it, since it does scream value overall.
In Arena, this thing will become bonkers, I reckon. Especially if you can protect it, and the enemy is out of removals.... I can imagine some scary dream-like plays with:
Northshire Cleric -> Shadow Ascendant -> Acolyte of Agony / Tar Creeper / Stonehill Defender. That can easily close a game, since nothing short of a boardwipe will get you enough tempo to return. All your minions you play will be understated (due to Shadow), and the healing of priest gives him even more control, as well as cards....
Meta-defining means that the card is so powerful that it defines the meta in some way. Either by being present in every deck, or by forcing other decks to run cards specifically to deal with it. Dr. Boom was the best example of a meta-defining card in that it was run in every deck, and every deck needed to run Big Game Hunter specifically to kill Dr. Boom. That also had a chain reaction on the meta because BGH seing play in every deck made every other large-ish minion terrible. This card is not going to force people to change their decks to accommodate for its existence. In fact I think it'll be okay; not super amazing.
Gorgeous artwork.
Tar Creeper + Shadow ascendant i like it.
1. turn Northshire Cleric
2. turn Shadow Ascendant
Seems solid to me, looking forward to play it.