Frostwolf Warlord
Card Text
Battlecry: Gain +1/+1 for each other friendly minion on the battlefield.
Flavor Text
The Frostwolves are locked in combat with the Stormpike Expedition over control of Alterac Valley. Every attempt at peace-talks has ended with Captain Galvangar killing the mediator.
Card Sounds
I imagine this will see a lot of play in Standard after Azure Drake rotates out, unless we get a better 5-drop in Un'Goro.
never realised his golden animation, looks like Forlorn Stalkers
I was wondering why this card is concidered bad in constructed. Here is my analysis:
So if you have 6 minions (presumably best case cenario) you get:
a 5 mana 10/10 that can be silenced to a 4/4.
OR you could use a
Sea Giant at most 4 mana 8/8 or even cheeper if the opponent has a board.
Alternatly you could say that a 6/6 is optimal as it dodges Big Game Hunter , but if that is the goal you might as well run a Pit Fighter which is way more consistant as it is always a 5/6 for 5 mana. 5 attack is really good and having 6 instead doesnt really do that much concidering common targets as Sylvannas, Loatheb, Emperor Thaurissan and all the 3/5 minions with effect minions.
Not a bad choice in ARENA, especially when you're short of big minions during your current pick.
Usually it comes out as a 6/6 for safety reasons, where you have 3 minions on board and can thus evade the threat from Big Game Hunter and Mind Control Tech. Otherwise you just build up this minion as large as you can, up to a possible 10/10 monstrosity.