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I ship it with Demonfuse, anyone wanna help me write a fanfic?
Against all logic and reason, I'm actually finding this to be a good card in demon zoo. An early 4/6 Malchezaars imp or voidwalker seems to be really difficult to deal with for most matchups.
20 HP potion in Diablo :)
What a golden animation wasted!
I like golden animation
Complete and utter garbage. This should cost 1 or 2 at max, but not 3, that for sure
Is it just me or is this card TERRIBLE?
Demonfuse's brother?
illidan bro you gotta love this
Mal'Ganis meta... ( oh no it's out of standard!)
blessing of might don't give your minion hp and thats means you can only use this card for good to kill big minion but not for a minion who will still alive more time , but this potion give 3 hp and i find it good because you can use it on void walker 4/6 to protect your minions and if you don't like this card then use demonfire 3/5 void walker protect your minions too
Drrriiiiinnkk, Grommash Hellscream. Claim your destiny!
Groomash Hellscream : sorry im warrior class i cannot drink this :D
We never see this card. We have Demonfire , why do we use this garbage?
Would Djinni of Zephyrs gain the health bonus if this spell was used on a friendly demon?
Why are you upset that Warlock is getting a variety of different cards? One aggro card doesn't mean all the rest of the Warlock cards are for aggro.
It could have been decent if the conditional was "If its a demon, refound 3 mana"... I guess this card is just there so we have some bad potions options for the other card that adds random potions...
everyone seems rely upset about this card. using claims like "cold blood and blessing of kings cost 1 mana" what i don't get is why that means anything for warlock.
Demonfuse of this expansion.
But giving +3 +3 for 3 mana is what should be baseline. It should not be a conditionnal reward. Actually, +3 +3 for 3 mana is not that amazing. This card is +3 attack for 3 mana, or +3 +3 in specific decks. That's just plain bad. Oh and it is a buff to the minion, it doesn't heal the hero, it would have been specified clearly if it did.