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The poll is flipping me off!
Wait until the Goons can do it themselves.
Discover cards are so slow against aggro.
Hunter with Divine Favor PogChamp!
Well, more buffs to Steward of Darkshire.
I like the Golden Animation (In Honor of Pansaer)
Nope, Sir Finley Mrrgglton costs 1 and discovers, if you mean by a "card" maybe yes, however, maybe still above choose of Jeweled Scarab
I think Bork means the cheapest of the three tri-class discover cards that've been released in this set
Oh, if its that, yes
So can Hunters discover Warrior cards? (etc)
Yes, when you play Grimestreet Informant you can choose from 3 cards: A Hunter, Paladin or Warrior card.
Finally we can have Starving Buzzard, Eye for an Eye and Cursed Blade in one card.
Surprisingly enough, Eye for an Eye and Cursed Blade actually synergizes.
It doesn't need to. Enemy hits your face for five. It deals ten instead because of cursed blade. Secret triggers and gives him ten too.
I forgot how Cursed Blade actually works. terrible card in constructed.
Control Warrior maybe if meta is slow enough. Great in Arena though (I guess like 70 Heartharena points)