Blackrock 'n' Roll

Card Text
Give all minions in your deck Attack and Health equal to their Cost.
Flavor Text
Thank goodness it's not called Black-ska Mountain.
Give all minions in your deck Attack and Health equal to their Cost.
Thank goodness it's not called Black-ska Mountain.
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Warsong Commander charge giants combo
It should be noted that it ADDS to the attack and health, not replaces. Big minions will be even bigger and smaller minions will get a good buff.
Example: A 3 cost 1-3 will turn into a 3 cost 4-6, not a 3-3
Blizzard shits on warrior again!
Molten/naga Giant OTK in wild with charge spell and partycrashers/shadow hunter Voljin + Conquerous banner and crystallizer, AND WINDFURY ICELORD
This is like Deck of Chaos but somehow even worse, lol
Just terrible.
If it would be hand+deck, it would be really interesting. But to play a 5 and need to draw afterwards and THAN get a benefit is not even slow, thats just bullshit.
Wrong. Control Warrior will have no trouble finding time to play this.
I love you, Big Recruit Warrior.
Completely overpowered and a perfect example of the insane power creep?
No, of course not, don't worry Blizzard.
Wow, this card sucks dick.