
Card Text
After you cast a spell
on a friendly minion, set
its Attack and Health to
the higher of the two.
Flavor Text
He's a great judge of character.
After you cast a spell
on a friendly minion, set
its Attack and Health to
the higher of the two.
He's a great judge of character.
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This will be addition to naga priest.
This is a cool design but knowing how Priest buff's work, this might as well read "When a spell is cast on a friendly minion, set it's attack equal to it's health"
but it works the other way around too; it heals minions as well back to full hp if their attack > health
True, tho with a lot of the priest minions and buffs, they have higher health than attack. But it is a good point that you can attack into something and then go back to full
Isn't it "highest"?
There he is, the trans icon
"In his mortal life, Pelagos presented as a woman, though he doesn't remember what his name or race was. He never felt that his body represented who he was inside and struggled with that identity his whole life. After his death, his soul was sent to Bastion and was reborn as a kyrian with a male form. He was greatly excited by this, as it meant that his appearance finally matched who he was on the inside. He has noted that his mortal family likely wouldn't recognize him anymore."
From Wowpedia from the Biography section on Pelagos
Wow, i didnt know this, thanks
This card will spawn an aggro type of res priest
"For you see, mr. Holmes. I was the inner fire all along!"