Commander Sivara

Card Text
Battlecry: If you've cast
three spells while holding
this, add those spells back
to your hand.@ ({0} left!)@ (Ready!)
Flavor Text
With six legs, gills, and an impressive array of magic, Sivara is an all-terrain-spellcaster.
Mistermath's Card Ratings for Voyage to the Sunken City:
Drawing comparisons with Queen Azshara, this card really shows the internal synergy in the set - spells get you nagas and empower them, nagas get you spells and empower them, and so on and so forth. Commander Sivara might be gated by the fact that you only get spells that you've cast (which are likely to be cheap, low-value ones), but that might just be exactly what you want to turn on your other nagas quickly, such as Queen Azshara. You do need to put in the work to make this worthwhile, but it's pretty good when it's good.
great card for Ignite Mage: another re-draw / +1 cycling. hell you can even repick Hot Streak to combo it hard. hope it wont clone the card tho
I assume it's the first three spells.
Simulacrum (epic mage spell) + this = and u can go infinity
This card is insane strong.
Hero power mage... Or anything else... Amy simgle mage deck apart from a 25 minions one can play this.
Lots of good 1-cost spells...if they aren't rotating. Can never keep track of that. But the hero power dream lives on!