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    posted a message on What Hero has the best overall set of Legendaries?

    Rogue is way under-loved.  First, we all know that Bloodmage is really a rogue-legend in disguise.  Second Edwin is a great low cost legend, as is Xaril.  Gotta love the early game in rogue decks, because that is where it is at.  

    The best rogue decks (read: most fun) are control rogue decks, and in control decks where you tank up with huge class-less legends for the late game, surviving the early game is critical.

    Also, I don't have and wouldn't likely run Anubarak, but everytime I can draw him from the one drop I do.  He is so boss with n'Zoth.  I had three of those guys on the board one time.  I vote paladin < warlock < Rogue (and I will pan warrior - we all know that warrior only gets a nod because of grommash who is total BS).

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on [Legend] Zoo

    I too think ooze is a must keep as the doomhammer is this deck's nightmare.  Also helpful against eaglehorn,

    Posted in: [Legend] Zoo
  • 0

    posted a message on [S27] FAST CLIMB Aggro Druid

    Cool deck, I think this works well because everyone is expecting C'Thun Druid.  Playing living roots doesn't tip your hands (but some of the druids do).  The burst spell damage is awesome and there is decent card draw. 

    Had a satisfying victory over control priest where he was doing crazy stuff like pain killing his own soul priest so he could heal his face again.  came out with a near victory right when I was running out of cards.

    Mrrgglto is the hero of this deck when you get lifetap or even better hunter power.  It is really nice playing mrrggllton later so you can tap your own power and then your new power on the same turn if you are low on cards.  

    I wonder how it will fare against AggroCancer Shaman or ZoOP?

    Posted in: [S27] FAST CLIMB Aggro Druid
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    posted a message on Majordomo Executus

    And how many turns / how much mana do you have to spend just to have a non-doa hero?  Wouldn't he usually die in the mean time?  Even with Thaurissan in the deck the mana cost of this 'combo' is prohibited.  

    I am looking for a reason not to dust him - any thoughts?

    Posted in: Majordomo Executus
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    posted a message on Divine Aggro (84% WR to legend)

    I whole heartedly agree that You usually either win early or are dead by turn 10 also the deck you have isn't particularly spell heavy making Yogg a poor add.  


    I built a spell heavy aggro-Yogg deck for my second account (I don't have as many minions but lucked into opening a Yogg when WOG was released).


    The deck is a sort of budget + yogg aggro paladin deck  (I also lucked into opening lay on hands - the only other non-budget card in the deck).

    The deck seems to perform okay in standard - especially given that it is a budget deck.  I was looking for ways to improve it when I stumbled on your deck.  (I learned more weapons was the answer).

    Anyway, by building a tech heavy aggro deck in your deck's sort of style, I made Yogg a natural fit because like you say, you need to win early or you will likely loose.  So Yogg is a great compliment to that aggro strategy because he only rarely wins the game, but as he has so much impact (and often draws a ton of card and clears the board (often even himself) he can turn around a game that you were winning and then started loosing where you still happen to be holding on by turn 10.

    Aggro paladin has an awesome start with the shields, but it often gets held up a few points shy of lethal by taunts or a Reno.

    Posted in: Divine Aggro (84% WR to legend)
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    posted a message on [80% Win Rate] N'zoth Hunter

     infested tauren works well with nzoth - alwauys nice to have him  bring back taunt

    Posted in: [80% Win Rate] N'zoth Hunter
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    posted a message on [FastClimb] Cheap ZOO - in depth...

    AOE only exists because of zoo and aggro shaman ATM.  If it wasn't for those two no one would need low dmg AOE.  So, jsut cause you got hit by AOE says nothing about this deck per se.

    I think it is a great budget deck and clearly even great without the budget qualifier.

    Posted in: [FastClimb] Cheap ZOO - in depth...
  • 1

    posted a message on [FastClimb] Cheap ZOO - in depth...

    you dusted juggler?  because his ATK got nerfed from 3 to 2?

    Were you not familiar with him?  I put him in decks where the juggle wasn't needed before on stats alone.  The nerf just made him merely great, instead of flat out 's#!7-your-pants' OP.

    The nerf was appropriate, but he is still really useful in any cheap minion style deck (aggro paladin still gets use out of him).  Poor unloved juggler.

    Posted in: [FastClimb] Cheap ZOO - in depth...
  • 2

    posted a message on [TOP Legend] Forsen´s Renounced ZOO - Great fun!

    are you serious?  The whole point of renounce is so you can have explosive early game and RNG into middle-late game cards.  I usually sit on renounce for a few turns - even tapping a few times while holding it just so I have something good to play once I get the RNG cards.

    I think the strategy for renounce is to build a zoo deck, but to play it like a hybrid of zoo and handlock so 1) the opponent is confused and 2) so that you play out your good cheap stuff and discard the crap (situational cards that you didn't have the situation to make use of) when you throw renounce.  

    That's the same reason secret paladin is great - midway through the game you get to toss a bunch of your cheap crap out leaving you with a hand that's more fit for mid to late game.



    Posted in: [TOP Legend] Forsen´s Renounced ZOO - Great fun!
  • -1

    posted a message on [FastClimb] Cheap ZOO - in depth...

    SO UNIQUE?!?!?!?

    What is unique about this?  I think the most unconventional pick here is cult master.  It is a great list though and I appreciate the cheap factor - but there are a lot of familiar faces here.

    Posted in: [FastClimb] Cheap ZOO - in depth...
  • 0

    posted a message on Divine Aggro (84% WR to legend)

    I feel that rallying blade is sort of gimmicky and overpriced - same for blood knight.  

    I have a similar deck with yogg at the 10 spot 




    Posted in: Divine Aggro (84% WR to legend)
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    posted a message on Ancient Harbinger

    I was thinking handlock modified to hold a 10 cost minion, such as a deathrattle focussed handlock with N'Zoth, or a Cthun handlock.

    I was probably on the wrong page and just thinking of decks where the goal is to stall and stall and stall to the late game.  In particular decks where you would have taunt to protect this guy for at least one turn (such as handlock).  He is a super vulnerable minion - decent health, but he has a big target on him if turn 10 is approaching or past.

    Posted in: Ancient Harbinger
  • 1

    posted a message on Varian Wrynn is severely unplayable right now.

    So, that Artwork guy compares so unfavorably with N'Zoth that it could be fair to say that he is obsolete.  As you said, battlecry is his enemy.  The same can be said for N'Zoth who prefers deathrattle.  

    NZoth is very controllable where your guys is total RNG.

    Long live N'Zoth, the new keeper of wild secrets.  Seriously a wild Secret Keeper N'Zoth Deck is nuts!  I hope we get some worthwhile deathrattles in the next expansion.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on Yogg-Saron, Hope's End

    Played Yogg, didn't lose - today was a good day.

    My deck is a budget aggro paladin deck - Yogg is the Hail Mary pass when we are down in the 4th quarter.  I say budget because I randomly opened Yogg - one of my few legends and the only one in the deck for that particular account.

    Posted in: Yogg-Saron, Hope's End
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    posted a message on Have You Heard About Our Lord & Saviour Yogg-Saron? (ARCHIVED)

    Played Yogg, didn't lose - today was a good day.

    My deck is a budget aggro paladin deck - Yogg is the Hail Mary pass when we are down in the 4th quarter.

    Posted in: Have You Heard About Our Lord & Saviour Yogg-Saron? (ARCHIVED)
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