Serious question: upvote my comment if you care at all about Master's Tour, downvote if you don't care whatsoever.
- lostkiwi
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Dendroid posted a message on Changes to the Masters Tour and Qualifiers!Posted in: News -
KanjiG posted a message on Kazakus, Golem ShaperPosted in: Kazakus, Golem ShaperAlso if you care about the card art
KanjiG posted a message on Kazakus, Golem ShaperPosted in: Kazakus, Golem ShaperTheres 3 Golems you choose from
(1) Mana Golem
(5) Mana Golem
(10) Mana Golem
Effects scale on the Mana Cost of the Golem you choose
First pick 1 in a pool of 3 out of 6 possible effects
- Swiftthistle - Rush
- Earthroot - Taunt
- Sungrass - Divine Shield
- Liferoot - Lifesteal
- Fadeleaf - Stealth
- Grave Moss - Poisonous
Second pick
- Battlecry: Give your other minions +1/+1. / +2/+2 / +4/+4
- Battlecry: Summon a copy of this.
- Battlecry: Freeze a random enemy minion. / 2 enemy minions / 3 enemy minions
- Battlecry: Deal 3 damage to a random enemy minion / 2 minions / 3 minions.
- Spell Damage +1 / +2 / +4
- Battlecry: Draw a card. / 2 cards / 4 cards
Phantom_Noway posted a message on Should lackeys be nerfed?Posted in: General DiscussionJust make random dragon or spell. Not need to discover
HSam posted a message on Legend doesn't feel that LegendaryPosted in: General DiscussionLegend was never really a test of skill anyway, it's just a grind. And I'm happy that you have to grind less.
TheAtticus posted a message on New Warrior Card Reveal: Unidentified ShieldSpiked Shield = Arcanite Reaper + Iron Hide
Tower Shield +10 = a s***load of Armor
Gotta say, this is probably my favorite of the Unidentified cards.
YJHS2000 posted a message on New Paladin Quest - The Last KaleidosaurPosted in: Card DiscussionCompare Galvadon to Amara, Warden of Hope (the priest quest reward). If your first three adapts are +3 attack, +3 health, and taunt, they are the same minion. Now, for the rest, would you rather have "Adapt twice" or "set you health to 40." Think about at that. And if you still think Galvadon is better, is it so much better that the quest should be so much harder?
Compare Galvadon to Queen Carnassa (Hunter quest reward). If your first two adapts are +3 attack and +3 health, they are the same minion. Now, for the rest, would you rather have "Adapt thrice" or "add 15 3/2 raptors to your deck that draw a card when played"?
The only toss up for me is Megafin (Shaman quest reward). If your first two adapts are +3 attack and +3 health, they are the same minion. Now, for the rest, would you rather have "Adapt thrice" or "fill your hand with murlocs"? In most cases, except maybe a murloc deck, Galvadon is better. But I don't really care that Shaman got shafted with their quest since they've been on top for a year now and are keeping more than enough good cards.
Yes, Galvadon has potential otk value depending on your RNG in the adapts and whether your opponent has answers. But unlike the other rewards (except maybe Megafin) it also has the potential to suck. At least with Megafin, the build-around deck is playable.
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I am hoping they never fix it, I hate that card more than any other in standard.
I think Sire Denathrius should only affect enemy minions. That would still make it stronger than Raid Boss Onyxia, which was previously considered the strongest standard 10 drop in the game. The results are similar, it would be a board clear with a strong body left on the board. Only with Denathrius, it would also provide healing, and that body also has lifesteal.
The current issue is that the person who draws Denathrius earliest and avoids having it stolen usually wins the game.
Thanks for the posts.
I have since had some success with Mech Paladin, which I would say that I am slightly favored with.
However, there have been some really interesting suggestions. I completely forgot about Hex even being in the core set. If you put that on minions such as Mountain Bear then that would totally screw up their gameplan, which is basically to Revive Pet their big units and grind you down.
It is fixed now, you can complete the task. It was a server hotfix, so no update is required.
I echo the sentiments though that this should never have happened in the first place. This was obviously never properly tested, which is inexcusable for a company of this size with a game that is played by so many consumers.
It was ultimately Gaby who threw that game through. He played the Silence the turn before summoning the weapon, and presumably forgot that Levik hadn't played the second Bless. You could see him realize immediately after playing the turn, realizing that he had left units on board with no way of answering them. His visible frustration was at himself after he realized he had left Levik an out, and Levik had the cards in hand to punish him for that.
Playing the silence that turn was a mistake. He should have tanked some damage and saved it for his final pop-off turn when he summoned the weapon. Most of Leviks board would have been cleaned up by the Pyro summon/silence combo, and Levik would have been stranded with a weak board, 1 mana, and no way of answering the face damage from the weapon.
I worked it out, the wording isn't very clear. They both need to die at the same time.
The only way I know of doing this with the cards you are provided is to use the AOE version of starfall, or discover another AOE with Nature Studies. I was offered Lightning Storm from Nature Studies, which is a bit weird since it's not a Druid Spell.
Overall, this is a pretty challenging fight.
This is the fight against Queen Ashara
The fight goes through many phases, where you need to beat specific minions that she summons, in order to progress to the new phase.
After a few phases, she summons two unique minions. However, they have text that they can only be killed by the other unique minion. If you kill them with any of your minions or abilities, then they simply respawn.
However, you have no way of taking control of either of them, so you can't kill them by their text requirement. Meaning you simply try and hold onto the board until your enevitable death.
What am I overlooking?
Many thanks
Oh true. Now the 1 mana cost increase makes a lot more sense
I saw the combo with Pandaren Importer while watching some of the streams. It's a rogue combo, as:
All that it required was that you had a weapon equipped, and had all possible spells in your starting deck except Shadowstep
The combo is still going to be possible after the nerf, since Brann is 3 mana, Pandaren is 3 mana and Fogsail is 2 mana. But it does mean loading your deck up with a lot of spells that you probably will never use.
Whilst I imagine that this is simply going to be full of priests running Seek Guidance, I managed a quick win with mage using Deck of Lunacy and a deck full of high-cost spells. Although I will say that the new pool of generated cards are not as strong as they used to be, on account of being watered down from some of the new spells released in the last expansion (for example Shield Shatter)