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Do AFK farmers still happen at higher MMR? >>
by lostkiwi
1 855
Important note for those trying to collect all of the new mercs >>
by lostkiwi
2 1,395
I think they should add a pity timer to legendaries in Merc packs... >>
by lostkiwi
4 1,102
What counters Big Beast Hunter? >>
by lostkiwi
11 3,014
How do you do the last fight for the new Fealins book of heroes? >>
by lostkiwi
1 4,310
Are the star bonus rankings based on your final rank before reset, or your best rank across the month? >>
by lostkiwi
7 1,870
When (or if) do you think they will release Curse of Naxxramas for classic? >>
by lostkiwi
0 934
Post your infinite combo for beating the heroic solo adventures >>
by lostkiwi
0 1,107
What is your opinion on the hardest Solo Adventure Card Back? >>
by lostkiwi
0 1,626
What Class do you think is hardest hit with basic/standard rotation >>
by lostkiwi
18 3,887
Isn't the third expansion usually in December? >>
by lostkiwi
5 1,182
Does anyone else's Solo Adventures still say 'new' after clearing the Book of Heroes >>
by lostkiwi
8 3,453
Thoughts on the power rankings on the tribes >>
by lostkiwi
8 4,917
I have a question about the no dup rule >>
by lostkiwi
9 640
Calling a new Wild meta now: >>
by lostkiwi
5 1,712
What happens if you repurchase adventures you already own? >>
by lostkiwi
5 2,630
What's the most amount of damage you can do in your first 3 turns on an empty board? >>
by lostkiwi
36 3,764