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    posted a message on Three New Warlock Card Reveals: Amethyst Spellstone & More

    This is turning out to be the best expansion ever! I was just saying awhile back that there are so much Class identity mechanics like Totems, self-damage, etc. that are not explored by Blizzard, and we're finally getting them!

    Also, this expansion seems to focus alot more on deckbuilding, which I really enjoy.

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on New Warlock Card Reveal: Voidlord

    I think this won't be that good in existing DemonLock decks (because you'd much rather summon other Demons over Voidwalkers), but will be great in Control Warlocks that run Bloodreaver Gul'dan with very few Demons.


    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Mage Secret Reveal: Explosive Runes

    A little too strong IMO. For Aggro/Tempo Mage, this card has no downsides because it will either kill a big minion or deal a ton of damage to face, not to mention if played for free with Secret synergy.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Paladin Card Reveal: Lesser Pearl Spellstone

    Does this only apply to Healing to your Hero? Or does it count Healing to friendly minions as well?

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Paladin Card Reveal: Lesser Pearl Spellstone

    What's the upgrade? Summon x1/2/3 2/2 minion(s) with Taunt?

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Shaman Legendary Card Reveal: Grumble, Worldshaker

    The synergy with Rumbling Elemental in Wild!

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Who else is glad that Warrior is currently dead?

    I don't understand why people think its fine for a class to go extinct simply because it had some cancerous deck in the past. If we go by that logic then every class should be extinct. The real root problem is that Blizzard keeps implementing all the class identities in the most boring/braindead way possible.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 6

    posted a message on Who else is glad that Warrior is currently dead?
    Quote from CrovaxTheCursed >>

    I'm with OP, I've always hated Warrior as a class. Either they were the grindiest control deck, or the face-est aggro deck, never in the middle.

    Still, nothing is as bad as Priest. For a long time, Warrior took the cake, but now that Priest is actually good, it's really intolerable. The only reason why I haven't quit yet is because Druid and Rogue are at the top.

    Before everyone cries to me about being a Druid player, I've always been a Druid main, even when they were in the dumpster (Rogue too), so just keep it to yourself. You may like playing Priest and Warrior, but I enjoy Rogue and Druid. Agree to disagree.

    When was Druid ever "in the dumpster"? Druid has been Tier 1 since the beginning. Pre-Old Gods had pre-nerf Force of Nature+Savage Roar Druid, one of the longest cancers ever in Hearthstone. Old Gods had C'Thun Druid, strong but not cancerous, but boring. Then we have Token Druid and Jade Druid since Mean Streets.
    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 0

    posted a message on Savagery.... Good?

    If it could target face then maybe it could see play in some jank OTK deck? As of now its way easier to enable Lesser Jasper Spellstone.

    Posted in: Druid
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    posted a message on Branching Paths

    What are you talking about? Druid has been Tier 1 since the beginning. Pre-nerf Force of Nature+Savage Roar Druid was one of the longest cancers in Hearthstone. Then we had C'Thun Druid. Finally, Token Druid and Jade Druid are still cancers to this day.

    Posted in: Branching Paths
  • 3

    posted a message on Branching Paths

    This card is seriously underrated. It is already better than Greater Healing Potion (Armor > healing, can counter Combo decks) AND still has the flexibility on top of that. Drawing 1 card and gaining 6 Armor is a slightly worse Shield Block, while drawing 2 cards is a slightly worse Arcane Intellect. Paying 1 more mana for the card draw is worth it because of Druid's ability to ramp.

    The +1 Attack option is pretty underwhelming, but I think that's fair (Token Druid doesn't need anymore help). It is also common in existing Choose One effects for one effect to be weaker than the other.

    Posted in: Branching Paths
  • 0

    posted a message on Kobolds Reveal Season Kicks Off! Newly Revealed Cards Within

    Think of it as a Misdirection that always hits an enemy minion. Doesn't sound so weak anymore does it?

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on Kobolds Reveal Season Kicks Off! Newly Revealed Cards Within

    Love the direction they are taking with Rogue for this expansion. Flavor-wise, Rogues have always been the best Class for Secrets (Trickery, Stealth).

    Also, Rogues getting Control tools instead of more Tempo cards will hopefully lower the power level of Rogues in Arena to the level of other classes.

    Hopefully this will also enable more Control-oriented Rogue decks.

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Kathrena Winterwisp

    Might work in a deck that only runs 1-Cost Beasts (to compete in the early game) and BIG Beasts (Savannah Highmane, King Krush, etc.), with Tol'vir Wardens to empty your deck of 1-Cost Beasts before playing Kathrena Winterwisp.

    Posted in: Kathrena Winterwisp
  • 3

    posted a message on What got you to the next level?

    After each game, look back at what you could've done differently to change the outcome of each game. Some losses are simply due to luck, but some are actually preventable.

    The low hanging fruits are learning how to draft better (great advice from HearthstoneDailyQuests above), mulligan better, ration removals wisely, minion positioning.

    Additional advice on drafting: Initially, you'll want to draft cards that lean towards the class' strengths (eg. Rogue is usually stronger as an Aggro/Tempo deck, Mage is usually stronger as a Control deck, etc.). However, it may not always go that way depending on the options offered to you. You will then have to tweak your drafts to lean towards that archetype (eg. If you find yourself drafting a lot of low cost cards as a Mage, you should then avoid high cost AoE board clears and focus on drafting Aggro/Midrange minions and burn Spells instead).

    Playing around common cards like Firelands Portal is a must, however at high wins, you also have to play around rarer cards (eg. At 10+ wins, expect every Mage you come across to have 1 or even multiple Flamestrike(s), expect every Rogue to have Vilespine Slayer, etc.). If you continue playing the same way you did at low wins, you won't get very far.

    IMO, one of the most underrated skills in arena is knowing when to play safe vs when to go all in. I've seen many players take unnecessary risk, when playing safe would've guaranteed a win, only for the opponent to topdeck an answer, then they simply blame it on luck, even though the outcome could've been prevented altogether. Even more difficult is having the instinct to go all in against all odds at the right time, right before any chance of winning disappears. Almost anyone can pilot a good deck to 10+ wins, but not many players can pilot a garbage deck to 5+ wins. When playing a bad deck, you have to take huge risks to reach high wins.


    Posted in: The Arena
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