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    posted a message on Divine Favor in Midrange Paladin

    Title is pretty self-explanatory, but I wanted to get the community's opinion on Divine Favor in midrange paladin. I know this card is primarily used in eboladin decks, but considering all the freeze mage, handlock, and control warrior matchups where paladin can run out of steam, I would think this card would see more play in midrange paladin. I've been testing the card with pretty strong results, but there are occasions where it's a dead card (i.e. facehunter, zoolock, mech mage...). 


    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on The card I would like to see Paladin get.

     I like the idea, but this card would never last more than a turn. The fact that it has taunt actually hurts is because you can't protect it from your opponent and they will certainly be aiming to take this card out ASAP. Its lack of attack also makes it a dead card on the board unless you buffed it with something. I like the idea but definitely don't like the card.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on One or two quartermasters

    I personally love running two Quartermaster. The key to running two is never fearing dropping one as you need. Plenty of people wait to drop it for a combo with Muster for Battle or until they've built up at least two silverhand recruits on the board. 

    I'm here to tell you not to do that.

    If you run two, you MUST be willing to drop one even if you only have a single silverhand recruit on the board. Don't even fear playing one if it means a board swing in your favor, even if you want to wait to amplify it's effect. 

    While Coghammer is an incredibly versatile card, we have enough weapons in our deck. In addition, Coghammer will never make someone quit. Try dropping Quartermaster with three silverhand recruits on the board and see what your opponent does.

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on Aggro is the worst desease

    I know they're tough to deal with at first, but there are definitely deck types out there that handle them well. A mid-range deck with some healing (Antique Healbot) coupled with some board control, crumbles them. Personally, I play mid-range Quartermaster pally and I eat aggro decks up for breakfast (unless they pull a PERFECT opening, then no deck can really stop them. Happens very little.)

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Hearthstone Fatigue Puzzle (Difficult)
    Quote from Royy90 »

    Something with clockwork giant be mirror entity-ed, after that some millhouse play from both.

    Probably is this wrong, but first(and only) thing i can up to so fast...

    You're absolutely on the right track. With both players already taking fatigue damage and one player only having just started turn 7, the only way this turn of events could have occurred is if both players used Millhouse Manastorm and, particularly the mage, drew into a whole schlew of draw cards. After that, I'm at a loss.

    Possibly an Unstable Portal into Fel Reaver play? I think a combination of Millhouse, Fel Reaver, and Jeeves is the answer.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Looking for quick help for wording a card.

    Same; looks good.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on I don't like knife juggler in Paladin

    I've always loved Knife Juggler in my mid-range paladin deck. The obvious combo for him typically involves Muster for Battle, which is pretty devastating to early-midgame board transitional period. He synergizes with every creature your deck plays and synergizes with your hero power in a way most cards (especially early-game plays) don't.

    I've seen the arguments against Knife Juggler and, while compelling, I'm still not sold. For every story about Argent Protector synergizing a divine shield minion into another for a nice play, you have stories of knife juggler using his ability to either wipe a board, kill a single high-octane minion, foster a kill-shot on the opposing heroes face, or drop an opposing minion's health low enough to offer a more compelling trade. Knife Juggler also gets value over a span of turns versus Argent Protector's value being used up for a single divine shield. If your opponent cannot deal with Knife Juggler within a single turn, he becomes a major problem your opponent must deal with.

    As stated above, he also acts as a removal magnet. If someone wastes a Frostbolt or a Rockbiter Weapon on him, I consider that a win every single time. These are cards with high mid-late game value that they're forced to burn on a 2-drop, which I think everyone can agree is a trade you take every single game.

    Practically speaking, a 3/2 body for 2 is already a pretty sweet deal. His ability already works well, but the extra tick of damage helps to give him extra value if he dies by weapon or needs to get launched into a 3-health creature (I'm looking at you, Piloted Shredder).

    I can see the biggest weakness argument that I'm going to address now: Absolutely garbage card in the face of most warrior decks. His ability up against Grim PatronArmorsmith, or Frothing Berserker is basically signing your death wish. To that I say: it's a numbers game. How many variations of decks will you find on the ladder? Are you really not going to run this high-value card-- which synergizes perfectly with your hero power and bring insane 2-drop value to the board-- because it's weak against a single deck? I don't see it.

    One last point: Knife Juggler+Equality= GG.

    Posted in: Paladin
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    posted a message on Pricing for New Hero Skins
    Quote from MechBearCat »
    Quote from elcubano24 »
    Quote from MechBearCat »

    Those "idiots" are paying for your free entertainment, as well as any other upcoming f2p Blizzard game (hots says hello). You should be grateful.

    That said, it's worth it to keep a very close eye on the direction of the game.

    That's not fair to say. F2p has been around for years now as an effective means to get you to, in most cases (especially with competitive gaming), spend WAY more than you would on a single game. Those games run on the idea that playing entirely free does not make the game as fun unless you pour some money into it; Blizzard has quickly become the king of getting gamers to pour serious cash into their f2p games (I'm most definitely looking at you, HotS). 

    At it's core, your point is valid: technically the game is entirely f2p if you choose and I'm sure you can find a few highly-competitive gamers out there who haven't spent a dime on it. That being said, between the borederline mandatory expansions, coupled with many players buying packs due to the chump-change amount of dust you get from d/e'ing a card or getting your pack (maybe two on a good day) from doing dailies, Blizzard is being VERY WELL compensated for your playing time.

    Do not let Blizzard fool you.

    Yeah, it's true that the f2p community does a lot for the game, simply due to them playing and spreading the word. People often underestimate the value of that (Blizzard certainly doesn't).

    But fact remains, someone has to open his or her wallet. Insulting those few % just feels wrong to me, even if I would personally never spend several hundred dollars on Hearthstone. But as I said, the naming and shaming will definitely happen.

    I agree with your point: someone has to pay the money to keep this great f2p game going.

    From a financial standpoint, this makes sense for Blizzard on multiple levels: minimal time to make it, virtually pure profit on it, and now Blizzard can say it's come out with "new" content in between expansions. 

    For most players-- even among the non-f2p ones-- this is still a disappointment. Players hoping for additional game-relevant content will not be happy Blizzard is wasting time with cosmetic updates that could go to a game addition with in-game benefits. Cosmetic changes are good for a slim majority of those that pay for anything game-wise; the bulk of their wallet-opening gamers will not be shelling out $9.99 a skin. $9.99 a skin is major money for a relatively small change.

    It doesn't even come with an additional deck slot-- COME ON!

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Pricing for New Hero Skins
    Quote from MechBearCat »

    Those "idiots" are paying for your free entertainment, as well as any other upcoming f2p Blizzard game (hots says hello). You should be grateful.

    That said, it's worth it to keep a very close eye on the direction of the game.

    That's not fair to say. F2p has been around for years now as an effective means to get you to, in most cases (especially with competitive gaming), spend WAY more than you would on a single game. Those games run on the idea that playing entirely free does not make the game as fun unless you pour some money into it; Blizzard has quickly become the king of getting gamers to pour serious cash into their f2p games (I'm most definitely looking at you, HotS). 

    At it's core, your point is valid: technically the game is entirely f2p if you choose and I'm sure you can find a few highly-competitive gamers out there who haven't spent a dime on it. That being said, between the borederline mandatory expansions, coupled with many players buying packs due to the chump-change amount of dust you get from d/e'ing a card or getting your pack (maybe two on a good day) from doing dailies, Blizzard is being VERY WELL compensated for your playing time.

    Do not let Blizzard fool you.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on What do you want/expect in the next set?
    Quote from jenkinspaool »

    Paladin Hard Removal. Not sure how it would work for balance so correct me if need be, but playing pally I always have moments where I wished I had some type of hard removal for single targets.

    ANY upgrade to Paladin (not that the class is weak by any measure) would be welcome from this Pally veteran :)

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on I Just Got Milled

    I love the originality of mill rogue, but losing on the ladder to a mill rogue is one of the worst losing experiences I could have...

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on If you could make one class-specific card neutral...

    Hey everyone!

    I was responding to another player's forum post regarding new utilities within Grim Patron warrior decks and I brought up that I didn't particularly understand why Iron Juggernaut was a warrior-specific card, considering it's effect wasn't particularly warrior-specific and could have broad applications in other decks. Which got me thinking...

    If you could make one class-specific card neutral, which would it be and why? Try and be fair with your card selection and make it something that could have broad application in other classes.

    If you really want to go in-depth, tell us which class would get the most use out of the new neutral card and why?

    Remember: only one card!

    Posted in: General Deck Building
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    posted a message on What do you want/expect in the next set?
    Quote from DatJake »

    There was a really good post in another thread about added "Make your opponent discard 2 cards" effect or something like this to counter the current combo meta that is happening i really like this idea. 

    As a former MtG player, discard decks were always my favorite. That being said, I get the feeling Blizzard is trying to stay away from introducing discard into Heathstone because of how potent it can be. Discard is a particularly tough form of control to counter and I think Blizzard is trying to restrict Hearthstone to different forms of board control versus hand control. Not to say that limited mill and hand control doesn't already exist, but cards designed to force your opponent to discard cards in his hand would play havoc on lots of decks in a way that would hurt the overall game.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on More deck slots?
    Quote from SysGen21 »

    I feel the need for yelling at strangers right now. So I came here.

    This is just ridiculous. C'mon Blizzard, you REALLY need to work on this one. I'm playing a lot of different decks and I'm tired of deleting and creating them again. Recently I've submitted a lot of my decks here on HearthPwn not to forget any, but when I need to try something out in the game I need to delete one of my precious decks just to recreate it few minutes later, thats just plain stupid! And the worst thing is that I can't really do anything about it other then complain to you guys. Truly the first world problem.

    Do. Something. About. It. Period.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on How Fighting Combo Warrior Feels
    Quote from Horrible76 »

    The reason it's not as bad as Face Hunter is because there ARE actually things you can do.  When playing against a Patron Warrior deck, you get at least 8 turns to prepare for what's coming.  Maybe you'll be able to stop it, maybe you won't, but at least you get to play your deck.


    If I could upvote this reply twice I would. Patron warrior is a legitimate strategy that, while effective, can most certainly be stopped. Flamestrike, Equality and Consecration, and Hellfire all exist as optimal board-clears for the inevitable "everybody, get in here!" rush. Those options are only the board-clear cards available, never mind the numerous huge taunts and single-target control cards most classes have available to them.

    Is it a tough deck to stop? Yes. Is it impossible to stop? Absolutely not.


    Posted in: General Discussion
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