• 5

    posted a message on Hearthstone Season 38 Begins - Sunwell

    Great cardback, looks awesome. Top 5 card backs of all time?

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  • 0

    posted a message on Best Un'Goro Standard Decks for End of Season Ladder Climbing

    Danm I wanted to click Legend 1 as option :(

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    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.16 - Submission Topic


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  • 0

    posted a message on Hearthstone Price Changes Coming to Europe for PC, Mac, and Android

    Same whales who donate $2600 to some hot twitch grills xD.... Even the best streamers/PRO players with like 20k viewers have their highest donation usually be $400 or so. Then you go to some hot twitch grills channel with 500-1000 viewers and their highest donation is $2000-$3000. ( I wasnt only talking about HS)

    I mean its their money which they choose to spend, none of my business, reguarding buying cards. If you buy a lot of packs like 100+, you need to play the game a lot. Otherwise it's thrown away money. But if you play a lot, you probably saved up a lot of gold to buy more packs so you spend less money. I play quite a lot, and saved up 6.8k. Would be more if didnt try arena challenge this month :P.

     So i dont get why people would buy like 700 packs.


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  • 0

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.08 - Final Poll

    I want to say that I try to design my cards with a power level of 7-9 out of 10 and some interesting effect in my opinion. Mostly probably because I want to see cards which are competitively viable :). My opinions tho :D and partially response to Dxiled. Keep in mind that my look on cards is mostly from a competitive point of view as I hit legend consistently and have finished top 100. Bolt is my text, normal was Dxiled his text.

    Reload - 3/5: Simple, but effective. Not much more to say. Like the design, the draw a card makes it a non-dead card against if you don't have a weapon. My favorite designed card out of these since its 3 mana draw a card or when you have a eagle horn bow out its really good, but it does nothing for the board which makes it fair.

    Darnassus Soothsayer - 4/5: Creative. I don't know about viable, since Druid has a hard time gaining a lot of Armor. But its probably fun. 6/5 for 5 mana is a viable statline and when you have armor its usually good. Hard to pull off as most druid don't have armor at turn 5 or later turns without set up first. 

    Daedorn Cinderbeard - 1/5: Not creative at all, pretty much a Kazakus rip off. Not only that, he's overpowered as crap. Kazakus has -3 stats from vanilla, and has the no dupes condition. This has -2 stats from vanilla, has no condition, and only costs (1) more overall.  Kazakus rip off? Yes. Would like to have a condition like Dxiled said. It has -2 from vanilla minion, but one thing I like to point out that a vanilla minion doesn't cut it these days by far. Drakenid OP doesn't cut it as a tier 1 deck. A 5 mana 6/7 with no drawback would not be included in decks I'm pretty sure, as constructed cards usually need really good effects that effect the board somewhat fast.

    Weapons Smuggler - 5/5: Some pretty cool interactions here. Some worth noting are Spirit Claws, Gorehowl, and of course, Cursed Blade. I like the way it makes your Hero Power better, but not necessarily better. Cool design, I think its battlecry > Equip in that order so the battlecry doesn't trigger I believe. Probably wouldn't cut it in constructed even if battlecries triggered.

    Hokut, the Forge King - 4/5: A pretty hefty price, but could be game-winning. I also like how you can disrupt it.  Seems solid, not too much to say about.

    Dwarven Defender - 2/5: Thing from Below. Although it's not exactly the same thing, being notably smaller, I really don't like things that can cost (0). Nice try though. Not exactly thing from below, thing from below will cost 0 at some point, In control vs aggro: this card cost 5 against aggro as they remove your armor all the time + you dont want to armor up vs aggro unless you control the board. Control vs control: 0 mana 3/4 taunt ehh whatev. Aggro/midrange vs anything: You dont want to armor up as you are playing stuff, shaman can play totems as they aren't as bad as armoring up. 

    Backstreet Barber - 3.5/5: Again, costing (0) is problematic, but the condition is a lot harder to fulfill. Reminds me of the old Molten Giant, but as a standalone card. +0.5 for the Handlock flashback. I think this is a fair card, useless in aggro, Control vs control: This card comes down when you get more armor then health it seems without a choice, sometimes okay, something free dirty ratted. Control vs aggro: Last minute saver when you go low lets say 6 health and then you go shield block + armor up, free taunt seems okay.

    Ural the Grey - 1/5: I can see this being extremely overpowered. You're guaranteed at least a Fiery War Axe worth of value from Lok'Thar, and Ural the Grey has a vanilla 4 mana body with the most annoying effect in the game. I would put this around Dr. Boom's level of power. Not Dr.boom level. Powerful enough probably. 4 mana 3/6 Clouded(Untargetable spells + HP) + a weapon which probably ends up being a 3/2 or 3/3. However one big difference is that you can't play this axe at turn 2 like real axe. Finding minions with 3 health already becomes much more tough at turn 6. Its like a better version of malkorok which saw almost no play.

    Luna Moonsail - 3/5: It's basically a Fiery War Axe attached to a Stonetusk Boar almost every time? I mean it's creative, but I don't see it being used with Tinker's Sharpsword Oil being gone. Not viable unless rogue gets bigger weapons which are good, decent design.

    Metal Merchant - 1/5: No more coins for Rogue please. I hate seeing twenty minute long turns. It would probably be fine if Gadgetzan Auctioneer wasn't a thing. It would probably be fine if it was a battlecry, so it would only ever grant one coin. Tomb pilagger rotates out, with no conceal GA power level decreases by like a lot. Also this one is much worse then tomb pilagger it usually only triggers once, and it is a 3 mana 2/4 which is worse then 4 mana 5/4. Also you force yourself to break your weapon early as you have a decent amount of the time a 1/2 weapon at turn 3 due to not attacking on turn 2. Honestly seeing the rogue get another 20 seconds at the end due to animations doesn't bother me. It is true that auctioneer turns usually take a long time, I usually start my auctioneer turn after 40-45 seconds and not at the start of the turn due to having to plan out everything.

    Grimestreet Sentinel - 4/5: I really like cards that emphasize hand-buff in ways other than raw stats. I also named the gun, so creds to me :D. Grimy goons is currently not viable, to make this viable we need more good buff cards in hunter as some currently only targets beast and this isn't a beast, do really like the name , creds to you 

    Forge Trap - 5/5: I honestly thought this through pretty hard. It can be teched against (Rogue Hero Power, Cursed Blade, other small weapons, Acidic Swamp Ooze). Similar to Mirror Entity, it costs (2) because not every class has full access to weapons (Medivh, the Guardian is a thing though). Good tech card itself, teching against this card would never however reasons being running bad cards like cursed blade is bad, being rogue doesnt count as tech, ooze would be run a in meta which hasa lot of weapons and then this card would maybe pop up as tech against the weapons, however Running weapon destruction would be more important then copying a weapon in most metas.

    Ranger-General Sylvanas - 2/5: It's a bit too complicated for my liking, since it's composed of three cards with text. The only thing remotely close to that is Kazakus. Also, while Hunter does need a buff, I think this is falling into the Shaman trap. This card is really hard to rate in terms of viability, would really need to see this in practice to see, definitely not a shaman trap as this card might actually end up being too slow.

    Ah, I gtg. I'll finish this later. Alright, back to it!

    Aurae Moonblade - 1/5: Stealth minions should not be able to accomplish anything without leaving stealth. This essentially grants infinite value if your opponent doesn't dump AoE on it. Imagine if something like Gadgetzan Auctioneer had PERMANENT stealth. Yeah, it would be broken. Yes this card accomplishes things while being stealthed, which I honestly don't mind as what it accomplishes is worth around 1.5 mana and the first turn you also don't get the weapon which makes this card kinda slow IMO. When you want to use the minion you have to unstealth it which makes it a 2/1 weapon generator if you want the value. I had thought about pushing the boundaries as a 4/3 or 3/4 minion or have it being a 3/1 weapon with less/no heal and have the stats be lower, but this wasnt a option due to that 5 mana minion which becomes a 9/9 with 3 ATK weapons. I'm actually not convinced that the current version is good enough to make it into a top tier constructed deck, this is in my opinion important design. Having cards be on the level of: Hmmm im not sure if it makes it into a constructed deck.

    Magni Bronzebeard - 0/5: Oh boy. For only 3 mana, you get a 2/6 (already over par), the equivalent of a full heal, an upgraded Hero Power, and enough Shield Slam ammunition to kill The Ancient One. Plus, the name and art are exactly reused from the actual Magni Bronzebeard. I struggle to see how this made finals.  Well not much to say about this card except broken? 3 mana 2/6 is above average stats for 3 mana which makes it decent, but it has a full heal even if you would play it late game. Against aggro: Dont play it until your about to die like reno jackson, but no conditions and 3 mana. Against combo: Keep it until you want to heal like aggro. Heavy control/fatigue: Start armoring up for 3 a turn instead of 2 as early on as possible. This card is really broken. More broken then old undertaker, more broken then 5 mana auctioneer, more broken then 8 mana leeroy deal 18( 4 mana + shadowstep+shadowstep), more broken then Small time buccaneer. This card would easily be the most broken card in official HS, The only card I can think of which is stronger would be ''charge'' in alpha state: 0 mana give all your minions charge. 

    History if you are interested: 

    0 mana: give all minions charge // 0 mana: give 1 minion charge // 3 mana: give 1 minion charge + 2 atk // 1 mana: give 1 minion charge but can't hit heroes.


    Muradin Bronzebeard - 2.5/5: This feels really forced. It's balanced, but I don't feel like interacting specifically with Fatigue should be in the Warrior class. We already have Violet Illusionist if you want anti-fatigue. Better then Yeti :), But doesn't work out in constructed unless some real hard warrior fatigue deck exists. 


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  • 0

    posted a message on Journey to Un'Goro is Hearthstone's Next Expansion

    .... 7 Deathrattles = turn 12+.

    Reno is turn 6

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  • 4

    posted a message on Journey to Un'Goro is Hearthstone's Next Expansion

    How that broken?

    You need to play 7 deathrattles...

    That probably means it turn 12 atleast when you play 5 mana 8/8. Which actually is 6 mana cause you play the quest.

    In the current meta you don't survive turn 6 without reno.

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  • 3

    posted a message on Journey to Un'Goro is Hearthstone's Next Expansion

    One time things?? For real?

    Have you got any idea how broken a 5 mana 8/8 taunt is that sets you on 40 health?

    Do the Quest every game... thats the point of the cards

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  • 18

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition 5.08 - Submission Topic

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  • 1

    posted a message on Upcoming Changes to Hearthstone Arena - Standard Format, More Spells, & More

    I like how the comment section is 95% negative.

    Yet the poll is 50% positive towards the changes :)

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  • -1

    posted a message on Upcoming Changes to Hearthstone Arena - Standard Format, More Spells, & More

    I disagree

    The fact that arena has so many cards and the rares/epics/legendaries almost not showing up means that you play around nothing except flamestrike.

    Arena is just keep the board by minion war usually which is really boring I think. You might think every game is unique and it is in the way that everyone has different cards(which is true), but it doesn't feel unique to me in playstyle. Arena feels the same every match because you have the same playstyle every match. In constructed some games are about surviving, getting value, fatigue, playing around OTK, Setting up to counter likely moves. That feels more unique in playstyle then arena.

    Having no certainty about anything and it mostly being a minion war makes me play around nothing in arena.

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  • 2

    posted a message on Ben Brode: The New Player Experience Needs Work

    You know that Blizzard is still a company right? And they want to earn money. 50-70% off seems too high to me, maybe 25-45%.

    The pack with cards you don't have seems like a decent idea, but it includes legendaries and till you have the whole classic set? Ive been playing almost 3 years and I still miss legendaries, granted I don't buy classic packs anymore. So the only classic packs I get are from brawl or quests at this point. However I don't think blizzard likes to give me packs with 5 legendaries. 


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  • 13

    posted a message on Ben Brode: The New Player Experience Needs Work

    My opinion on laddering:

    Playing since open beta, reached legend many times, finished top 100 November 2016.

    1. Yes it feels like a grind, having to win so many games to just reach where you were before.... also till half the month in there are still so many legend players at rank 5-8 etc...

    2. Reaching legend and getting stomped into oblivion past Legend rank 1500? Feels terrible honestly, I dont think most legend players feel satisfaction from being low legend compared to rank 1 honestly.

    3. The thing about 50% at rank 18 isn't true in my opinion. It states being legend is 0.25% of the population. Europe easily reaches 10000 legends a month. to reach 100% you need to do this 0.25 times 400, 400x 10000 = 4 million, I don't believe hearthstone has 4 million active players in EU. For this statistic Blizzard shouldn't count inactive accounts imo. Accounts shouldn't be counted as active for playing 1 game in that month or so. ( A new player making an account and quiting after 4 games, shouldnt be counted for example IMO )

    4.  I see so many legend card back in non legend as well. Even many times when I started climbing to legend after the 15th, Also in arena I see so many legend card backs and you have to remember that most legend players aren't even running the card back. I never run it, because I think the cardback is horribly looking :P

    5. Hearthstone feels for new players decent from rank 25 to 20, at 20 the difficulty gets suddenly doubled and all new players get pushed to this eventually as you cant drop ranks below 20.

    My solutions that I came up with while typing:

    To reduce the grindy feeling you should really drop less every season, or we need a system more similar to League Of Legends. Have different tiers from Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum/Diamond/Master/Challenger. Legend in HS should be around high plat/Diamond in those tiers, Master should contain around 1000 players and challenger might be exact 200 always like League, which is also easy to help determine top legend finishes. Let the reset be 1 whole tier or so. This system also helps with the feeling of getting stomped into oblivion for legend players, as there is still a new tier. 

    To prevent from veteran players beating on new players, maybe there should be something like a tier below bronze, metal? And if your account is older than a certain time 1/2/3 months? You can't drop into metal tier anymore, this lets new players who do well climb, but not veteran stomp new players. However unlike the current system the new players can DROP BACK IN metal tier. If a new players passes rank 21 currently, they are getting stomped by veterans and can't fall back. 

    If we keep the current system I would recommend that only people who reached legend last month have the card back. If you reached legend you get it, but if you don't reach it next month you will lose it. This makes it more exclusive and feels like this card back is worth something at least. 

    Also different rewards based on your needs? This is just an example

    Metal tier: 4 basic packs // Bronze tier: 3 basic packs + 1 other pack // Silver tier: 2 basic + 2 other packs // Gold tier: 4 non-basic packs // Platinum: 150 dust + 2 non basic pack + 1 ticket for a pack // Diamond 100 dust + 2 tickets for packs // Master + Challenger 3 tickets for packs

    The tickets for packs can be redeemed for any pack you want and have no expire date, this allows veteran to save up those tickets for upcoming expensions. So if you were a top 200 player all the time, you would get 12 tickets for a new expension in a 4 month period.

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  • 7

    posted a message on New Rogue Card Reveal: Gadgetzan Ferryman

    I'm gonna play this card in my Midrange Rogue Deck 

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  • 4

    posted a message on Weekly Card Design Competition #4.18 - Submission Topic

    Just in case you forgot Spirit Claws i've included a picture


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