• 2

    posted a message on Announcement Stream Twitch Drops - Do-Over on November 3rd and 4th

    I also "watched" it. I'm sure this wasn't an actual mistake so much as a bait and switch tactic.

    Almost not worth the bit transfer

    Posted in: News
  • 3

    posted a message on 24.4.3 Patch Notes - Balance Changes For Constructed & Battlegrounds

    What? Did you just suggest that Agro decks should never run tech in any given meta? You're probably the same kind of player that thinks control is stupid... 

    Teching and changing deck lists is a good sign of a healthy evolving meta, this includes agro decks.

    Posted in: News
  • 8

    posted a message on 24.4.3 Patch Notes - Balance Changes For Constructed & Battlegrounds

    1 mana increase on this card effect is not the same as a 1 mana increase on a ramp card in druid. Apples to Oranges. 

    Theatar is not a curve card, rarely do you play it asap to benefit. you wait until 7+ mana to steal out cards before they get played and shut down power turns, etc.

    Honestly this doesn't do much but make quest priest 5 mana slot more palatable.


    Posted in: News
  • 3

    posted a message on Battlegrounds Lobby Legends: Murlocized - Coming This Weekend!

    Didn't you get the memo? It's Runes now... 1 rune per hour watched, or so I'm told.

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Mini set opinions

    10/1 with thief quest priest so far in legend. The new 4mana taunt is insane, definitely the 4 drop the deck wanted.

    Secret mage is insane especially on a hiroll. With coin it can t3 2 6/6 with 2 secrets for you to get through. Def meta changer there. At least the devs added tech but I'm not sure it's enough.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 7

    posted a message on All the unplayable cards from the mini set

    OP is clearing trolling. Already reported all they do is ignore posted facts and incite and belittle anyone who's not with them. 

    I agree with you Bro. Senseless thread though.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on All the unplayable cards from the mini set

    I wanted to respond to lots in this thread, but I'll just leave it at there is so much misinformation and ignorance starting with the OP.

    It's clear many posting don't even know how mechanics work or card interactions or possible how to read card text.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on All New Remaining Shaman Cards Revealed

    Disagree on framester. The card is a massive tempo card just with a delay. However its net 3+ mana tempo and a 3/3/3 is reasonable for its effect.

    I think you are under rating this cards potential. It has the potential to blowout early games if it topdecks into t4 or 5 and even late game it's very limiting to quite a few decks.

    Posted in: News
  • 2

    posted a message on All New Mage Cards Revealed

    Honestly the text says game, which in hearthstone means match. See battlecrys that state "the rest of the game".

    If this is consistent with the pass uses of "game" in text, it means not just all copies available but also the ability for either player to to discover, resurrect or reproduce a new copy from  thin air.

    The target card ceases to exist for the remainder of the game. 

    Even the card flavourful suggests permanent "life sentence" there's no chance or parole!

    Posted in: News
  • 0

    posted a message on Life Sentence

    If it removes the card permanently from the game in all forms, which is how I interpret it, the card basically hard counters DR Rez hunter in standard for example.

    So it's pretty damn good, if not situational.

    Posted in: Life Sentence
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