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    posted a message on New Paladin Card - Duel!

    Big Pally with this and Prismatic Lens?

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 8

    posted a message on New Warlock Card - Fel Lord Betrug

    A little bit of hope shines for Dr. Morrigan, but not that much.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Crystal stag

    Ornery Tortoise is also a beast and enables you to heal for 5 to enable this. Seems interesting.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Hench-Clan Hogsteed

    I am so glad that Charge Keyword is back. (Poor Enrage)

    This card is a giant Power creep to Bluegill Warrior homewer.

    Edit: the first one is a beast, might be playable in Hunter.

    It's Rush nevermind :((.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on [RR Theorycraft] Even Token Druid

    Thanks, I do not expect this deck to be better than classic token versions, its just something a little bit different to try for a few games.

    Yes, you are right about thatUltimate Infestation, it also has anti synergy with Mojomaster Zihi.

    Silence could be replaced.

    Dozing Marksman is just somewhat interesting with buffs or even Savage Striker + Hero power, so I would just like to try it there.

    Posted in: [RR Theorycraft] Even Token Druid
  • 5

    posted a message on New Hunter Hero Card - Zul'jin

    Yeah, spell hunter bu**hit, hoped for something more midrange.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Druid Spell - Stampeding Roar

    Tyrantus incoming!

    Posted in: Card Discussion
  • 3

    posted a message on TIMESTREAM TRACKING (Year Creation Competition #1) - Phase I [Submission Topic]

    Greetings and welcome to the:

    Why turtle? Well because turtles appear as calm animals with time to enjoy every moment, and that is what we should all do in the game we all probably love and hate.

    First Expansion:

    Speaking of enjoyment allow me to introduce you the first expansion of the Year of the Turtle – The Brewfest Festival (TBF). This festival is part of WoW for quite some time and the time has come to bring it to Hearthstone alongside a new mechanic ...


    Reinforce is the new keyword that will be introduced. It will not be limited to this expansion.

    Stout Drinker - A simple minion to introduce you to the mechanic. He could grow into quite fierce protector because of many cheap spells Paladin has acces to.

    Brews for everyone:

    Calming Brew introduces a new card spell type for this expansion only - Brews . They are similar to Kazakus Potions, but all of them can only target a single minion.

    Calming Brew is a great example of this, the Sleep effect is already in game as the summon sickness (or something like that) in this case it works quite as a Freeze effect, but it is called sleep to keep the flavour of the card.


    Every class will get their own Brew .

    Three main characters of this event will make an apperance.

    Few cards, that will explore the possibilities of Sleep .

    Quite some Reinforce card as well as new ways to trigger it.

    Second Expansion:

    During the Brewfest festival you learn about Titanic keepers - ancient creatures tasked with protecting Azeroth. At the festival you meet Krom Stoutarm -  an Ironforge historician - who is writting a book about them. You two decide to leave on a journey to meet with the keepers themselves, their vast armies of Titan-forged , to hear their tales and uncover the power of their Artifacts .

    New tribe - Titan-forged:

    Titan-forged are creatures that bolsters your army or themselves, when you summon another Titan-forged. That will be reflected upon a lot of their cards. Due to the limit of showing 6 cards none of them is shown - they will be revealed later, if we'll make it that far.

    Titanic Keepers:

    Turns out that Azeroth has exactly 9 Keepers, just as many as the number of classes in Hearthstone. What will that mean - every class will get one. Each Keeper brings unique and new way to deckbuilding and ingame strategies.

    Odyn, Prime Designate is a new warrior legendary, capable of turning the tides of battle with his army of Valarjar. Incredibly strong minion as long as your opponent has more minions than you.  Also there is a certain card in the set, that will work perfectly with Odyn.

    New card type - Artifacts:

    Artifacts are new card type introduced in WoA, they provide unique effects, that you will have to try to use to your advantage. Most of them have passive ongoing effect. But beware as every piece of power comes for a price. ARTIFACT CARDS DO REPLACE YOUR HERO POWER. That brings us once again to the deckbuilding mastery.

    The Silver Hand - Or the Hand of Tyr is a new Paladin Artifact. It offers a new unique removal for more control-oriented decks. The effect affects both you and your opponent. The card will have timer on it like Dragon Soul . It will count you and your opponent together so you might want to include a lot of cards like Drywhisker Jailor , or Fire Fly to block your opponent and not get blocked yourself.


    Every class will get their own Artifact.

    Every class will get their own Titan Keeper as well.

    Plenty of Titan-forged will be added to the game, as well as some minions from previous expansions, will get the tribe added.

    Two Titan Forges might make an appearance.

    Third Expansion:

    AtR is a catastrophe-like scenario in which the Halls of Origination was launched and destroyed almost all life on Azeroth, with your Hero and a few others being out of reach. You assign yourself to the duty to use the Forge of Will and repopulate Azeroth. You might try to remember your past friends but no one’s memory is that great. And for this we have a new Keyword:

    Remember your past:

    As an example I am showing you a Goldshire Footman, ehm Soldier sounds better. You do remember this guy. He was from Stormwind army and was probably wearing a cool guard helmet. You can say what his stats and mana cost were, but you cannot remeber his effect. Was it Stealth ? Whenever you cast a spell gain +1 Attack? Or perhaps Taunt ? No, certainly not Taunt … But as a maker and creator it is for you to decide…

    Goldshire Soldier is a simple card to just explain the mechanic. The keyword itself will have much more to offer.

    Infinite Dragonflight:

    There are some creatures that prefer the new world and will do their best to sabotage all your actions. This is very guldanic behavior…….

    Infinite Vanquisher will undo whatever action your opponent did last. As an example your opponent has wiped your board with Brawl and ends turn. Vanquisher will undo it so basicaly your opponent had done nothing and kept Brawl in his hand. But if he played Brawl and then decided to Hero Power Vanquisher will just neglect the Hero Power as this was his last action.


    New Remember mechanic will be introduced on minions as well as other card types.

    A few ways to slightly manipulate the time.

    A remake of some of our former friends.

    Maybe a small board manipulation options.

    Hall of Fame

    Northshire Cleric - Priest in my opinion should not have such a strong 1-drop in its basic set not to mention that those extreme draws it can offer can be tiring. Rotating it might allow to experiment with other 1-drops like Lightwarden

    Doomsayer - A staple in most control decks, it is time to rotate him and allow other removal to be played or created.

    Mana Wyrm - Very popular candidate for rotation for obvious reasons. Extremly strong 1-drop that limits mage design space in cheap spells.


    Thank you very much for reading all of this. I am glad that I managed to put in all together in time. It turned out I was far busier than I expected. I would also like to apologize for not answering feedback in the discussion topic, or providing feedback myself - time crisis again.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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    posted a message on TIMESTREAM TRACKING (Year Creation Competition #1) - Phase I [Discussion Topic]

    Greetings to all of you. I have finaly decided to join the competition. Here is what I have come up with so far.

    So let me welcome you to the :

    Why turtle? Well because turtles appear as calm animals with time to enjoy every moment, and that is what we should all do in the game we all probably love and hate.

    First Expansion: The Brewfest Festival

    Speaking of enjoyment allow me to introduce you the first expansion of the Year of the Turtle – The Brewfest Festival (TBF). This festival is part of WoW for quite some time and the time has come to bring it to Hearthstone alongside a new mechanic ...


    Well I could not think of a better name for a keyword – I guess you could say to Reinforce yourself with a drink or two in english (Well it certainly can be said so in my language). As for the cards - Candlebeard is making a reappearance as a rogue legendary minion. With his ability he will Recruit a Pirate whenever you target him with Spell or Battlecry allowing for a new rogue archetype to rise.

     Brews for everyone

    Calming Brew introduces a new card spell type for this expansion only - Brews. They are similar to Kazakus Potions, but all of them can only target a single minion.

    Calming Brew is a great example of this, the Sleep effect is already in game as the summon sickness (Or something like that) in this case it works quite as a Freeze effect, but it is called sleep to keep the flavour of the card. Every class will get their own brew and the three main characters of this event will make an apperance as well.

     Second Expansion: Watchers of Ulduar (WoU)

    During the Brewfest festival you learn about Titanic keepers - ancient creatures tasked with protecting Azeroth. You, alongside Krom Stoutarm - Ironforge historician and your guide, leave to a journey to meet with the keepers themselves. The Keepers control huge armies of their brethren - The Titan-forged.

    New Minion Tribe - Titan-forged

    Titan-forged are creatures that bolsters your army or themselves, when you summon another Titan-forged.

     Keepers of Azeroth

    Turns out that Azeroth has exactly 9 Keepers, just as many as the number of classes in Hearthstone. What will that mean - every class will get one.

    Odyn, Prime Designate is a new warrior legendary, capable of turning the tides of battle with his army of Valarjar. Incredibly strong minion as long as your opponent has more minions than you. 


    Third Expansion: After the Reorigination (AtR)

    AtR is a catastrophe-like scenario in which the Halls of Origination was launched and destroyed almost all life on Azeroth, with your Hero and a few others being out of reach. You assign yourself to the duty to use the Forge of Will and repopulate Azeroth. You might try to remember your past friends but no one’s memory is that great. And for this we have a new Keyword:

    Remember your past

    As an example I am showing you a Goldshire Footman, ehm Soldier sound better. You do remember this guy. He was from Stormwind army and was definetly wearing a cool guard helmet. You can say what his stats and mana cost were, but you cannot remeber his effect. Was it Stealth? Whenever you cast a spell gain +1 Attack? Or perhaps Taunt? No, certainly not Taunt… But as a maker and creator it is for you to decide…

    Goldshire Soldier is a simple card to just explain the mechanic. The keyword itself will have much more to offer.

     Infinite Dragonflight

    There are some creatures that prefer the new world and will do their best to sabotage all your actions. This is very guldany behavior…….

    Infinite Vanquisher will undo whatever action your opponent did last. As an example your opponent has wiped your board with brawl and ends turn. Vanquisher will undo it so basicaly your opponent had done nothing and kept Brawl in his hand. But if he played Brawl and then decided to Hero Power Vanquisher will just neglect the Hero Power as this was his last action.

     Finale: Hall of Fame

    Northshire Cleric - Priest in my opinion should not have such a strong 1-drop in its basic set not to mention that those extreme draws it can offer can be tiring. Rotating it might allow to experiment with other 1-drops like Lightwarden

    Doomsayer - A staple in most control decks, it is time to rotate him and allow other removal to be played or created.

    Mana Wyrm - Very popular candidate for rotation for obvious reasons. Extremly strong 1-drop that limits mage design space in cheap spells.


    Thank you for reading all of this stuff and tell me what do you think of all of this. I have some other cards in case these will not be the most optimal. 


    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on A new fan made expansion - War of Three Hammers

    Thanks for kind words.

    Some cards might turn OP in right combination, but that would need to be tested in game. Even now with the right hand your opponent might just want to concede after turn 2. So Smell Blood should be OK.

    Also Mage cards have arrived.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 1

    posted a message on A new fan made expansion - War of Three Hammers

    Greetings to all of ya.

    I would like to share with you the idea for a new Hearthstone expansion. I started  working on this before Gadgetzan so the theme might look simmilar. Homever there are no gangsters here as well as no 3 - class cards.


     The story takes us back in time to Old Ironforge, where all dwarven clans live together under the rule of the High King - Modimus Anvilmar. Among the clans, there are 3 main ones. The Bronzebeards, Wildhammers and Dark Irons. When the days of the old king comes to an end, the rivality between the clans turn into the armed conflict for supremacy - known as War of Three Hammers. Thats all that Blizzard official lore states. So I decided to take a chance to use this unexplored part of lore. 

    How much cards?:

    135 cards total (9 for every class, 54 neutral ones.)

    Used Hearthcards and images, found on internet, to create those cards. Hope you will enjoy the cards and give some feedback.

    And now let us start with Druid:

    Common Cards:

    Stonegem Windcaller - Usable in every druid deck, not sure if the InnervateCombo would be too OP.

    Forest Guardian - Good way to fill your board, especialy for Token Druid.

    Ancient Raptor -  A single Raptor is weak, but then second one appears, and then these two will spawn additional two and....

    Rare Cards:

    Leafbeard Bearmancer - Tool  for Beast Druid to get out more minions, if you already have something on the board.

    Rare Species - Good, simple. Supports the type of deck you play, maybe even Managerie Druid?

    Brightbraid Guardian - Strong minion. Need to be comboed with another minion though.

    Epic Cards:

    Brightbraid Ravenlord - Stong card, if you have a lot of Choose One effects.

    Smell Blood - Great way to turn your tokens into a dangerous weapon and get some beast synergy.


    Dalfor Leafbeard - And there is a tool for Ramp Druid. It's weakness is, that it benefits even your opponent.


    Common Cards:

    Haunted Shot - Small damage, with the good old Webspinner, seems playable.

    Precise Sight - No sure about this one, might bolster some AoE Hunter Shots and serves as a cards draw. But not sure abou 2 mana.

    Doyle's Gryphon - The best thing to play after Cloaked Huntress turn. Power Creep to Stormwind Knight.

    Rare Cards:

    Dunwald Boar-Tammer - Some Priest/Shaman care for Hunter. Poor Rexxar is at preety bad spot right now.

    Forgotten Corpse Eater - This card should be probably more late game as it might be too strong in the early game.

    Barrage - Good for trading small minions and get some board control.

    Epic Cards:

    Forest Wanderer - A nearly reliable card draw for Hunter. Also a Beast synergy and good stats.

    Mounted Gryphon - A semi Card Draw. Helps to thin your deck and prevents bad draw in late game. Seems really powerful.

    Legendary Card:

    Truszok the Wise - Really good card. But both you and your opponent will probably know what the Srcrets are.



    Common Cards:

    Weststeel Alchemist - Mage cards in this expansion will be around generating  random spells. So if you have unwanted spells, you simply replace them and hope for better ones.

    Collector of Knowledge - A little bit too wordy, but I was not able to think of better one. Benefits from your and opponents spells. Might be dangerous with filling the hand.

    Power Core - A ping with a buff. Seems good.

    Rare Cards:

    Rune Of Knowledge - Good spell, refills hand, can draw answers to your opponent's board.

    Stonegem Spell Writter - Decent stats, basic spell generator. Great in Arena.

    Shadowforge Pyromancer - 3 damage will most likely destroy cheap minion, so it is a powerful tempo play.

    Epic Cards:

    Brightbraid Arcanist - Card simillar to Emperor Thaurissan, was supposed to let you take advantage from random spells, but I fear it might go wrong way and become too OP.

    Rune of Nature - At least 4 spells to be Blessing of Kings, 9 spells to be absolutely broken.


    Immrin Stonegem - An alternative Flamewaker, can buff even himself. So Immrin + Coin + Power Core for 5/7 is good.


    Common Cards

    Redforge Marshal - A little Grimy Goon, before they were annouced. Just was sitting in my PC for a long time. I think it is playable.

    Reflect - Will be reworded soon (Secret: When your opponent casts a spell, they target one of their characters instead.)

    Equal Judge - Tool for aggro / empty board paladin?

    Rare Cards:

    Dark Iron Judge - He cannot target himself, should probably say other minion. Combo with Humility, or situation, where there is a single big minion on the board.

    Equal Trade - now this is a wierd card. Lucky finishers? Your opponent draws 2 8-cost for 2 0-mana spells, maybe should affect both heroes? Not sure there.

    Redforge Gloryseeker - Casts only targetable spells. Friend of Blessing of Kings, Seal of Champion, Or even Lay on Hands.

    Epic Cards:

    Goldhammer Commander - Good 4 drop, you wil get rewarded for trading, at least a little.

    Silverfist Vanquisher - He was there before Wickeflame Burnbristle. Altough there is a little similarity, I think they can co-exist.


    Gordmir Redforge - Flame Leviathan, that can see play. Good in Wild, with Quatermaster...




    Posted in: Fan Creations
  • 0

    posted a message on Pack opening: Expectation VS Reality
    Quote from Reknar427 >>

    I'll join as well. I have about 35 packs to get at least 1 of these cards.

    Wish list:

    Legendary: Kun the Forgotten King, Aya Blackpaw, Don Han'Cho

    Epic: Dirty Rat

    Common: 2x Shaky Zipgunner

    So this is what I would like to open. Good luck to all of you.


     So 40 packs in total. Got Inkmaster Solia, and few epics. Both Rat and Zipgunner were here :).
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 0

    posted a message on Pack opening: Expectation VS Reality

    I'll join as well. I have about 35 packs to get at least 1 of these cards.

    Wish list:

    Legendary: Kun the Forgotten King, Aya Blackpaw, Don Han'Cho

    Epic: Dirty Rat

    Common: 2x Shaky Zipgunner

    So this is what I would like to open. Good luck to all of you.


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 4

    posted a message on Shaky Zipgunner

    Love Gnolls, so this is great card just for the picture.

    +2/+2 Seems like great boost, following with 5/5 Infested Wolf next turn.

    Good stats and effect might even boost arena hunter.

    May be a dawn for a new Hunter decks. I like it a lot. Also helps to get your minions out of new priest cards range.

    Posted in: Shaky Zipgunner
  • 0

    posted a message on Introducing Schools of Magic to Hearthstone!

    Great idea, I really like it. This could open much more decks and combos.

    A shame that it will probably never appear in HS.

    Posted in: Fan Creations
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