• 2

    posted a message on Nerf Crystallizer?

    i don't agree. Questlock is the only meta deck for warlock and this nerf would obliterate warlock out of the meta completely.

    Also, this deck is not the fastest deck in wild. there are at least 3 decks faster that I can think of.

    what do you play? I bet your most played class has a 'broken' card as well and you ignore that just because you play it often.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on What is your definition of fun in HS?

    OTK decks. Cooking/Finding a crazy combo and trying to make it work.


    and I hate playing against Mages. I literally hate those games and don't enjoy them at all.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on The issue with high-cost cards
    Quote from Andrei2007 >>

    Have you tried Standard? Everyone seems to forget the game is designed with standard in mind. A lot of people complaining about hyper short games play wild. Why? Standard will always be lower in power level.

     That doesn't solve the issue. Just by me playing standard doesn't solve the fact that druid gets more support from high-cost neutrals than other classes. Do you even get what I am trying to say here?

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 1

    posted a message on The issue with high-cost cards
    Quote from Sonnix >>

    If everybody gets your point wrong, you may consider the possibility of actually being wrong.

     Not everybody. Just 2 of you.

    I am not talking about the viability of high-cost cards, or what high-cost cards are more valuable.

    I am talking about the availability of high-cost cards for classes except druid.

    all high-cost cards in neutral collection offer druid more support than to other classes.

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 1

    posted a message on The issue with high-cost cards
    Quote from Sonnix >>

    Aggresive decks are to strong in wild mode. Luckily, most people just want to play Renathal/Reno decks. In those contol vs control matchups Hearthstone still shines like it did in the good old days. In these games there is also room for lategame cards. Travelmaster Dungar is not the best example imho, since it's a weak payoff and in addition it needs some deck building around it. But there are at least some viable 8+ Mana cards in the meta. For example:

    Lightforged Cariel



    Reno, Lone Ranger

     you too are missing the point...

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 1

    posted a message on The issue with high-cost cards
    Quote from b1ak1ce >>

    Dungar represents the worst elements of the recruit keyword design.

    its too expensive to be timely, its too broadly worded to be consistent, and the card pool, by-in-large, is too limited to be impactful.

    You are missing the point.

    Posted in: Wild Format
  • 1

    posted a message on Came back from hiatus and didnt expect this ( Legend )

    congratz for reaching legend with a lower tier deck!


    are you trying to tell me that there's over 11.000 legend players in standard? I thought wild had more, but apparently not even close...

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 19

    posted a message on No hope for wild

    why do you want to cut off rewards for players that want to play wild?

    if you don't like it, don't play it. why would you want it cut off?

    you're the BS here

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 5

    posted a message on Painlock is ridiculous

    why don't you just suggest banning warlock all-together?



    Party Fiend 1/1 --> 1/2, No longer summons Felbeast

    you do realise that there';s Flame Imp since Hearthstone's inception, right?



    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 6

    posted a message on Wild Combos in Paradise

    Octo-masseuse combo can be prepped with Shadowborn and increase the damage with Crazed Alchemist

    Posted in: News
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