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    posted a message on Kun the Forgotten King

    i tested aviana and kun interaction in my video


    I was thinking that adding malygos might be good becauz there is ample crystals for casting in a single turn. Alex for bringing enemy hp down to 15 for lethal. Some taunts (maybe shoggoth?) as well as bears for charging would be good for burst damage.

    Jade is nice but i wonder whether it's the right fight? because your deck will be flooded with jade idols, slowing down pulls for setting up aviana and kun. Isn't it better to just ramp crystals and draws for those 2 cards?

    So i'm wondering if a jadeless build would work better, or at least that doesn't use cards like jade idol which slows down card draw for other cards :X in this case aviana + kun.

    Posted in: Kun the Forgotten King
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    posted a message on 21/25 Untargetable Soggoth

    hi interesting idea, i like it.

    but at how many turns soonest do you think this can be pulled off ? because by turn 8 or so, a handlock may be able to Twisting Nether, or maybe try a sneaky Sylvanas Windrunner steal to indirectly eliminate it.

    And you only have 1 copy and 1 chance to pull this off, and if they do manage to remove it, doesn't seem like theres a plan b.

    would Faceless Manipulator be able to clone the card stats ? would that work? Also Enhance-o Mechano has a 1 in 3 chance for adding double strike to it.

    Another observation since your running many 1ish cards, how about also adding a back up for board clear so that your soggoth doesn't have to fight through so many taunts. A Wild Pyromancer + Equality is a sure fire way to clear the board in preparation perhaps?


    Posted in: 21/25 Untargetable Soggoth
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    posted a message on Kripp is going to have a krinniption..
    Quote from thepoxbox >>

     Kripp has money coming out the ass now. He's frugal and smart, he's already set for life.
    What could happen is that he just moves away from hearthstone gradually but really no other card game has the simplicity and polish of hearthstone, which is really what makes it appealing to try and also to watch.

    I could design a better game easily, I guarantee it, but it would take hundreds of thousands of dollars to get it to the level of polish that Blizzard has achieved. That's really what you need to do if you want to pull people away from it.
    Who wants to watch Shadowverse? It's just the most bland anime crap of all time with overly designed GUIs. Yuck. 

    Haven't seen anything as epic as hearthstone, where they take the time to make even something totally stupid like Voltron really polished and cool so that THE ONE TIME that you make the deck to summon him and it works, it's so badass. 

    The game just rewards you for making something hard happen even with the art/visual aspect. Hearthstone is just absolutely top notch for that and for their easy to use interface.

    Sadly they went too deep with the simplicity and the RNG and they just don't even want to back away from it. They want fast games, low queue times and low skill caps. 

    I'd jump ship real fast if there was any other game that could compare in polish and give me the experience I had when first playing hearthstone, but so far I haven't seen any such game. A lot of people try to take on hearthstone but just fail by making overly-complicated games that are confusing to watch and seem hard to set up and play.

     it's easy to say to make a better game, it's a different story whether you actually can do it or not :/ go crowd fund if you think it's all that, heck i'd be interested to beta test kek.
    that said i don't think krip will leave, why would he? he has the best job in the world. just play games all day >->; ...
    But looking at all these druid jade golems i have a very bad feeling about this expansion.....
    Posted in: Players and Teams Discussion
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    posted a message on How do you deal with Rope players ?

    why can't blizzard add a reporting system. people caught roping often and getting reported will be flagged for ban. temporary at first for warning then permanent later.


    sure they could make smurf accounts, but with their negative troll attitude they'll be stuck at the lower rung of the ladder.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on Reno C'Thun

    i would like to know as well. my buddy taught me this deck i rely like it but i'm missing crazed worshipper sadly :[

    battle music :]

    Posted in: Reno C'Thun
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    posted a message on New Card Reveal: White Eyes

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Priest Card Reveal: Mana Geode

    there a bunch of stuff that can deal 3 dmg on turn 2. in that sense it's not that OP if it's dealt with early on, without giving the opponent a chance to buff it up with Power Word: Shield.

    That said, i'm thinking that as good as this 2 cost minion is, it may backfire in certain res priest decks. So maybe in other priest decks that are less reliant on ressing may benefit more ?

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on New Priest Card Reveal: Mana Geode

    i'm edging toward awesome. before there was Northshire Cleric, but now theres also this new Mana Geode.

    if you can play it on 2 crystal, you could buff it next turn using Power Word: Shield, then hero power to heal it back up again, while also building your board at the same time.

    But the build i usually play is this one


    not sure if polluting my graveyard with a bunch of 2/2 crystals is a good idea (since the strategy for a res priest deck is to res something good.

    Posted in: News
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    posted a message on Janos - [Legend #1] (UPDATED) SpellShaman

    claw, then kill bat. next turn totem and pray for spell power so you can nuke their minion dead. next turn you can use trogg + totem. More efficient on curve :X

    Posted in: Janos - [Legend #1] (UPDATED) SpellShaman
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    posted a message on Janos - [Legend #1] (UPDATED) SpellShaman

    i was never comfortable playing shaman, but this deck has gotten me to warm up to the class. Awesome build :]


    Harrison for me is worth it since most of my opponents tend to have weapons, so i appreciate being able to counter that. It really hurts them :]

    Posted in: Janos - [Legend #1] (UPDATED) SpellShaman
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