[F2P] K&C Elemental Paladin
- Last updated Dec 12, 2017 (Kobolds Patch)
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- 21 Minions
- 7 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Handbuff Paladin
- Crafting Cost: 3100
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 12/8/2017 (Kobolds Patch)
- Spiritoflothar
- Registered User
- 5
- 30
- 31
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
Welcome once more!
The success this deck achieved made me really happy. So i made update of it to fit it more to the meta. (Expensive replacements are on the bottom of deck description)
(I own also Kelesseth,Quest and Expensive versions of this deck so if you are intrested write a post)
Mulligan guide:
Keep low cost minions as:
Fire Fly, Hydrologist, Righteous Protector and Grimestreet Outfitter to generate value with elemental synergies, secrets and handbuffs.
As it is F2P deck you don't have expensive cards here. But... who said that you can't just discover them and use to outvalue opponents?
With Stonehill Defender and Servant of Kalimos discover powerful cards as: The Lich King, Tirion Fordring or even Ragnaros, Lightlord.
Use Aldor Peacekeeper and Dark Conviction to easly eliminate big threats.
Legendary weapon? Ooze... i mean "Ups" Simply remove it with your companion Acidic Swamp Ooze.
Benevolent Djinn - New addition that work as cheap Ragnaros, Lightlord replacement. When protected can really help to sustain in games.
Marin the Fox as is it free has been added for additional value and late game tool.
Expensive replacements:
+1 Tirion Fordring -1 Tol'vir Stoneshaper
+1 The Lich King -1 Tol'vir Stoneshaper
+1 Ragnaros, Lightlord -1 Benevolent Djinn
+1 Gluttonous Ooze / Harrison Jones -1 Acidic Swamp Ooze
+1 Sunkeeper Tarim -1 Dark Conviction
+1 Uther of the Ebon Blade -1 Dark Conviction
+1 Val'anyr -1 Truesilver Champion
If you need some deck add me on battle.net (Ulgrim #2661) and make with me something unique.
Deck showcase by: kiwiinbacon
Thanks a lot for the deck! I really like the way you inserted the replacements.
I am not sure yet if it is suitable for laddering, but it is fun.
I only played a few games at rank 5 (3-2).
My replacements: Tirion Fordring & The Lich King
Using this with the expensive replacements, great deck.
Thanks for the replacements. I missed one expansion and I have some of the expensive cards and some I don't. But thank you for making a thorough expensive replacement list that fits everybody's needs. Stay cool bro
It´s cheap and very solid.
I enjoy playing this deck.
Stuck at rank 15 with this deck :/
I have Uther of the Ebon Blade and Val'anyr so I made this changes as above but it seems like it's too weak for the current meta. I guess zoolock is a better choice for those f2p players. Not that good in climbing ladder.
Anyway, it's a fun deck to play and have a insane value with Val'anyr (if you have it) and discover cards like Stonehill Defender and Servant of Kalimos.
It's fun to play though
Really like this deck- found Equality to be necessary though.
Greetings guys!
I love to see more elemental things in here so I am really glad for this deck also a F2P one which is awesome as well.
I showcased this deck in the F2P variant (without the expensive cards) and had a interesting match versus Razakus priest. It was more of a control match where I am showing you how to interact with Getaway kodo properly (getting more Stonehills is always good) and when to go all-in trying to kill your opponent.
Hopefully you can enjoy the video and have a nice day guys :)
Created an account just to comment ,
Is this deck for a certain tavern brawl ? or just for fun ? It surely says
But Im not so sure , you see i am a casual F2p player , didnt play HS for months , decided to get back in , i like paladin so i found this deck , saw it was cheap , so i crafted it (cost me around 900 dust ) and after 20 something games , i dropped from rank 19 to 20 ....... and back to 19 , then back to 20 .Most of the games my opponents kill me in turn 6-7 , i dont get the elementals required to buff the cards etc etc (and yes , i had games with double lick kings and double rag the light lord , so my believe is that its just a gimmicky / fun deck perhaps ? )
So i was wondering if this deck was mistitled or something like that , But I see tons of comments praising it , So is the estimated rank is rank 19-20 with this deck ?
Answering all of your questions at once: no.
downvoting a question then giving a troll answer is not really a solution here now is it ?
MrGurubashi explained the situation better , and i was gonna point those things out , but seeing someone already pointing them out i didnt bother to mention them again
After giving that comment , i tried an old deck made by disguisedtoast , its a hunter deck which is f2p and took him to legend ... i went from 20 to 16 (now im at 17) straight with 0 loss ... So clearly f2p decks for casual players like me is possible ,
TBH his actual deck is with the expensive replacements that he mentioned , not the original one i believe ...
How was my answer a troll answer?
Lmao dude, being passive-agressive towards the author of a deck just because you lost a bunch of games is not the way to go. This deck's rating is 199 as of now; I highly doubt it is as bad as you picture it. Maybe you just can't play paladin.
Had bad luck with this deck. It couldn't deal with most of the current meta decks it went up against. Only won once against a divine shield Paladin build, and even then it was due to pure luck of him not drawing the right card at the right time when we were getting close to fatigue.
The main issue I encountered, is that despite constantly putting out minions on the board, the opponents would always remove them with ease. It would especially get more difficult to deal with this in the later turns, even while having Aldor, Truesilver, and taunts. They'd just get destroyed or silenced.
same case for me , in fact , i was gonna point out the things you pointed out in my comment , i cant even get to rank 18 with this deck XD , but im suprised how the old comments are praising this deck so much ...
I hope the maker will make some other cheap decks for other classes cause this one is prolly countered now
Eh, it's impossible to drop from rank 15 to rank 20.
holy moly.. this is a fun deck. won 5 out of 6 right out of the gate. I used the legendary replacements you suggested. worked out awesome
Any updates coming up ?
I wanna watch an quest version of it. Can you share?
As basically a complete noob to current Heathstone having not played since before the first expansion, this deck brought me straight to rank 20 with no losses. Fun to pull off combos with elementals, discover big cards, buff minions in your hand, and especially fun if you manage to break open Marin's Master Chest. This cheap deck is definitely worth it, and the more expensive substitution suggestions are good as well, having gone for Gluttonous Ooze and a Val'anyr myself. The only problem I find myself having is that I don't find opportunities to play Dark Conviction often, it either not having enough value at any given time or just being used to buff a peon.
8/10 deck, lots of fun, and quickly boosted a noob to rank 20.
Hi. Great deck, quite strong for new players, i guess :)
I wanna watch an Expensive version of it. Can you share?