• 3

    posted a message on Is Murloc Knight dead again?

    It doesn't matter how much competition there is for the 4 drop slot in Paladin. It's not like you're gonna want to drop him on turn 4 unless you've got some kind of commanding board position.

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on No daily?

    This has happened to me the past two days. I just closed the client and reopened then it appeared.

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    posted a message on Total wins and legendary cards

    Play Mode wins: 1084

    Arena wins: 779

    Legendary cards: 55

    Gold: 2350

    Dust:  1160

    Disenchant button: 27,755

    Did you pay real money: Yes

    Posted in: General Discussion
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    posted a message on TGT 50 packs preorder simulator (mobile friendly)

    Three legendaries out of 150 packs. I'm scared for the real thing now. Thanks a lot.

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    posted a message on Too many games are decided in the first 3-4 turns? [POLL]

    In arena, yes. Constructed, nah.

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    posted a message on [Curse of Naxxramas] Will Control Warrior die, but Midrange rise with Naxxramas?
    Quote from Slowgod »

    So it seems everybody loves Cairne Bloodhoof so much, but I have found he under performs almost all the time... play him on turn 6 and he usually gets ignored and I just get hit in the face and die or close to it. He sits in my hand as a dead card half the time and I feel like I'd rather him be a Sunwalker. Anyone else feel this way? Actually just took out Ysera, Cairne, Sylvanas for just some more taunts :/

    If you're playing a game where your Cairne is being ignored you have to do something earlier in the game to make them respect it. The only type of deck I can think of that would just outright ignore him is some aggro deck. Death's Bite (IMO) has helped Cairne stick around a bit more. If not that, the other 5 drops (Loatheb, Stalagg, Feugen) definitely help.

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on [Curse of Naxxramas] Will Control Warrior die, but Midrange rise with Naxxramas?
    Quote from bem809 »

    How do you guys deal with Control Paladins and Ramp Druids? I find that those are the classes that I lose to the most. Paladin manages to outlast me in fatigue thanks to healing and Ramp Druid floods the board with big minions. 

    Maybe I should start running Brawl again. 

     Do you play a silencer and The Black Knight? They both help in both matchups. Just remember Paladin is always waiting to combo something with Equality and they're not that hard to deal with. The class that annoys me the most is Priest because our early game isn't really aggressive. They just sit back and Thoughtsteal while healing up the little damage we deal or drop a Blademaster into Circle of Healing and we have to waste an Execute or Shield Slam on it. One of the real killers is Cabal Shadow Priest getting good value against Warrior.

    Quote from snootzh »

    Question on the use of harrison.. today I met a legend control warrior.. first few turns I probably had the better going. I had loatheb/harrison in hand and coin.. he had 1 charge on death bite and the board was empty. So I coined out harrison and destroyed it.. followed it up with loatheb the following turn... and gained a lot of momentum.. but later he pulled out a gorehowl and set me back a little.. I won but it wasn't plain sailing..


    So do you guys wait for gorehowl or take out deaths bite..? The problem is that alot of the time warriors don't seem to be running it

    Just take out Death's Bite. No point in waiting for something that may not come. AFAIK, most Warriors are not running it. Playing the Harrison on it is still good value.

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on [Curse of Naxxramas] Will Control Warrior die, but Midrange rise with Naxxramas?
    Quote from superfertilizer »

    why is no one of you running faceless ? if one of the bombs sticks for a turn, faceless instantly wins the game. most of the time people will just ignore cairn because of lack of efficient answers and the faceless is so nice to punish them for it. also its nuts in any control matchup. i would also run sylvannas instead of bk. i can't think of any matchup that is common and were bk is better then sylvannas. besides that you will win the mirror when you are running sylvannas and the other control warrior runs bk. 

     Faceless is great for sure. I just like using my slots for threats. TBK is too good at the moment. I used to run it primarily for Paladin, Druid, and Handlock. Now people are playing Hunter again so we get the Houndmaster target and Sludge Belcher / Deathlord. I Black Knighted a Deathlord last night and got Ragnaros lol. Felt good. Also again, I think there is room for variance nowadays. Decks being different doesn't mean it's bad or not "standard."  Faceless and Sylvannas are better in the mirror, yes.

    Quote from snootzh »

    You have spell breaker over owl.. i was thinking maybe owl would be better no?

    When a hunter turn 6 high mane you can pop owl.. shield block and slam it to death.. sure spell breaker is a better body but not one we really need is it? and 3 hp dies very easily

     Well there is the fact that we have Death's Bite now. We can just play Spellbreaker and wack it with the weapon and trigger deathrattle. Just something to think about. I agree that it does die easily and wish it was a 3/4 instead, but it does what it's supposed to do (Help us deal with Cairne/Sylvannas/Highmane/Tirion).

    Quote from Beezle »
    Quote from Scriabin »

    Naxx Warrior Control (updated for Week 4)
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    This is what I'm currently running. Finding Ysera to be much more effective in the control matchup, Alexstrasza just doesn't cut it these days. BGH is there because it has a new target - Thaddius. Also running a Spellbreaker in place of Slam because I've been seeing Sylvanas pop up a lot lately, although I will use it on an egg in the zoo matchup.

    Anyone else running Spellbreaker?

    I disagree about Alexstrasza.  Alex has won me the match multiple times, especially against Priest.  I have a very similar deck that does run x1 Spellbreaker.

    Alex is awesome. Card not leaving my deck till at least the next expansion.

    Posted in: Warrior
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    posted a message on [Curse of Naxxramas] Will Control Warrior die, but Midrange rise with Naxxramas?
    Quote from StormTCG »
    Quote from Kurumster »

    P2W Warrior
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    The changes I made to the deck were - 2 Wild Pyromancer, -1 Slam, and -1 Gorehowl. My hardest matchup has always been Miracle Rogue. I imagine we'll see less of that so my win % will probably go up. Zoo has gotten easier to manage because of Ghoul and the extra "early" weapons. Handlock still gives me problems if I can't deal with Twilight Drake though. I don't think ctrl warrior is going anywhere. I should try and actually play ranked for once instead of mashing on arena to do my quests (which I do every 2-3 days). My rank has been consistently low because I never really try. I am considering trying Feugen and Stalagg, but I really hate Stalagg's health. My games always go long so I'd prob get Thaddius to drop often. I know people don't like Ysera, but she wins me games vs Druid, Shaman, Priest, or any class that just runs out of answers after I drop all my other legendary cards. If I did try that combo, Ysera would come out, but I don't know what else. I'll probably try more since Miracle Rogue won't be as prevalent soon.

    Your deck seems pretty damn solid man. I personally do not run Whirlwind anymore, it some scenarios it is needed but when running 2x Deaths Bite there is no need, I also believe that Slam also isn't really needed. Those are some cards you may not need if you are looking for some more deck spots to combat miracle rogue or fit in more late game or early game creatures.

     I think it depends on how you build your deck or what you actually like. I feel like there's never enough Grommash triggers, and especially with Hunter becoming popular again Whirlwind not worth removing. I also like drawing lots with Acolyte of Pain and having an easier time with Zoo. I always saw Unstable Ghoul as a compliment to our current suite, not for replacing our triggers. I have some ideas for changing my deck around after talking with a friend.

    Quote from Kimkitten »

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    Is what I use atm, thinking about getting rid of the whirlwind and the slam, kinda dead cards when you have the ghoul and death's bite.

     Slam and Whirlwind are never dead. They trigger Grommash, and help serve as removal, but I understand if people feel like they may not need them anymore. I just hate when I can't Execute something or get Grommash to work.

    Quote from snootzh »

    Most of the decks aren't running it are they? (TBK).. Miracle Rogue, Mid Range Hunter, Zoo, Token Druid..

    Only deck that i know that runs it consistently is Ramp Druid which isn't common these days.

    The guy can stop leeroy/FON combos in it's tracks.. him and loatheb are probably the best cards of nax so far imo

    What do you guys think of staalag and feugen? i really like the idea and 4/7 is great stats.. but with 2x belchers... loatheb and brawl its hard to fit them in right now..

    I was just talking with a friend about Stalagg and Feugen. My deck doesn't really have anything at the 5 slot. Most of the time when I'm winning with control warrior it's because I'm dropping threat after threat, but it doesn't start for me until turn 6. I think starting a turn earlier + getting the bonus of Thaddius might help. I'm gonna try replacing Brawl (I will miss this card), Ysera, and one other card (possibly 1 Armorsmith) for Loatheb, Stalagg, and Feugen.

    If you remove Sludge Belcher and go for a more aggressive build (2 Death's Bite, more 5 drop threats) you probably wouldn't miss them. It's nice to at least experiment and see how it works out. I know lots of people are on that Sludge Belcher train, though, and for good reason. I've seen the deck Sjow has been running to top 16 on both servers and he runs x2 Sludge Belcher. His deck is definitely nice, it's just not my style. Kinda happy that the small pool of cards from Naxx was enough to allow for people to run control warrior in a variety of ways.

    I forgot to mention, but with Hunter getting popular we will probably end up seeing more Harrison Jones & Acidic Swamp Ooze. Something to look out for.

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    posted a message on [Curse of Naxxramas] Will Control Warrior die, but Midrange rise with Naxxramas?

    Surprised some people aren't running Death's Bite as a 2 of. I am also surprised to see no Unstable Ghoul in some decklists. People do funny things to make sure you don't get extra Acolyte triggers. I was thinking 4 weapons was overkill, but I have not been sad to see any of them at all. Only thing that annoys me is Death's Bite triggering before Harvest Golem / Haunted Creeper. I think the synergy with Grommash Hellscream, Acolyte of Pain, Armorsmith, and Execute is too good. The fact that it also is a mini-sweeper can't be overlooked. I think one of our most annoying matchups is when Shaman gets too much stuff on the board; especially for those that don't run Wild Pyromancer, Baron Geddon, or Brawl. I run all those cards and still have problems sometimes. Admittedly, I have not played against that class since adding the new cards. Pretty sure I can handle that class much better now.

    Anyways, this is the decklist I've been playing since some of the new Naxx cards became available:

    P2W Warrior
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    The changes I made to the deck were - 2 Wild Pyromancer, -1 Slam, and -1 Gorehowl. My hardest matchup has always been Miracle Rogue. I imagine we'll see less of that so my win % will probably go up. Zoo has gotten easier to manage because of Ghoul and the extra "early" weapons. Handlock still gives me problems if I can't deal with Twilight Drake though. I don't think ctrl warrior is going anywhere. I should try and actually play ranked for once instead of mashing on arena to do my quests (which I do every 2-3 days). My rank has been consistently low because I never really try. I am considering trying Feugen and Stalagg, but I really hate Stalagg's health. My games always go long so I'd prob get Thaddius to drop often. I know people don't like Ysera, but she wins me games vs Druid, Shaman, Priest, or any class that just runs out of answers after I drop all my other legendary cards. If I did try that combo, Ysera would come out, but I don't know what else. I'll probably try more since Miracle Rogue won't be as prevalent soon.

    Posted in: Warrior
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