In the discover a card brawl vs. my friend he got Feugen and Stallag. He summoned Thaddius. I was about to concide but then he played the cards that summons an "awesome invention". With over 6 minions on the board Poultryizer transformed Thaddius into a 1/1 Chicken. That game was awesome
You only need the dying part of the duo to be golden, so if Feugen is normal and it died first, a golden Stalagg's death will result into a golden Thaddius, however, if the process is reversed, you'll get a normal Thaddius
You only need the dying part of the duo to be golden, so if Feugen is normal and it died first, a golden Stalagg's death will result into a golden Thaddius, however, if the process is reversed, you'll get a normal Thaddius
When both Feugen and Stalagg dies at the same time by AoE or something they summon two Thaddius. Will one be golden and the other not or what?
When Stalagg or Feugen are dropped, being silenced doesn't affect the first one, so to cancel Thaddius you would need to morph the first so that "Stalagg" or "Feugen" doesn't end up in the discard pile, fulfilling Thaddius's prerequisites.
I managed to get the second guy out with a Shaman then use Reincarnation to kill Stalagg, giving me an 11/11 Thaddius as well as a 7/4 Stalagg who summons a SECOND Thaddius when he dies. This worked well since the opponent didn't have the chance to silence Stalagg since it reincarnated the turn he was played.
Have already won a few games with him in a warrior control deck. Feugen and Stalagg trade well and not everyone can deal with Grommash, Cairne, and Ysera thus making Thaddius another win condition.
That's how it's done;)
Thaddius summon so easy in KFT.Hunter have good cards for it.But Spiritsinger Umbra can help you if you play another class.
Hunter can summon two Thaddius in one turn with so mach ways.
Thaddius talking about Freeze Mage
In the discover a card brawl vs. my friend he got Feugen and Stallag. He summoned Thaddius. I was about to concide but then he played the cards that summons an "awesome invention". With over 6 minions on the board Poultryizer transformed Thaddius into a 1/1 Chicken. That game was awesome
And I got disconnected and lost this game! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I had to look up this card to see what it looks like because I have never seen it in game.
Havent even seen him vs myself...
i like golden animation
Do you like golden animation?
The new braw makes him very viable!
Easy to summon with shaman! Sweet..
Vanilla test:
11 + 11 = 22/2 = 11 > 10
This card is OP by the vanilla test. However it requires you to play and kill 2 minions before it comes into play, so it can be called Balanced.
I love achievements.
You only need the dying part of the duo to be golden, so if Feugen is normal and it died first, a golden Stalagg's death will result into a golden Thaddius, however, if the process is reversed, you'll get a normal Thaddius
When Stalagg or Feugen are dropped, being silenced doesn't affect the first one, so to cancel Thaddius you would need to morph the first so that "Stalagg" or "Feugen" doesn't end up in the discard pile, fulfilling Thaddius's prerequisites.
I managed to get the second guy out with a Shaman then use Reincarnation to kill Stalagg, giving me an 11/11 Thaddius as well as a 7/4 Stalagg who summons a SECOND Thaddius when he dies. This worked well since the opponent didn't have the chance to silence Stalagg since it reincarnated the turn he was played.
Have already won a few games with him in a warrior control deck. Feugen and Stalagg trade well and not everyone can deal with Grommash, Cairne, and Ysera thus making Thaddius another win condition.
But... But... How?
I'm going to guess Faceless Manipulator was involved.
Does Poly/Hex'ing Staalag/Fuegen count as "killing" them?