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I can see this card's potential , can get you some good / bad minion , based on armor.
1 star now and forever
Maybe good in Recruit Even Warrior - i.e. this card + Execute + Warpath + Bring It On! + Gather Your Party + Geosculptor Yip + Grommash Hellscream + Rotface + Woecleaver...
nerfed spiteful
Originally I thought this was trash, but after thinking about it a bit...
you can run this with Deadman's Hand and Bring It On! and if fatigue/Infinite Warrior works, you could technically create an infinite loop that allows you to summon a 10-drop every 3 turns without dying to fatigue.
Granted there's the question whether that is even worth it, considering killing them with fatigue should be enough most of the time, but who knows what lategame strategies there are going to be.
Just the combo potential due to lower mana cost has some interesting implications for the future, that Yip just didn't have.
Bad but apart from that - WE NEED NEW ETC LEGENDARY NOW!
You missed the fact this spell works only once.
Blizzard always make this kind of cards, were is the same mechanic of other card. I don't care if it is good or bad i want original ideas.
I think itll work in an armor gain type warrior. If it was 5 or even 7 mana it may be played more since it could fit into odd warrior. 6 mana is prob the worst spot for it.
We may even see a low warrior card that reads something like "at the end of your turn, gain 2 armor" or something to make this more viable.
that's why it's not odd .. too ezy to run with baku
That's right , would be insane if it was.
Guys, underrate me as much as you want, but this card has some potential. The fact that you can play a 10 drop on turn 6. The fact that you can run 2 of this. Yes, that's straightly worse than Geosculptor Yip, but you can play it 2 turns earlier, which means that when you ll play your big drops later, such as, precisely, Geosculptor Yip, The Lich King or Ysera your opponent won't be able to remove them because he wasted hsi single target removal on this card. Odd Warrior, but generally speaking, every kind of Control Warrior has always been good against aggro, but they missed a win condition against other Control. I think that's finally time for Big Warrior to shine...
EDIT: I wrote Lich King instead of The Lich King...
Way worse than Lollosculptor Zomg.
lol Geosculptor Yip
They just peeled off a 4/8 body and the two mana stuck to it and this card remained.
I think it's pretty bad. As duck91 said, for 2 more mana you get a 4/8 attached to it doing this effect every turn...
So you would expect this card to cost 4 mana , like get a 10-drop at turn 3 with coin. You people are fcking dumb
Wasted potential
Won't fit in Odd Warrior for Hero power synergy
2 more mana and you'll have Geoscuptler
Voted 'Bad'