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    posted a message on New Druid Legendary - Keeper Stalladris

    I like how people say it's worse than Fandral. Yeah no shit a 2 mana card is worse than a 4 mana card with similar ability. Thanks Sherlock. 

    This card is crazy good. Single handedly breaks Wild format. And will surely find a spot in many standard druid decks. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Paladin Card - Dragon Speaker

    We've been asking for dragon paladin synergy for years and you give it in the form of hand buffs what the fuck blizzard?

    I'm not playing a 3 mana 3/2 and a 5 mana 3/5 in exchange for two 4 mana 7/7 in my hand on turn 6.

    That's just terrible.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Card - Jepetto Joybuzz

    I don't think this is just a combo tool. If anything it's a bad combo tool. 

    Any deck that counts more on card effects than stats could play this. I can totally see Hagatha/shudderwock shamans running this card if they are short on card draw. 


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    posted a message on New Priest Card - EVIL Conscripter

    So they used the art of a unique character in world of warcraft for 2 non legendary cards. Is this just a random silithid in Hearthstone? 

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    posted a message on New Hunter Legendary Card - Vereesa Windrunner

    So hunters will kill on turn 8, good to know.

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    posted a message on New Warrior Card - Dr. Boom's Scheme
    Quote from user-100401077 >>

    I played a game with my warrior deck yesterday that went on for 32 turns. So this could have been 4 mana, gain 33 armour? If my opponent had had it instead of shield block he would have won. 
    I'm not saying it's good, but it might have a niche. 

     Yes it could have been 33 armor. Or 5 armor. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Paladin Card - Never Surrender!

    Meh. First of all not all decks play spells. Then people learn how to play around secrets. And this becomes a +2 health on a minion at some point in the game, or literally a card that does nothing (against zoolock for example).

    I see overwhelming positivity in this thread, so what am I missing? Aren't you just overreacting exactly like when Witchwood Imp was revealed and a lot of people thought it was top tier ? 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Rogue Card - Hench-Clan Burglar

    I crafted Tess so I can only be happy about this card. Discover a spell that can't target Tess to begin with, would be pretty nice, instead of randomly getting a Twisting nether that will break the Tess chain.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Hunter Spell - Unleash the Beast

    Decent card from random generators, but I don't see this in any deck. Especially with Shaw still in standard. Rush Highmane is better than this :)

    Didn't think about Zul'jin. This card is very strong. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Paladin Spell - Lightforged Blessing
    Quote from Maximal_HS >>
    Quote from GentilleMouche >>

    This card is just good, there isn't much to say. Twinspell really saves the card, allowing you to waste only 1 deck slot for it.

    Twinspell saves the card? So you wanna say 2 mana give a minion lifesteal is fair price? Give a minion lifesteal should be worth 0 or 1 mana on a card. But just cause it is a twinspell it gets a penalty and becomes 2 mana. So yeah you are paying for you Twinspell and a card slot with tempo.

     Tempo? What's tempo ? This is for control decks, Wild Pyro, Prelate, Tirion, etc. 

    And yes for this type of very low impact effect, I'd rather pay 2 mana and 1 card slot, than 1 mana and 2 card slots, because it's such a situational effect (anti aggro or save a turn, basically a tech card), that I don't want to run 2 in my deck, but I will gladly cast it on 2 minions.

    Wouldn't you pay 3 mana for the Ooze or 4 mana for the Gluttonous ooze if it was a "twin minion"? I think I would. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Mage Card - Power of Creation

    Just having a playable 8 mana mage spell in the pool feels awesome. 

    It's sad that some rotating cards would have enjoyed the company of this card. Spiteful Summoner, Grand Archivist, Arcane Tyrant, Dragon's Fury

    Anyway, I think this card is way underrated, and one of the best cards in the expansion. Just by virtue of being worth 12 mana on average, for 8 mana cost. Mana cheating ALWAYS finds a way in the competitive environment. 

    The options are going to be quite limited post rotation, and discovering game winning cards like argent commanders or Cairne will happen more consistently than most people think.

    It also single handedly makes Khadgar a good card, allowing a easy 2 cards combo for 10 mana worth 26 mana of stats. Again, this is mathematically too strong to be bad. Mana cheating is life. 

    But it's not all, this card has insane synergy with BOTH new mage legendaries. Sometimes you'll be ahead when it's time to play Kalecgos and now you have the perfect card, it literally couldn't be better than this. Mage had no way to fill the board with Kalecgos, now they have all the options.

    Overall I feel like Mage is the next super star and I'm SO happy about the 4 mage cards they revealed, they all work so well on their own AND together, it's beautiful. I hope the last 6 mage cards aren't just pure trash, but I wouldn't be surprised, mage got SO MUCH with these 4 cards. 

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Paladin Spell - Lightforged Blessing

    This card is just good, there isn't much to say. Twinspell really saves the card, allowing you to waste only 1 deck slot for it.

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Mage Legendary Card - Khadgar
    Quote from Lycaon55 >>

    Is the effect valid for the whole match when you play this or just one turn? will it work for deathrattle summon cards

     Valid as long as Khadgar is on the board + yes it will work

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Warrior Card - Dr. Boom's Scheme

    So am I the only one that would be happy to have this in my opening hand in a control warrior deck ?

    If warrior can hold dead man's hand for 15 turns, they can hold this for 15 turns as well. 

    Maybe it's bad.. But it's not THAT bad really. Just like the 2 mana 10 armor spell, it just needs proper timing and some amount of skill. 

    Now let me ask you a question. How the hell do I guarantee this in my opening hand ???? Or am I just supposed to live with the fact that I can top deck a 4 mana give 1 armor? Because I can't

    Posted in: Card Discussion
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    posted a message on New Mage Card - Messenger Raven
    Quote from laadeedaa >>
    Quote from GentilleMouche >>
    Quote from 1xbenx1 >>

    Please don’t draw favorable comparisons to stonehill. This is trash compared to it.

    stonehill provided two levels of defense. This is an aggressive 2-mana body on a 3 mana card that doesn’t discover taunt. 

    This card might see some play on the greediest mages. The closer comparison is Kabal Courrier. 

    Stonehill stomps the ever loving shit out of this. 

     Kabal courrier saw a lot of play and any sort of stat boost is significant on card generator. 

    I actually think it would be pretty average with 2/2 stats, but 3/2 unconditional discover in a specific pool of mostly good cards, it will see play for sure in either aggressive or control decks.

    It's not Stitched Tracker level but this card is OP

    I also think the beast tag is worth something and Untamed Beastmaster is largely underrated in both hunter and non hunter decks. 

    Kabal Courier was mainly used in Reno decks to fill a spot and "maybe" get some extra value. Stonehill is FAR superior to Courier and Messenger! 

     No I don't think stonehill is better in mage and I would never play it in reno mage while I still play kabal courier. 3/2 is more threatening than 1/4 to begin with. And mage minions including all the legendary ones have more chances to have a surprise factor, significant impact or synergy with your deck than neutral taunt minions with only 1 legendary in the standard pool. Obviously against aggro deck stonehill is a lot better, because double taunt, there's no debate here. So let's just talk about a normal meta where 30% of decks are aggro and mage is naturally good against aggro. I always thought it was weird to play stonehill in mage anyway, mage has no good taunt and really good sustain, never liked it, tar creeper was far superior imo. 

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