Here are some lovely things that can help you present your fan-made cards in a nice, new way! This is a recreation of an old thread I created, but this one's a bit more cleaner and concise, and it includes some new Hearthcards tips. Enjoy!
Custom Card Templates
In order to create custom card templates, you will need to go to:
This is for very advanced creators who want to make their custom class really pop and stand out.
However, every creator can use custom templates with ease. In order to use them, simply put in the code (for example, "{{CLASS=customclass1111}}") at the end of card text you want to add to the card.
Here is a list of some additional custom class borders.
Some do not have a hero card, or may use the old style of weapon card border.
![]() |
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{{CLASS=custom1}} Chef, CheeseEtc |
{{CLASS=custom4}} Firelord, Logovaz |
{{CLASS=custom5}} Gambler, Tox |
{{CLASS=custom6}} Gambler, Otovent |
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{{CCLASS=ninja5958}} Ninja, McF4rtson |
{{CCLASS=warden1846}} Warden, Jengus |
{{CCLASS=riftblade5344}} Riftblade, McF4rtson |
{{CCLASS=beepboop5916}} "Motherboard", Jengus & McF4rtson |
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{{CCLASS=seawitch25473}} Improved Sea Witch, McF4rtson |
{{CCLASS=runic9352}} Runic, original artist unknown, McF4rtson |
{{CCLASS=ringmaster9507}} Ringmaster, Walrus, McF4rtson |
Furthermore, here is a list of custom emblems. Simply click on them to get the code you need to put in. Like a custom class, they go at the end of your card's text.>>>Emblems-
In addition, two emblems were added later on: {{EMBLEM=custom50}}, {{EMBLEM=custom51}}
Updated Custom Card Tools:
Demonxz95 pointed out a button that might save you a lot of time.
Rarity Colours (Copy and Paste)
Source Code for Rarity Colours (for mobile devices)
- <strong><a class="rarity-0">Token</a></strong> (e.g. The Coin)
- <strong><a class="rarity-1">Common</a></strong> (e.g. Wisp)
- <strong><a class="rarity-2">Basic</a></strong> (e.g. Magma Rager)
- <strong><a class="rarity-3">Rare</a></strong> (e.g. Alarm-o-Bot)
- <strong><a class="rarity-4">Epic</a></strong> (e.g. Doomsayer)
- <strong><a class="rarity-5">Legendary</a></strong> (e.g. Ragnaros the Firelord)
Charts (Copy and Paste)
Legend: AxB where A is the amount of boxes along the horizonal axis and B is the amount of boxes along the vertical axis.
Source Code Guide for Charts
- "<table>
<tbody>" = Beginning of Table - "</tbody>
</table>" = End of Table - "<tr>" = Beginning of Table Row
- "</tr>" = End of Table Row
- "<th>Insert Words Here</th>" = Table Heading (Black Box)
- "<td>Insert Words Here</td>" = Table Cell (Beige blocks)
<th>Warcraft Faction</th>
<th>Basic Hearthstone Heroes</th>
<td>Jaina, Anduin, Uther, Valeera</td>
<td>Thrall, Garrosh, Rexxar</td>
<td>Gul'dan, Malfurion</td>
Warcraft Faction | Basic Hearthstone Heroes |
Alliance | Jaina, Anduin, Uther, Valeera |
Horde | Thrall, Garrosh, Rexxar |
Other | Gul'dan, Malfurion |
Superscript and Subscript
- <sup>Superscript</sup> (e.g. Fe2+)
- <sub>Subscript</sub> (e.g. H2O)
Hearthcards Tricks
Unorthodox Rarity Gem
Type {{CUSTOMGEM=red/green/limegreen/gray}} within the "card text" box.
Font Size
Type {{FONTSIZE=x}} within the "card text" box. "x" is a whole number between -15 (smallest font size) and 15 (largest font size).
Coloured Stat Numbers
Type {{MANACOLOR=red/green}}, {{HEALTHCOLOR=red/green}}, or {{ATTACKCOLOR=red/green}} within the "card text" box.
You can also use hexadecimal colors like this {{MANACOLOR=#f442f4}}
The above cards were made by RazorOfArtorias in his expansion Servitors of the Loa.
Any other recommendations for presentation tools is appreciated and will be added to this thread.
You're not wrong in the fact that this site is a gold mine. It's also where I first got my feet wet in the hearthstone community.
However I believe most of the outrage is probably coming from the fact that Flux did try to see about buying hearthpwn to keep it alive and them at the time saying it wasn't up for sale, only to turn around and sell it anyways.
I'm of the opinion it was a dick move, however I see no reason to hold that against the new staff coming in. For the mean time I will probably float between the two sites until a time comes when (or if) I find one suits my needs more for why I'm on these forums to begin with.
However I do wish the new staff all the best and hope they manage to keep things thriving here.
Feel free to correct me if in wrong. However I dont believe the reset is at midnight local time. It's at midnight where they maintain the servers so not for a few more hours about 7 or so i do believe.
With all classes - nothing
Golden legendary- buy all wings
Golden pack - complete all 5 wings on normal.
You get a card back for clearing all the wings on normal. And another for heroic.
Simply put no.
Hearthstone is a great game and I enjoy it immensely. However there is a long list of games that I would put ahead of hearthstone for greatest game in the world.
I'm not even sure I'd call it the greatest blizzard game, but hey I respect your opinion even though I disagree.
Two pieces of the legendary sword. Now OP won't be able to assemble it.
Immune means does not take damage this turn. Vaporize just destroys the minion dealing no damage.
Immune doesn't protect your minion from effects is what I'm trying to say.
Got a Golden Cenarius to complete my classic collection! The rest were just some basic cards that I may never play unless a tavern brawl.
Next step full golden classic set!
After considering recent feedback and significant discussion, we felt that Quest Druid decks were most directly affected in terms of viability as a result of the changes that were introduced with Update 11.2. As such, we allowed players that brought Quest Druid an opportunity to resubmit their deck.
Note from blizzard on the quest druids change at HCT Seoul.
The rough rule for copying is:
If you copy something that is in play and the copy is in play it keeps stats. (Faceless Manipulator)
If you copy something from other zones it is the base card. (Thoughtsteal)
If you copy something in play to another zone it is a base card. (Echo of Medivh)
If you move something from deck or hand then it is still that exact card so it keeps stats. (Death Grip, Deathlord.)
If something leaves play it loses buffs. (Sap)
We are trying to make this the consistent rule and reviewing existing and future cards with this in mind.