Best Mage Meta was TGT Meta. Mage just stomped paladin there but not that many people played mage for some reason, never got legends so easy again.
Only question remains if Tempo mage is realy an aggro deck, and i would say its not. Its basically midrange and can often win without playing a one drop.
I think the fact that the deck works realy evolves more about Voidlord/Skull of Menari beeing better than expected. Also meta is still pretty slow atm. with people trying things out.
Since you cant draw double legendary there is almost no point in dissenchanting legendarys, at least standard ones, you should dissenchant only classic legendarys.
As others have said, she's 100% necessary in Control Warlock.
You will NOT beat other Control decks if you don't use her, barring obscene luck.
Bollocks. Control Lock was a thing before KnC as well.
In fact, if you truly wanna have an auto-win against control, just play Jaraxxus. He does the job a 100-times better.
No hes not, Seatcup all Control locks played rin so far, shes performing well. Also Jaraxxus seems like a verry bad choice, basically all control decks can deal 15 damage ofhand. Also Rin is better vs aggro.
Meme Deck, OP want to play togwaggle into ungoro and if enemy takes back destroy the deck via Skulking geist.
However that combo doesnt work since you have to draw your whole deck to not give the oponent any cards from your deck. which is simply to slow especially with no goood minion base. And i play a lot of DMH and tested this meme already so i know what im talking about.
Normal DMH warrior lists are all better this is funny meme but not more.
Well its a widely spread opinion that Patches is bad for this game...just look at deck lists....Hell even Priest plays southsea captain because this retarded designed 1 drop....
Reynad made a recent video in which he also complains about Pirate Body with creepers basically being in every deck and to some amount i agree that something is off if a highlander control deck utilises an aggro package with a 1 mana 1/1 charge and a 3 mana 3/3 standalone vanila.
I feel like blizzard made a potential mistake by nerfing War axe(should have moved to hall of fame as a 3/2 instead of a nerf imo) and small time buk..over this retarded onedrop legendary that is utilised in litteraly every deck in every class.
Also it has a high variance rng attached to it which just feels bad. Wasnt Yogg nerfed for that reason beeing a 10 drop? So im kinda confused why they let this go through.
I realy get green eyes if ill see spellhunters with patches package. imo outrotation of this 1 drop will have higher meta impact than 3 full card sets released.
I tryed Shrieking Shroom in Handbuff Pala, the card is in general not that bad however its one of my favourite artworks and this screaming little fellow is one of the coolest cards in the game just because its a screaming this card even if its RNG
Just had this card in arena. I kid you not, in the 4 games that I played it, 3 patient assassin pulls, basically insta-loss. Blizzard RNG ftw.
Imo in standard there is a suprisingly low amount of 2 drops. With Doomsayer, gastropod and assasin directly countering this card its like a pretty high chance it srews you over. 3times in row however is terible bad luck.
@BigFatMurloc The idea of this deck is to clear the early board with Fishes, Flurry, Razor and Brawl and then start spamming big minion - Big Priest way. Early game minions would kill the idea of the deck, making Gather Your Party basically unplayable.
I agree on the double DMH part, now I see that it might be a bit overkill to run two of them.
If you realy want to try to go with no early game minions i would cut, 1x Forge of souls, and one DMH for another whirlwind ( you have only 3 enabler cards for Fishes in early game) and another reckless flurry for more clear consistency.
But still it comes not clear why that is better than Big Priest Whcih has more removal or Druid which has ramp.
I think warriors advantage is actually that it can run tons of draw without having to care about fatigue due to DMH. You can draw your deck, having like Dmh,Dmh,Lichking,ysera,whoecleaver on hand and just cycle those AFTER you played your early game minions.
So its possible to build this deck with early game minions, this looks verry risky and hard to pull off.
Thats my list, i think your deck doesnt look to well against tempo you have to pass like turn 1,2,3,4,5 and than if your still alive you maybe roll well with a random spell.
Also i think that 1x DMH is generaly enough to win fatigue and 2x is kinda win more.
Furthermore i think if you run 2x DMH, Reckless Flurry is unplayable since in certain matchups youll need the armour and cant cast it, so you end up with 10x Reckless Flurry on your theory.
Op should look at patches like a 0 mana 1/1 draw a card charge, and if op doesnt see why this is insanely strong nobody can help here.
There is no way you would cut jade package from shaman
Best Mage Meta was TGT Meta. Mage just stomped paladin there but not that many people played mage for some reason, never got legends so easy again.
Only question remains if Tempo mage is realy an aggro deck, and i would say its not. Its basically midrange and can often win without playing a one drop.
I think the fact that the deck works realy evolves more about Voidlord/Skull of Menari beeing better than expected. Also meta is still pretty slow atm. with people trying things out.
Since you cant draw double legendary there is almost no point in dissenchanting legendarys, at least standard ones, you should dissenchant only classic legendarys.
Obvious troll is obvius
Meme Deck, OP want to play togwaggle into ungoro and if enemy takes back destroy the deck via Skulking geist.
However that combo doesnt work since you have to draw your whole deck to not give the oponent any cards from your deck. which is simply to slow especially with no goood minion base. And i play a lot of DMH and tested this meme already so i know what im talking about.
Normal DMH warrior lists are all better this is funny meme but not more.
I play her in my Hunter Deck
I think Shes best in Deathrattle Hunter, shes a good play dead target and thins your deck. Decent card, not op but good in the right deck.
Warrior is by huge margin worst dungeon run class, due to terrible packages and no synergies.
Well its a widely spread opinion that Patches is bad for this game...just look at deck lists....Hell even Priest plays southsea captain because this retarded designed 1 drop....
Reynad made a recent video in which he also complains about Pirate Body with creepers basically being in every deck and to some amount i agree that something is off if a highlander control deck utilises an aggro package with a 1 mana 1/1 charge and a 3 mana 3/3 standalone vanila.
I feel like blizzard made a potential mistake by nerfing War axe(should have moved to hall of fame as a 3/2 instead of a nerf imo) and small time buk..over this retarded onedrop legendary that is utilised in litteraly every deck in every class.
Also it has a high variance rng attached to it which just feels bad. Wasnt Yogg nerfed for that reason beeing a 10 drop? So im kinda confused why they let this go through.
I realy get green eyes if ill see spellhunters with patches package. imo outrotation of this 1 drop will have higher meta impact than 3 full card sets released.
I tryed Shrieking Shroom in Handbuff Pala, the card is in general not that bad however its one of my favourite artworks and this screaming little fellow is one of the coolest cards in the game just because its a screaming this card even if its RNG
Thats my list, i think your deck doesnt look to well against tempo you have to pass like turn 1,2,3,4,5 and than if your still alive you maybe roll well with a random spell.
Also i think that 1x DMH is generaly enough to win fatigue and 2x is kinda win more.
Furthermore i think if you run 2x DMH, Reckless Flurry is unplayable since in certain matchups youll need the armour and cant cast it, so you end up with 10x Reckless Flurry on your theory.