I have 100% wins against that quest without lying slightly at all.
U mad...and bad?
Using what? Window licker aggro decks? Oh, I’m sorry, forgot the game catered lately to special needs players like you. My bad. How dare someone try to play a deck that requires an ounce of thought or foresight. You wouldn’t understand. Also talking about wild mode where it’s extremely oppressive. I know, you can only afford cheap aggro decks in standard. Too low of an allowance. I understand.
Ummm. Yeah. Broken beyond belief. It’s machine gun priest with secrets and unlimited face damage. Pure retard proof too. Is this game ever going to be good again?
So nice that Quest Mage and Huntard exist so the mentally challenged players can win. I guess it’s a charitable thing. Maybe we should all be happy that hearthstone has its own version of the special olympics. I guess it’s OK. And make NO mistake…..quest decks are 100% for the dumbest, lowest IQ people on earth. But again, it’s nice to let them have their fun too. Yeeeaaaaah! Everyone gets a trophy. Just be sure to line keyboard with plastic to catch the drool.
This isn’t the time for control. It will return when it has more tools, and when there is a strong deck for it to counter, but right now a control archetype isn’t necessary. Walls are in the game already, and mana destruction sounds terrible.
The problem is that the existence of these quests makes control impossible. Mage and Warlock quests both auto win after a certain point and there is no way to outlast them, which is the entire point of Control. You can't taunt against them, you can't heal out of range, you just die.
They're both beatable, if you're using aggro they're easy to farm. But that doesn't change the fact that they shut control decks out completely. It's fine to go an xpac or so without any major control decks, but if the quests aren't touched we'll be going a year and a half without them, which is not ok.
I know, I play this game too. It’s a combo meta, like I said, it’s not control’s time. Just wait until all the classes get hero cards for the mercenaries next expansion. Control will return when they keep hero cards at the same cost/power level as this expansion. 5 cost DK Jaina and shadowreaper Anduin…
If they have 5 cost Hero cards that's not control, it's midrange.
There is literally nothing they can give control to counter a deck that ignores what you have on board and damages your face for 30 in one turn, that can't fatigue. That's the biggest two issues; nothing you play can stop them from destroying your face, and nothing you play can run them out of damage. That makes it impossible for any control deck to beat them, unless you can generate 30-40+ health to survive through the burn.
Please, tell me what card they can print to counter a 2 card 7 mana combo that deals 15-20 damage to face and has the chance to generate another 15-20 damage, plus a hero power that deals 6-8 damage, all while healing themselves, destroying your board, and generating board presence?
I seem to remember DK Rexxar being a control card and not midrange, but I digress. You’re convinced you’re right and nothing anyone or anything they do can change it. I can think of one card they could print, and I would be shocked if they did, but a 4 cost “destroy opponent’s active quest” would definitely do it.
Yes. Print that card please. Destroy quest. Perfect. Too damned bad if people don’t like it. The sooner we can get back to actually PLAYING the game the better. Can’t get away from quests in any game mode. I’m so sick of them. They are extremely easy to pop off and literally require no cognitive input whatsoever in any way, shape or form.
Mage quest is broken in wild? Whaaaat? I've never seen the Mage questline in wild and I doubt it's even a tier10 deck. Also how can 4 different decks be broken? If so many decks/classes are 'broken' then probably nothing is really broken....
But in all seriousness: Warlock Questline is completely busted in wild. Will slow down a bit after the Darkglare 'nerf', but will probably remain tier S. Warrior Questline is strong, nothing broken about it Hunter Questline is 'ok' Druid Questline is 'meh' Shaman Questline is also 'meh' Demon Hunter Quest is a meme The rest of the questlines are unplayable garbage in wild
The nerf to Incanter's Flow probably kills the various APM/OTK Mage decks that could kill you on t5/t6, yet another thing that will shake up the wild meta
Regarding queue times: Since a couple of months I often experience 1-2min queue time, nothing changed in this expansion, not sure why it takes so long
The Hunter quest is obscene in wild. They finish it completely by turn 4/5 and have three damage per hero power which costs zero along with all their other BS face damage. What the hell are you supposed to against that? Can’t heal fast enough. Can’t do anything but lose the game every time. This meta is easily the worst ever. Cant play the game now at all.
This deck is impossible to counter in wild. I stole multiple boars with sylvanas, silenced some, etc, etc. doesn’t matter. They just use @#$&* spells to get them back then use that broken Raise the dead card anyways. Why is this deck allowed to do this? Why is your mana reduced to one? Don’t we have enough moron proof "sorry I win and you can’t interact or stop me" decks already? Seems we do with Mage and Warlock causing misery everywhere. Just eliminate OTKs, quests and other shenanigans from the game and let’s play the right way. If normal play is too hard for certain players then try checkers.
They sure did kill control and really even midrange decks too. Mage can go infinite too with that stupid fire spell card that adds another to your deck with one more damage. So, even if you exhaust them of resources, make them use all their cards, get the low on health…..guess what? You still lose because every threat you play gets removed and they stay away from fatigue with that BS spell.
People must be new here or just don’t get it. Mage is warping the meta and forcing decks out of rotation. It is NOT about win rate so save your stupid links from pointless websites about win rates. It’s also NOT about what’s going on at high legend where janky, experimental decks get used or whatever else. Stop trying to justify Mage with useless, irrelevant data. Use your brain. There is no reason for zero costs cards and unlimited draws to be allowed. It’s time to fix that permanently in standard and wild. Enough.
This is the dumbest reply I see again and again. You clearly don't understand what you are talking about. Hearthstone is MY favorite game and some dumb fuck at Blizzard has turned it into a pile of crap. So I can't just play another game nitwit.... What else is there to play ???
Match three? Defense tower? Solitaire?
Go back play your mage twiddly dumb
It’s so easy to spot the abusers of broken decks. Their mask slips off every time. They’ll point to some worthless statistic on some garage operation website to "prove" their point or as usual they attack you with the tried and true "git gud". Rich stuff. That’s what bad players do though. They are scared that their auto pilot, broken deck will get nerfed and it’s making them nervous since they can’t win any other way. Hearthstone has had some expansions that are better than others. That always happens. But this one IS putrid. It just promotes and actually forces one to play solitaire or hyper aggro. That’s IT. No midrange, no minion based decks at all, zero control or even later game decks. Hell, I’d argue that even tempo decks are mostly useless too since there’s no way to out tempo a deck that only draws cards and chucks spells at your face. Or, even funnier, chucks spells at their OWN face. What a monumental joke.
ehh, did you see the winrates the last couple of days?
Lemme guess….the stats thrown up are from a tiny subset of players at high legend or whatever? Couldn’t care less. The decks existence is wrecking the game. Very much like the original caverns core quest rogue did. Win rates do NOT mean a damned thing when a deck is this abusive towards so many other decks. You should know better. No more zero cost anything. Problem solved. Let’s get back to actually playing the game and fighting for the board instead of these moron proof "draw your entire deck by turn 6 and win" crap.
Spell Mage OP again, like it never happened before.
Sure is. I give up. This idea that aggro beats it is a HUGE lie. No, it doesn’t. They just remove everything and that completes the quest. Since their cards all cost zero mana and they always have exactly what they need every time…..it’s disgusting that this is allowed. Nerf it into oblivion. Make a new rule: NO cards can be reduced to zero cost. Ever. Start there and keep nerfing until people stop playing it and it disappears into tier 6 category where it belongs. The game is UNPLAYABLE right now. Mage is 100% God tier.
Call this what you want, but I have a curse when it comes to RNG in this game. I'm not losing my mind, this is for real.
In all of my 3 years playing this game I actually cannot recall getting "the nuts." At the very best I get mediocre hands. I'm not saying this happens every single time, but this happens so much I cannot stress this enough.
Meanwhile, my opponent always has the nuts. Every single game is a struggle, honestly. I have actually broke down in tears at how unlucky I can be, it us really soul crushing,and everytime I get so close to winning my opponent mounts the most epic come back. This happens no matter which format I'm in..I just cannot ladder up not because I'm bad I don't think I'm great at spotting certain things but I know enough and I try my hardest...
Arena is really weird for me. If I draft a really good deck, I do poorly because my opponent just gets the nuts, and when I draft at least a mediocre deck it does surprisingly well.
TD;LR I have literally the worst luck imaginable when it comes to this game. I'm sorry I said alot but I just had to get this off my chest. Maybe it'll make me feel better if some of you share my experience...but least to say I think it's time I hung up my hat on this game. My luck has officially run out.
Have you tried using mulligan guides? HSReplay premium is good as you can check the WR of cards with and without the coin and against each class at specific ranks.
Due to how linear Hearthstone is most game will be won and lost in the mulligan. You will probably be surprised by which cards should be kept or tossed.
If you follow a good guide for a strong deck there’s no reason you won’t climb.
The illusion of strategy was removed with the creation of ZTG.
I don’t care about your conspiracies. Crack on and moan about being bad at the simplest card game on the market in your own time, Darksun200 seemed to want advice.
ZTG is also an awful example, it’s the single most skill intensive card in the game.
And I don't care about your fantasies of skill still being a part of this game. If you want to believe more power to you. I'm not one to go around telling kids in line to see Santa that it's just a guy in a suit.
Oops! I hope I didn't ruin that for you as well!
Skill? In Hearthstone? Maybe in Bronze it has something to do with game outcomes, sometimes. But once you get to anywhere near Platinum or especially Diamond..... it is 100% purely based on matchup and draw luck. The decks are too cancerous and brain-dead at those levels. There are NO misplays. You cant misplay when you dont get the fucking cards you need. Or your opponent barfs their hand on board with 40/40 worth of stats every turn. Its way too polarizing. I should know. Im "stuck" at the D2/D3 level because I refuse to play cancer decks. so, I win the good matchups and always lose the bad ones.
Skill my ass. People just say that top make themselves feel better and to remove guilt about getting legend with totally broken and brain-dead decks. Please. We're not fooled there, big champ. Idiots.
I personally suggest using something aggro-oriented, for quick and efficient games. In this current meta, Odd Pal feels like a stomper and lots of opponents simply concede on the 4-5th turn because they don't have any tools to clear the board.
You should try it.
Agreed - its 100% brainless and does work. But, mind you - the DECK gets legend and climbs, NOT the player. If people are good with that then go for it. But you didnt do anything to contribute. Just clarifying that fact.
Be prepared to be really irritated. From D5 down, its a cancer ward. Every mouth-breather deck is on display one after another. All busted, all ridiculous. Of course, YOU can play one of those decks too but then the problem becomes: Wins and losses are 100% out of your control. Whoever draws their busted shit first wins Or, with polarized match ups the game is over before it even starts. That happens a lot too.
Im using a Reno Hunter deck that gets me to D3-D2 but thats it. Full wall of Paladins and Priests. There is almost nothing I can do against either deck. Paladins buff their 1 cost minions so they are like 8/8 and many have charge. WHAT the $%^&* is that? And Priest? yeah, right. Vargoth makes that Res crap obscene. Even if i stay patient and can Sylvanas one of their big minions or Hex one with Zephyrs..... they still manage to crank out big minion after big minion and then res them like 37 times.
So, just.... use Paladin(handBuff or unlimited divine shield and buffs to recruits) or Res priest. Secret mage can work too b but even my Reno Hunter deck wrecks them like 65% of the time.
Amen - look, aggro has a place. No one, me included wants to play 40 minute fatigue games against priest all day. But, guys.... cmon. Its crazy now. They have way too many powerful cards that buff and reload boards. It just seems off to me.
Using what? Window licker aggro decks? Oh, I’m sorry, forgot the game catered lately to special needs players like you. My bad. How dare someone try to play a deck that requires an ounce of thought or foresight. You wouldn’t understand. Also talking about wild mode where it’s extremely oppressive. I know, you can only afford cheap aggro decks in standard. Too low of an allowance. I understand.
Ummm. Yeah. Broken beyond belief. It’s machine gun priest with secrets and unlimited face damage. Pure retard proof too. Is this game ever going to be good again?
So nice that Quest Mage and Huntard exist so the mentally challenged players can win. I guess it’s a charitable thing. Maybe we should all be happy that hearthstone has its own version of the special olympics. I guess it’s OK. And make NO mistake…..quest decks are 100% for the dumbest, lowest IQ people on earth. But again, it’s nice to let them have their fun too. Yeeeaaaaah! Everyone gets a trophy. Just be sure to line keyboard with plastic to catch the drool.
Yes. Print that card please. Destroy quest. Perfect. Too damned bad if people don’t like it. The sooner we can get back to actually PLAYING the game the better. Can’t get away from quests in any game mode. I’m so sick of them. They are extremely easy to pop off and literally require no cognitive input whatsoever in any way, shape or form.
The Hunter quest is obscene in wild. They finish it completely by turn 4/5 and have three damage per hero power which costs zero along with all their other BS face damage. What the hell are you supposed to against that? Can’t heal fast enough. Can’t do anything but lose the game every time. This meta is easily the worst ever. Cant play the game now at all.
This deck is impossible to counter in wild. I stole multiple boars with sylvanas, silenced some, etc, etc. doesn’t matter. They just use @#$&* spells to get them back then use that broken Raise the dead card anyways. Why is this deck allowed to do this? Why is your mana reduced to one? Don’t we have enough moron proof "sorry I win and you can’t interact or stop me" decks already? Seems we do with Mage and Warlock causing misery everywhere. Just eliminate OTKs, quests and other shenanigans from the game and let’s play the right way. If normal play is too hard for certain players then try checkers.
Such a degenerate deck but makes the legend climb soooooo simple.
They sure did kill control and really even midrange decks too. Mage can go infinite too with that stupid fire spell card that adds another to your deck with one more damage. So, even if you exhaust them of resources, make them use all their cards, get the low on health…..guess what? You still lose because every threat you play gets removed and they stay away from fatigue with that BS spell.
People must be new here or just don’t get it. Mage is warping the meta and forcing decks out of rotation. It is NOT about win rate so save your stupid links from pointless websites about win rates. It’s also NOT about what’s going on at high legend where janky, experimental decks get used or whatever else. Stop trying to justify Mage with useless, irrelevant data. Use your brain. There is no reason for zero costs cards and unlimited draws to be allowed. It’s time to fix that permanently in standard and wild. Enough.
It’s so easy to spot the abusers of broken decks. Their mask slips off every time. They’ll point to some worthless statistic on some garage operation website to "prove" their point or as usual they attack you with the tried and true "git gud". Rich stuff. That’s what bad players do though. They are scared that their auto pilot, broken deck will get nerfed and it’s making them nervous since they can’t win any other way.
Hearthstone has had some expansions that are better than others. That always happens. But this one IS putrid. It just promotes and actually forces one to play solitaire or hyper aggro. That’s IT. No midrange, no minion based decks at all, zero control or even later game decks. Hell, I’d argue that even tempo decks are mostly useless too since there’s no way to out tempo a deck that only draws cards and chucks spells at your face. Or, even funnier, chucks spells at their OWN face. What a monumental joke.
Lemme guess….the stats thrown up are from a tiny subset of players at high legend or whatever? Couldn’t care less. The decks existence is wrecking the game. Very much like the original caverns core quest rogue did. Win rates do NOT mean a damned thing when a deck is this abusive towards so many other decks. You should know better. No more zero cost anything. Problem solved. Let’s get back to actually playing the game and fighting for the board instead of these moron proof "draw your entire deck by turn 6 and win" crap.
Sure is. I give up. This idea that aggro beats it is a HUGE lie. No, it doesn’t. They just remove everything and that completes the quest. Since their cards all cost zero mana and they always have exactly what they need every time…..it’s disgusting that this is allowed. Nerf it into oblivion. Make a new rule: NO cards can be reduced to zero cost. Ever. Start there and keep nerfing until people stop playing it and it disappears into tier 6 category where it belongs. The game is UNPLAYABLE right now. Mage is 100% God tier.
Skill? In Hearthstone? Maybe in Bronze it has something to do with game outcomes, sometimes. But once you get to anywhere near Platinum or especially Diamond..... it is 100% purely based on matchup and draw luck. The decks are too cancerous and brain-dead at those levels. There are NO misplays. You cant misplay when you dont get the fucking cards you need. Or your opponent barfs their hand on board with 40/40 worth of stats every turn. Its way too polarizing. I should know. Im "stuck" at the D2/D3 level because I refuse to play cancer decks. so, I win the good matchups and always lose the bad ones.
Skill my ass. People just say that top make themselves feel better and to remove guilt about getting legend with totally broken and brain-dead decks. Please. We're not fooled there, big champ. Idiots.
Agreed - its 100% brainless and does work. But, mind you - the DECK gets legend and climbs, NOT the player. If people are good with that then go for it. But you didnt do anything to contribute. Just clarifying that fact.
Be prepared to be really irritated. From D5 down, its a cancer ward. Every mouth-breather deck is on display one after another. All busted, all ridiculous. Of course, YOU can play one of those decks too but then the problem becomes: Wins and losses are 100% out of your control. Whoever draws their busted shit first wins Or, with polarized match ups the game is over before it even starts. That happens a lot too.
Im using a Reno Hunter deck that gets me to D3-D2 but thats it. Full wall of Paladins and Priests. There is almost nothing I can do against either deck. Paladins buff their 1 cost minions so they are like 8/8 and many have charge. WHAT the $%^&* is that? And Priest? yeah, right. Vargoth makes that Res crap obscene. Even if i stay patient and can Sylvanas one of their big minions or Hex one with Zephyrs..... they still manage to crank out big minion after big minion and then res them like 37 times.
So, just.... use Paladin(handBuff or unlimited divine shield and buffs to recruits) or Res priest. Secret mage can work too b but even my Reno Hunter deck wrecks them like 65% of the time.
Amen - look, aggro has a place. No one, me included wants to play 40 minute fatigue games against priest all day. But, guys.... cmon. Its crazy now. They have way too many powerful cards that buff and reload boards. It just seems off to me.