• 3

    posted a message on Mister Liar Ayala: where's the anti-Jade tech?

    Just because there isn't a card that says "when your opponent plays Jade, win the game" doesn't mean there isn't a counter. Jade loses Mulch, and so is especially weak to Frost Nova/Doomsayer combo, which coupled with dropping Double Arcane Giant and then Time Warp into Alex = a clear counter. If Jade druid is super popular after the set rotates, that's what I'll be playing.

    The other thing to remember is that Jade is a very reactive deck. So long as you are on the beatdown with any sort of curvestone deck Jade will struggle, which is why it gets eaten alive by aggro at the moment.

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 10

    posted a message on Get Ready for Batstone #2!

    The 10 MSoG card limit means that we'll probably see more diversity in the Reno lineups, as well as eliminating Freeze Mage, Miracle Rogue, Miracle Druid, certain Dragon Priest lists, and Midrange Shaman.

    Posted in: News
  • 1

    posted a message on Can anything but Pirate Warrior beat Pirate Warrior?

    There are a bunch of decks that counter Pirate Warrior, but they are *really* bad matchups against anything Jade, so tech appropriately.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 2

    posted a message on How good is Finja?

    I've chucked him in Anyfin Paladin and have really liked the change. It makes the deck slightly less OTK, but the thinning + drawing your murlocs earlier means that you generally have all of them dead by 10 when you want to play Anyfin.

    Posted in: Paladin
  • 4

    posted a message on Beating Jade Druid

    Play fast decks. And before everyone goes "great now it's just aggro cancer meta", this is exactly the way a meta should work. Jade gets smoked by fast decks, but wins against anything slower than it. If everyone starts playing aggro, people turn to control/Reno to counter it, which then brings about Jade again to counter those. By being so polarising, Jade decks *should* help keep the rock/paper/scissors of the meta rolling.

    Posted in: Standard Format
  • 2

    posted a message on Suspicion: Team 5 DON'T do play testing before announcing new cards/mechanics
    Quote from Seagull0 >>
    Quote from Aneng >>

    Game Designer Dean "Iksar" Ayala: "Also because when I playtest things I have multiple accounts and I tend to be playing multiple games at once. With the Patches deck with Gang Up and holding back a bunch of cards and waiting to combo. That deck is so hard to play! It is maybe the single hardest deck to play that I've playtested in the last year."

    Source: http://www.hearthhead.com/news/iksar-patches-deck-is-maybe-the-single-hardest-deck-to-play

    They playtest the game.


     Read again, man. Key word is "proper".
    Only read the title, eh? :)
     Sorry, I took your bait title. If you wanted serious discussion you wouldn't hide it behind a title which doesn't argue what you actually believe.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 1

    posted a message on Suspicion: Team 5 DON'T do play testing before announcing new cards/mechanics

    Game Designer Dean "Iksar" Ayala: "Also because when I playtest things I have multiple accounts and I tend to be playing multiple games at once. With the Patches deck with Gang Up and holding back a bunch of cards and waiting to combo. That deck is so hard to play! It is maybe the single hardest deck to play that I've playtested in the last year."

    Source: http://www.hearthhead.com/news/iksar-patches-deck-is-maybe-the-single-hardest-deck-to-play

    They playtest the game.


    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 7

    posted a message on Pack opening: Expectation VS Reality
    Quote from Nittany14 >>

    The legendaries in this set are kinda lackluster imo

     I feel a lot of them aren't overpowered, but just generally good cards that you want in your deck. I think it will be harder to justify crafting them in the same way it's always lame to craft Thalnos when there are so many 'cooler' legendaries, but the effects themselves will warrant a place.
    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 9

    posted a message on Every Minion should have taunt

    So everyone would just play Freeze Mage, right?

    Posted in: General Discussion
  • 2

    posted a message on Why is Rogue soooooooo horrible?

    I just switched from Concede Shaman to Malygos Rogue at Rank 4 and have been having some good success. Rogue is by far my lowest played class, but I have 5 heroes at golden, with Druid and Shaman both 50 wins shy.

    I realised as I was playing against a Zoolock that it isn't the complex turns that make Rogue so hard to play, but the knowledge of other decks so you can use your resources effectively. You need a fairly comprehensive knowledge of the meta so that you can assess a deck early and prioritise removal on key minions. More than that, you need to know what their win condition is, and when you can start exploiting that. This means slinging spells at face against MR Shaman because you know that they don't have heals. It means letting your health get low against a priest because you know that their burst capabilities are low, so you can afford to take that extra damage from a minion. You need to consider what your opponents decisions are and play around them before they have even made them.

    Posted in: Rogue
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