Light's Champion

Card Text
Battlecry: Silence a Demon.
Flavor Text
When there's something strange (say, a gibbering demon) in your neighborhood, who are you going to call?
Card Sounds
Battlecry: Silence a Demon.
When there's something strange (say, a gibbering demon) in your neighborhood, who are you going to call?
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Seeing him pop up on the occasional list nowadays with Demon Hunters and Warlocks all over the place in wild and this is easily the best-statted silence minion for when you don't need the silence effect
Did somebody just said Voidlord meta?
Ulduar T8 armor set is so sick. Does anyone know what's the mace he is holding?
That would appear to be some form of Sulfuron Hammer, either Sulfuras, Hand of Rag or it's epic predecessor the crafted Sulfuron Hammer. The art however looks most like the much newer skin (from the Firelands version of Ragnaros from 4.2) Sulfuras, the extinguished Hand - the textures introduced in cata being much higher-res than those from Vanilla WoW. Happy hunting if you're aiming for the transmog :)
This really needs more demons with a downside you can silence to be useful, and even then he'd be niche.
If Old Golds and some related cards were tagged as Demons, this card could actually see some usage. Sadly, C'Thun is not tagged as so (at least in the version they showed), so I guess none of them will.
Its Hemet worth 20 dust.
20 dust !!!
SIlenced a Voidcaller in arena. Got some value. :p
Fun Fact: This card can silence Jaraxxus the hero.
this is definitely not one of the rarest cards to pull out of packs. i got like 20 of these in my 50 TGT packs and not to mention on top of the 20 pulled, i also got a golden version as well! not that rare! was so friggin annoying...
I can say that I had the exact same thing happen to me. It's like crappy cards have more weight and drop more in packs.
Holy golden animation....Silence? More like "Blind" - So many lights his effect should be "Battlecry: Give an Epileptic minion a seizure."
Let me list off all the demons remotely worth the silence, should you attempt to use this card as anti-Warlock tech.
Illidan Stormrage
Floating Watcher
Voidcaller (Something worth silencing even with Ironbeak Owl or the like)
Imp Gang Boss
Void Terror
Mistress of Pain
Generally unspectacular, though notably this card also undoes Demonfire, Demonheart, and Demonfuse. I will patiently wait for the Trolden video of the Bane of Doom into Mal'Ganis at 1 HP to be answered by top deck Light's Champion.
Why kappa? Dreadsteed is THE demon requiring the most a silence. All the other can be dealt with without one.
It could also be used on your own Wrathguard, if for some reason, you want to run both this awful silence and this awful demon.
I will wait for the same Trolden video, except that the Light's Champion will come out of a Mulch given to the warlock by Nexus-Champion Saraad.
I agree, damnit
Blizzard please waste no more of Ulduar and give (sell) it to us as an adventure :c
What about using Power Overwhelming on a demon for a removal or a face hit, then using this to keep it afterwards?
I found hilarious that the class that will most use this card will be Warlock.
A Light's Champion in tha master of dark magic class.
if Jaraxus is frozen can this card silence him? I'm curious
Why not?