• 0

    posted a message on [S20] LEGEND EU- Fatigue KING
    Quote from TuddFudders >>

    Coming from a top 100 legend player, I am really confused how this deck is viable for legend.

    With so many duplicates in the deck Reno usually doesn't get to come in during a critical moment. I am abit skeptical at the fast climb in legend rank for you considering this deck plays 3x longer per game to finish.

    I will admit I could be playing this wrong, but I am making the most efficient plays possible and this deck doesn't seem that great. 

     Yup. Lost a few matches due to having FAR too many duplicates and needing to get one of them drawn to proc Reno.
    The deck needs to make up it's mind. Either it is Reno focused and you have as few dup cards as possible (something that many players trying to make Reno decks keep missing for some reason), or you go full bore fatigue. This deck tries to do both and that is why it isn't as strong as it could be.
    I mean, 12 cards with dups? Almost half the deck is duped? Trying to rely on Reno for a win condition? Just doesn't work.
    Posted in: [S20] LEGEND EU- Fatigue KING
  • 1

    posted a message on FATIGUE RENO JACKSON!! NEW EDITION

    Fun deck (gimmick), but the druid basic mulligan (fatigue), oil rogue, any control priest deck (and others) beats this quite easily. It's definitely not a ladder deck.

  • 13

    posted a message on astral dominance

    Without the significant changes I'm finding the vanilla deck to not be strong enough. It's too slow AND if you aren't lucky enough in the beginning to control the beginning game, it's most likely gg as  there is no recovery with being able to only play 1 card at a time vs an enemy controlled deck with 4-5 enemy minions on the board.

    I went 1-6 w/ the vanilla build. With the KingofFatties suggested few card changes I went 11-5, with what you see below, I am 8-0

    The following opening strategy is what has helped me the most with this deck (I've tried a variety of openings) and is partly inspired by KingoftheFatties' suggestion below.

    This is what you should do during your first 6 turns to significantly increase your odds of winning the match.

    Change out your 1-6 mana cards so that the following are played in their respective turns:

    1. Shieldbearer - it's just there to protect your next turn's card.
    2. Doomsayer - this makes sure you control the board, which is absolutely necessary for turn 4.
    3. Acolyte of Pain
    4. Astral Communion. Immediately attack with Acolyte of Pain. This draws a big minion. Then immediately play that big minion. To be clear, at the end of Turn 4, you should have a minion on the board.
    5. Abomination or Sludge Belcher (pick what works best for you). I run 1 Ab, 2 SB, substituting the giants for them.
    6. Shapeshift (hero power). Justicar Trueheart. Shapeshift (hero power). You can use your hero power twice this turn.

     Win the match.


    1. Get as many big taunts in the deck as possible.
    2. Mulligan: get rid of your 1-6 mana cards and taunt cards, you need them to be drawn (not in your opening hand).
    3. Sometimes the beginning won't play out exactly as above, but that's ok. Stick to it and adapt. 
    4. The only times I've lost w/ these changes is vs other Druid decks. It's strong
    5. Deathwing is a great, high value card in this deck because a) it clears the board and b) it's unlikely you'll have many cards to discard.

    As I said above. These changes have dramatically increased the win rate for me. It's practically a new deck (but I'm too lazy to create a new one and post it).

    // EDIT //

    Due to the amount of changes I made, I decided to just go ahead and create and post the full deck and guide:  Astral Assassin

    Posted in: astral dominance
  • 2

    posted a message on [S18 2#LEGEND] Mech Warrior

    Well, so far I have lost 100% of all matches vs Rogues. Are rogues a hard counter to this deck or am I just playing it wrong?

    Posted in: [S18 2#LEGEND] Mech Warrior
  • 1

    posted a message on [LEGEND]SteveFrench's Midrange Hunter 3.1

    So to be clear, if you cannot establish dominance w/i the first few rounds, it's game over w/ this deck?  That is what appears to be happening and how the deck is built. There are several decks I face (from almost every class) that just out control me in the beginning and from then on, I just can't catch up.

    I did well w/ this deck when it first came out (gained about 4 ranks to 12). The meta has changed however, and I've lost 6 matches in a row with it.

    Posted in: [LEGEND]SteveFrench's Midrange Hunter 3.1
  • 0

    posted a message on [Top 200 Legend] Mendi's CW
    Quote from sukez0r jump

    You are playing CW the wrong way then. 

    What's the right way to play them then?

    Posted in: [Top 200 Legend] Mendi's CW
  • -7

    posted a message on [FAKE] No.1 Legend rank ( EU ) " Slam Warrior "

    Pallies...any kind of Pally, just seem to dominate this deck. Have a 100% losing streak vs all Pallies w/ this deck. 

    And as others have mentioned, the match (w/ this deck) is almost always determined by the initial draw. If it's a bad draw, there is little to no chance of recovery. Either you don't start off right it's seemingly, gg. Decks like that are gimmick decks, not competitive decks.

    // edit //

    Played 2 more secret pallies...they dominated. Considering that Pallies, particularly Secret Pallies are a popular deck in the meta and this deck gets run over by any Pally deck (particularly SP's), I'm not sure how anyone can claim this is a competitive deck.

    Posted in: [FAKE] No.1 Legend rank ( EU ) " Slam Warrior "
  • 2

    posted a message on [TGT] Huntface, the grand return!

    This deck just doesn't seem fast enough for a face deck. I went from Sigma's Midrange to this, played it as face of course, but it isn't getting the job done. Control decks control it.  Other aggro decks are faster. 0-3 with this, rank 13 US.

    Posted in: [TGT] Huntface, the grand return!
  • 2

    posted a message on [LEGEND]SteveFrench's Midrange Hunter 3.1
    Quote from Penguin0007 jump

    I'm here to say thank you for this deck.

    From rank 14 to rank 5 in 3 days. I'm trying to hit legend.

    Bad match-ups for me: Patron and control warrior and Face hunter. Secret paladin is 50/50.

    GL to everyone!

    I'm finding this to be true vs Face Hunters. Face Hunters so far, just roll this deck like there's no tomorrow. Too fast, too much removal in the beginning (when is where you need to establish control of the board w/ this deck), nothing you can do.

    However, that's why you just change out cards a bit...modify it to your own meta.


    Posted in: [LEGEND]SteveFrench's Midrange Hunter 3.1
  • 3

    posted a message on [S21 Updated!] Sigma's Dragon Priest! (Short guide included!)[R2 in 2Days - 81% Win]
    Quote from CurlyMuch jump

    I can definitely say chrom has won me many games I should have lost, but that's the whole reason hes in the deck. 

    Yes, he definitely fits in this deck and is the direct reason for some of my wins.

    However, I'm still finding it to be true that this deck (for me) loses against Shammy's 100% of the time. It's the first time in all the time I've been playing HS (since closed beta), that I've played a deck that loses consistently to another class.

    Could just be crazy bad luck, could just be that despite being an above average player (who can almost always get to rank 10 or better every season) just has no clue how to play this deck vs Shammy (not not likely). But it's the 1 consistent weakness that I've found playing this deck.

    I'm almost at the point now that when I see a Shammy, I just concede as I know it's just a waste of my time. I've never experienced that with any deck, ever, in all my time with HS. It's unreal.

    Posted in: [S21 Updated!] Sigma's Dragon Priest! (Short guide included!)[R2 in 2Days - 81% Win]
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