• 3

    posted a message on Samerebro's Recruit Warrior [70% WR]

    I don't know. It his REALLY that consistent? After playing it for a bit it just seems like it's a trick deck...only winning on 1 or 2 really big moves but other than that a garbage deck. I don't see how it's competitive. If you don't get the win fairly quickly, then it's a loss. There aren't enough minions in the deck it seems.


    ** Given the lack of actual success and verification of success (they aren't on Metastats or other log sites), I'm wondering if this is just a marketing ploy to get players to spend on legendary cards. None of the "Blizzard submitted" decks appear to be in actual competitive play.

    Posted in: Samerebro's Recruit Warrior [70% WR]
  • 8

    posted a message on Hearthstone Secrets Calculator

    This just a gimmick? It does nothing when selecting class tabs. Doesn't matter which browser it is nor does it matter if extensions are present.

    Posted in: Guides
  • 2

    posted a message on Lich king (one shot)(Big Priest)

    Failed 6x with this deck, even with Barnes in opening hand. Sucks that you even need Barnes in opening hand to win (apparently). Found this deck to just rely on too much RNG. 

    I usually love Big Priest. It's my main deck, rank 8 atm.  

    But for Lich King, I gave up on Big Priest, and went with Jade Druid. Succeeded on first try. http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/917300-easy-first-try-lich-king-druid

    Posted in: Lich king (one shot)(Big Priest)
  • 0

    posted a message on Easy First Try Lich King Druid

    Tried 6x and failed 6x with the "Big Priest" deck. 

    Succeeded on first try with this deck.  Thanks!


    Posted in: Easy First Try Lich King Druid
  • -4

    posted a message on S33 J4ckiechan's Egg Druid - Mean Streets of Gadgetzan

    Horrible. It relies far too much on a great draw, has no sustainability, no card draw, must win early game (which again, is all luck as it is dependent upon early draw).

    Posted in: S33 J4ckiechan's Egg Druid - Mean Streets of Gadgetzan
  • 1

    posted a message on The hack group Anonymous has DECLARED WAR on ISIS!
    Quote from Mosrhun >>
     I won't fight you on the other point. As for this comment I just wanted to clarify that my statement was referring to refugees, not Trump's immigration policy.
    Posted in: General Chat
  • 1

    posted a message on The hack group Anonymous has DECLARED WAR on ISIS!
    Quote from KinkyJohnFowler >>

    I really wish everyone would try and understand where the opposing view comes from instead of gaslighting anyone who holds it in an effort to 'prove them wrong.' You might actually get somewhere if you do.

     Agreed. In order for that to happen you'd need to start early I think. Both Critical Thinking and Philosophy (even if just an introduction to Classical Philosophy or even Political Philosophy) ought to be mandatory courses in the public education system. Instead, kids are forced to over focus on math skills that they will never use later in life. THINKING, is used everyday. Higher level math is used NEVER except for those who go into professions requiring it.
    The bloat isn't in the military spending, it's in the dumb things kids are taught in school that will never help them with or in life while skimping out on actual life skills such as critical thinking, logic,  personal finance, etc.
    Posted in: General Chat
  • 2

    posted a message on The hack group Anonymous has DECLARED WAR on ISIS!
    Quote from Mosrhun >>
     Nearly everything a Muslim believes would be considered "radical" by Western standards. I've already sited the percentages of would-be terrorists and Sharia supporters who already live in the United States. The very culture of these people is in stark contrast to the culture of the West. Just because they aren't terrorists doesn't mean they love America or share our values. We shouldn't be allowing droves of people in who do not care about our country's principles. There are many Muslim nations that will gladly take these people in, and plenty of European nations foolish enough to do so. They don't have to come here and the majority of us do not want them here.
     First of all, it is important to note that I'm a conservative (with moderate leanings). I'm not dismissive of particular claims by virtue of having a different view. I'm dismissive of claims based on their applicability and/or level of weight (weak vs strong). Your claim about this 51% is one that can be dismissed based on it being very weak or flawed.
    The poll you are referencing: https://www.centerforsecuritypolicy.org/2015/06/23/nationwide-poll-of-us-muslims-shows-thousands-support-shariah-jihad/  (re: 51% Muslims) is a flawed poll by a conservative think tank (Center for Security Policy) who is known for its reputation of dubious polling. It's not like it came from a neutral source. It would be like The Huffington Post offering a poll that showed that the majority of Muslims in the US accept all things about a democracy. You wouldn't accept that, and rightly so.
    That poll was shown to be deeply flawed and not credible. It comes from an organization with a history of producing dubious claims and “studies” about the threat of shariah, and was administered using an unreliable methodology. Its proponents seize upon its shoddy findings, exaggerating and misrepresenting them to American audiences, and falsely claim that the survey data represents the views of Muslims nationwide.
    If you are going to use data such as polls or surveys, it is important to make sure they come from a reputable source.
    And you are mistaken about "majority of us don't want them here." 57% oppose Trump's Muslim proposal: http://www.wsj.com/articles/wsj-nbc-poll-finds-majority-opposes-trump-plan-to-ban-muslims-1449784927
    Posted in: General Chat
  • 1

    posted a message on The hack group Anonymous has DECLARED WAR on ISIS!
    Quote from SomeHogFan >>
    Quote from Mosrhun >>

    Anyone can claim to be "anonymous". It's not even the same group it used to be. Now it's nothing but a bunch of liberal edgelords that fight to remove free speech from the internet. The only thing that will stop ISIS is bombs and bullets, and we'll get it done. This is what America is #1 at.

    With 57% of our National budget going towards Defense Spending which should read "Military Industrial Complex" it should be the case. Never mind the fact that number is 4 times the second country in spending (China). Never mind the fact that these military conflicts actually *propogate* more "enemies".
    What will "kill" ISIS is when people start getting real about ideologies and how they can be prohibitive and destructive. Ridicule, Satire, Shame. These are the tools against bad ideas. Bullets can't kill an idea, it just reinforces the rhetoric.
     Your numbers are way off.  The US's spending on its military is 53% of its DISCRETIONARY spending which is 29% of it's entire budget.
    The spending budget is divided into 3 categories: mandatory (65%), discretionary (29%), interest (5%).
    Military spending includes: defense (which is the spending category you are referring to), veterans, foreign military aid, foreign economic aid.
    Defense spending, the category you are referring to, is $600B. The budget is $3.8T. That comes out to 16% of the budget, not this crazy 57%.  
    And you are right that ideologies need to be challenged and attacked, but just like bullets alone won't solve the problem, either will addressing the ideologies alone. It's a balance. To go far right or to go far left is to fail and fail miserably.
    Posted in: General Chat
  • 3

    posted a message on [S20] LEGEND EU- Fatigue KING
    Quote from VPShadeX >>

    face hunter legend detected. Use brain - so hard. You must use reno then u close to fatigue u know... All my games what i won was thisout rene

     No need to be a troll. If you have something constructive to add, then do so. If you aren't interested in the discussion, then simply do not post.
    Posted in: [S20] LEGEND EU- Fatigue KING
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