[TGT] Huntface, the grand return!
- Last updated Sep 8, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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- 18 Minions
- 10 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 1100
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 8/28/2015 (TGT Launch)
- Pinkkman
- Registered User
- 4
- 7
- 17
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
Hey guys!
So, since the release of the new expension, I was really struggling to climb the ladder with all the big control decks like dragon priest, control Warrior etc. Knowing that I dont have a lot of the new cards, I decided to build a budget deck that could get me fast wins.
And what's best for that than face Hunter ! :D Here is my version of the deck, with some really cool new cards! Currently on a 10 win streak arround rank 7 so I'm pretty happy with the results so far!
I'll try to write a guide if I get 30+ like. Meanwhile, leave me your comments, suggestions, questions ... :) Enjoy!
Thank you all for the upvotes ! Since huntard doesn't really need a guide (remember: Trade? No. Face? Yes!), I'll put here my answers for common questions and my stats with the deck.
- Why Argent Horserider over Wolfrider ?
I just dont think the one extra damage on Wolfrider is worth it. Sometimes the divine shield allows you to attack face twice instead of one or forces the opponent to use more ressources to kill it.
- Do you miss Arcane Golem in the deck since that card is such a good finisher ?
I'm not a big fan of the card. Unless you topdeck it to finish the game, it's only going to ramp the opponent and help him to clear your board. I'd rather have more little sticky minions that can face a couple of times!
- Replaced the Hunter's Mark for another Kill Command since we already have 2 Owls.
- Replaced the 2 Brave Archer for 2 Argent Squire. Less situational and great combo with Lance Carrier!
- Replaced the Bear Trap for a Flare due to the insane amount of secret Pally on the ladder!
Thank you to Khristophesaurus for this gameplay video!
Is that still any good guys ? :D
i have some card that might've useful like Freezing Trap, Glaivezooka and Lock and Load
any recommendation what should've swap for these ?
I won 5 games back to back then lost cause mage top decked healbot twice -.-
This deck just doesn't seem fast enough for a face deck. I went from Sigma's Midrange to this, played it as face of course, but it isn't getting the job done. Control decks control it. Other aggro decks are faster. 0-3 with this, rank 13 US.
Amazing starting deck... got me 25 to 14 with only 1 loss and still counting
Went from Rank 20 to 14 in about an 75 minutes. Definitely a solid rush deck.
The only thing I keep getting raped by is classes that utilize the 6/3 Justicar dude that buffs your hero power. Ran into 7 guys in a row who use that damn card.
its not possible to win vs dragon priests?
It's very difficult, but possible, and also requires some luck. Mulligan for at least one owl, you'll need them.
Hope that they don't put down too many taunts.
Try to hold onto Kill Command and Quick Shot for a late game combo when they're below 15 health. Catch them off guard.
Fight Cancer Secradin with Cancer Face Hunter
Got rank 7 with this, really good deck. Secret paladins were never so harmless.
6 consecutive losses, dropped from 11 to 13.
However, regained the 13 quite easily. It is an ok deck, I suppose.
sort of the same here but r10 now, it feels like u losse a lot and when u do it does hurt more than usual but u ll end up winning more since the games go faster -> faster climbing
deck just trash
Thanks man! Have a great day!
I don't think flare is necessary in this deck. If you're playing face hunter you should be close to winning anyway by turn 6 if not already won
Its a tech card to counter secret paladin and some mages worked spelndid for me against a freeze mage
Could you make a mulligan guide?
You need secret(or flare) or scientice vs another hunt. Dogs and some sergant(quickshot) vs warrior and paladin. Lots of charges vs warlock. Flare and charges against mage.
You dont need weapons, any traps (except matchups vs hunter), any damaging spells (except war and pal), in your start hand.
Something like that, i think.
lmao really for face hunter
common sense
let's cook