Here are some lovely things that can help you present your fan-made cards in a nice, new way! This is a recreation of an old thread I created, but this one's a bit more cleaner and concise, and it includes some new Hearthcards tips. Enjoy!
This is for very advanced creators who want to make their custom class really pop and stand out.
However, every creator can use custom templates with ease. In order to use them, simply put in the code (for example, "{{CLASS=customclass1111}}") at the end of card text you want to add to the card.
Here is a list of some additional custom class borders. Some do not have a hero card, or may use the old style of weapon card border.
Furthermore, here is a list of custom emblems. Simply click on them to get the code you need to put in. Like a custom class, they go at the end of your card's text.
Type {{CUSTOMGEM=red/green/limegreen/gray}} within the "card text" box.
Font Size
Type {{FONTSIZE=x}} within the "card text" box. "x" is a whole number between -15 (smallest font size) and 15 (largest font size).
Coloured Stat Numbers
Type {{MANACOLOR=red/green}}, {{HEALTHCOLOR=red/green}}, or {{ATTACKCOLOR=red/green}} within the "card text" box.
You can also use hexadecimal colors like this {{MANACOLOR=#f442f4}} The above cards were made by RazorOfArtorias in his expansion Servitors of the Loa.
Any other recommendations for presentation tools is appreciated and will be added to this thread.
Type {{MANACOLOR=RED/GREEN}}, {{HEALTHCOLOR=RED/GREEN}}, or {{ATTACKCOLOR=RED/GREEN}} within the "card text" box.
red/green should be lowercase (color name only works for red and green since they exist in the game), you can also use hexadecimal colors like this {{MANACOLOR=#f442f4}}
also {{}} debug codes are full exempt from showing up on the card, spaces are not. if you'll use these make sure to not add spaces around it as it might displace the text.
On Hearthcards, is there a way to un-bold a keyword? I think it's not on the OP, unless I missed it.
For instance, if you want to write "Summon a Silver Hand Recruit", it will detect "Recruit" is a keyword and the result will be "Summon a Silver Hand Recruit".
On Hearthcards, is there a way to un-bold a keyword? I think it's not on the OP, unless I missed it.
For instance, if you want to write "Summon a Silver Hand Recruit", it will detect "Recruit" is a keyword and the result will be "Summon a Silver Hand Recruit".
Has this been happening to you? It hasn't been happening to me. I'm pretty sure "Silver Hand Recruit" is specifically coded to not bold the Recruit part.
Rollback Post to RevisionRollBack
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
On Hearthcards, is there a way to un-bold a keyword? I think it's not on the OP, unless I missed it.
For instance, if you want to write "Summon a Silver Hand Recruit", it will detect "Recruit" is a keyword and the result will be "Summon a Silver Hand Recruit".
Has this been happening to you? It hasn't been happening to me. I'm pretty sure "Silver Hand Recruit" is specifically coded to not bold the Recruit part.
Some time ago, but yeah.
Anyway, even if Silver Hand Recruit is coded that way, that doesn't exclude other scenarios where un-bolding would be useful. Imagine that instead of summoning a Silver Hand Recruit I want to summon a custom, I don't know, Golden Hand Recruit, Inspired Champion or whatever; or I want to add the spell Silence to my hand.
On Hearthcards, is there a way to un-bold a keyword? I think it's not on the OP, unless I missed it.
For instance, if you want to write "Summon a Silver Hand Recruit", it will detect "Recruit" is a keyword and the result will be "Summon a Silver Hand Recruit".
Has this been happening to you? It hasn't been happening to me. I'm pretty sure "Silver Hand Recruit" is specifically coded to not bold the Recruit part.
Some time ago, but yeah.
Anyway, even if Silver Hand Recruit is coded that way, that doesn't exclude other scenarios where un-bolding would be useful. Imagine that instead of summoning a Silver Hand Recruit I want to summon a custom, I don't know, Golden Hand Recruit, Inspired Champion or whatever; or I want to add the spell Silence to my hand.
I think this has also been addressed a while ago, most keywords will not get bolded, unless you put colon behind the text. So "Battlecry: ABC" will be bold, but "Battlecry ABC" will not be.
How can we change the mana crystal into health? Can we do this?
I dont think so, but if you select "More..." option, you can add Health cost under the Mana cost. You will need to generate your cards regularly first and then enter the HC link in there, just follow the instructions ;-)
Here are some lovely things that can help you present your fan-made cards in a nice, new way! This is a recreation of an old thread I created, but this one's a bit more cleaner and concise, and it includes some new Hearthcards tips. Enjoy!
Custom Card Templates
In order to create custom card templates, you will need to go to:
This is for very advanced creators who want to make their custom class really pop and stand out.
However, every creator can use custom templates with ease. In order to use them, simply put in the code (for example, "{{CLASS=customclass1111}}") at the end of card text you want to add to the card.
Here is a list of some additional custom class borders.
Some do not have a hero card, or may use the old style of weapon card border.
Chef, CheeseEtc
Firelord, Logovaz
Gambler, Tox
Gambler, Otovent
Ninja, McF4rtson
Warden, Jengus
Riftblade, McF4rtson
"Motherboard", Jengus & McF4rtson
Improved Sea Witch, McF4rtson
Runic, original artist unknown, McF4rtson
Ringmaster, Walrus, McF4rtson
Furthermore, here is a list of custom emblems. Simply click on them to get the code you need to put in. Like a custom class, they go at the end of your card's text.>>>Emblems-
In addition, two emblems were added later on: {{EMBLEM=custom50}}, {{EMBLEM=custom51}}
Updated Custom Card Tools:
Demonxz95 pointed out a button that might save you a lot of time.
Rarity Colours (Copy and Paste)
Source Code for Rarity Colours (for mobile devices)
Charts (Copy and Paste)
Legend: AxB where A is the amount of boxes along the horizonal axis and B is the amount of boxes along the vertical axis.
Source Code Guide for Charts
<tbody>" = Beginning of Table
</table>" = End of Table
<th>Warcraft Faction</th>
<th>Basic Hearthstone Heroes</th>
<td>Jaina, Anduin, Uther, Valeera</td>
<td>Thrall, Garrosh, Rexxar</td>
<td>Gul'dan, Malfurion</td>
Superscript and Subscript
Hearthcards Tricks
Unorthodox Rarity Gem
Type {{CUSTOMGEM=red/green/limegreen/gray}} within the "card text" box.

Font Size
Type {{FONTSIZE=x}} within the "card text" box. "x" is a whole number between -15 (smallest font size) and 15 (largest font size).

Coloured Stat Numbers
Type {{MANACOLOR=red/green}}, {{HEALTHCOLOR=red/green}}, or {{ATTACKCOLOR=red/green}} within the "card text" box.
You can also use hexadecimal colors like this {{MANACOLOR=#f442f4}}

The above cards were made by RazorOfArtorias in his expansion Servitors of the Loa.
Any other recommendations for presentation tools is appreciated and will be added to this thread.
Damn these are really usefull! Thx Cogito!
Take your upvote rain!
The joke is you.

So this is how people create cards??? Awesome! Very well explained, thank you!
The man, the myth, the Legend.
(wait, I've only gotten rank 2, not legend)
red/green should be lowercase (color name only works for red and green since they exist in the game), you can also use hexadecimal colors like this {{MANACOLOR=#f442f4}}
also {{}} debug codes are full exempt from showing up on the card, spaces are not. if you'll use these make sure to not add spaces around it as it might displace the text. // HearthCards Twitter (Best Card of the Day)!
Nice, version 2.0 is way cleaner, good job :) Didnt even know some of the HC commands, cool!
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Awesome... Now I wonder if there are more colors and secrets dnikko is still hiding... Maybe more rarity gem colors...
<subscript>I recall at least one about the fancy chef class...</subscript>
Wished to be pink.
Then did.
Then fired myself.
Then did again.
This is an amazing discovery. I'm going to see if this works with other colors.
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
On Hearthcards, is there a way to un-bold a keyword? I think it's not on the OP, unless I missed it.
For instance, if you want to write "Summon a Silver Hand Recruit", it will detect "Recruit" is a keyword and the result will be "Summon a Silver Hand Recruit".
Very cool discovery! And this thread is better than the old one, good job!
I have no idea what any of this means but it looks sweet
- LePatron
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
Can anyone explain me how do this works?Nevermind.
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Ok, I made a test card to check when it bolds keywords.
So, currently there's no way to avoid bolding things like Holy Recruit, or Silence, right?
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How can we change the mana crystal into health? Can we do this?
Please upvote my submission: Weekly Card Design Competition 6.12 - Submission Topic
My Recent Competition Design:
Warlock lover! Fan Card Designer! Low dust high win rate deck builder! Redqueen is here!
Recent Deck: R5 Budget Zoolock against priest
Design Post: Redqueen Cards design every day
I dont think so, but if you select "More..." option, you can add Health cost under the Mana cost. You will need to generate your cards regularly first and then enter the HC link in there, just follow the instructions ;-)
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And would you look at the new button that was just added.
Does this count as a necrobump? Ahh, who cares?
Click the image to go to my custom Time Traveler class.
Dec. 16, 2020 update: