Rank 41 Legend N'Zoth Paladin (With Guide!)
- Last updated Jun 24, 2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
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- 20 Minions
- 8 Spells
- 2 Weapons
- Deck Type: Ranked Deck
- Deck Archetype: N'Zoth Paladin
- Crafting Cost: 17040
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/24/2017 (Un'Goro Launch)
- I_am_a_r3b3l
- Registered User
- 8
- 26
- 58
Battle Tag:
Total Deck Rating
I believe I have found a better version of this deck. Please see here:
I have wrotten a very extensive guide for the deck, enjoy!
This is proof of my rank.
Wild is a very different format then standard. Many websites make meta analysis for standard, which is totally reasonable and they generally reflect the meta quite well. In wild, there is no meta, mainly because many sites do not create meta analysis. There are so many cards and archetypes and ways to build decks. So what you need to do in wild is create decks that attempt to counter the majority of the meta, just generally solid decks. This deck, N'Zoth Control Paladin is absolutely that kind of deck. Due to it having the strongest AoE spell in the game (Equality) with the combination of amazing mid game tools (Aldor and Truesilver) and amazing late game value (Tirion Fordring) it can beat just about any deck in the "meta."
Pirate Warrior is the dominating archetype in wild as it stands (Ship's Cannons is just crazy good). This deck destroys pirate warrior. I have an amazing win rate against them due to the shear amount of heal and powerful taunt minions. I went 9-0 from rank 5 to 2 this month against Pirate Warrior. Last month, with a similar list,I ended top 100 legend in wild. (I am Schmidy, #97)
The reason why this deck seems so great to me is just how flexible it is. It can out value nearly any control deck, can out heal aggro decks and continues to clear the board against mid range decks.
This deck is a serious powerhouse and I would highly recommend playing it.
Warrior: Most people play Pirate Warrior, so:
Doomsayer; Wickerflame Burnbristle; Wild Pyromancer, Equality, Stonehill Defender, Aldor Peacekeeper and Truesilver Champion.
If you have a good hand, keep: Consecration, Sludge Belcher, Spikeridge Steed.
Mage: Most people play Renomage or Freeze Mage:
Wild Pyromancer, Stonehill Defender (Look for Dirty Rats), Truesilver Champion, Spellbreaker and Sludge Belcher.
Shaman: Most people play Jade Shaman, which is a tough one, but it is rare:
Doomsayer, Aldor Peacekeeper, Wild Pyromancer, Equality, Stonehill Defender, Wickerflame Burnbristle, Truesilver Champion and Sludge Belcher (you want to bait Hex on this guy).
Druid: Most people play Egg Druid:
Doomsayer, Wild Pyromancer, Equality, Consecration, Stonehill Defender, Wickerflame Burnbristle, Truesilver Champion and Sludge Belcher.
Hunter: Basically no one plays Hunter:
Doomsayer, Wild Pyromancer, Equality, Consecration, Stonehill Defender, Wickerflame Burnbristle, Truesilver Champion and Sludge Belcher.
Paladin: Paladin is a very mixed bag, but Secret Paladin is the most prominent:
Doomsayer, Wild Pyromancer, Equality, Consecration, Stonehill Defender, Wickerflame Burnbristle, Truesilver Champion, and Sludge Belcher. (and maybe Tirion).
Rogue: Rogue basically doesn't exist in wild:
Doomsayer, Wild Pyromancer, Equality, Consecration, Stonehill Defender, Wickerflame Burnbristle, Truesilver Champion, and Sludge Belcher.
Warlock: Warlock is less common, but most are Renolocks:
Doomsayer, Equality, Stonehill Defender, Aldor Peacekeeper, Truesilver Champion, Spellbreaker, Slyvanas, Sludge Belcher, Elise 2.0
Priest: Most people play Dragon Priest, which you basically treat as an aggro deck:
Doomsayer, Wild Pyromancer, Equality, Stonehill Defender, Truesilver Champion, and Sludge Belcher and Spellbreaker.
Cards that could be teched in:
Forbidden Healing, Coghammer, Acidic Swamp Ooze, Dirty Rat, Golakka Crawler, Acolyte of Pain, Deathlord, Barnes, Old Elise, Loatheb, Enter the Coliseum, The Black Knight, Dr. Boom, Angry Rag and Ysera and Keeper of Uldaman.
What cards are you missing? I can give you some replacements for the cards you are missing.
I'm missing: Forbidden Healing (I will craft it), Wickerflame, Enter the Coliseum (also will craft it), Spkieridged Steed (craft), Tarim, Trailblazer, Cairne, Sylvanas and N'Zoth. Exactly those cards I'm missing.
Forbidden Healing, Spike Ridged Steed and N'Zoth are irreplaceable. Wickerflame can be replaced by Tar Creeper. Tarim is pretty important if you can craft him, if you can't keeper of uldaman works. New Elise can be replaced by old Elise or Azure Drake. Cairne and Slyvanas can be replaced by Deathlords (or Feugen and Stallag if you have Naxx). Hope this helps.
I know Healing, Ridged Steed and N'Zoth are irreplacable. Sadly I don't have Naxx, so only Deathlords. Thanks for help, I'll try this deck out and hopefully soon I'll get the rest of cards. Once more, thanks! :)
I am currently 57 with this list. Will go for top 50 this month.
most people just scoop, fun deck tbh
"Scoop?" What's that?
It means concede. It's a phrase from physical card games like MtG or Yu-Gi-Oh, where a player would scoop up all their cards from the table as a means of conceding.
Thank you very much for playing and enjoying my deck. N'Zoth Paladin is my favorite archetype and I hope to see it thrive.
Just reached legend with this deck. Thank you so much for an amazing deck.
Been playing Midrange/control paladin this month in wild. After a decent success with it (currently stuck at rank 3), I switched to yours. Currently 6-2 and made it to rank 2 - 3 stars.
I don't have Elise, so I replaced it with a Golakka Crawler. I also replaced Alex with forbidden healing as you recommended.
The decks looks solid. Gonna give you an upvote :)
Thanks! Golakka Crawler seems like a great choice considering the meta. I will probably do a mulligan guide at some point. I will also upload proof of rank once I fricking figure out how to do it.
Print screen and paste it in paint?
This deck took me from rank 3 - 3 stars to rank 1 - 2 stars yesterday. Gonna go for the final push today, and again - this is a really good deck.