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I Don't See You.... (Standard Freeze Mage)

  • Last updated May 12, 2016 (Old Gods)
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  • 11 Minions
  • 19 Spells
  • Deck Type: None
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 7240
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 5/12/2016 (Old Gods)
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Prior to the release of the Standard Format I read many topics about this Deck and saw many people suggesting absurd replacements for the cards being rotated out,also I still haven't found any good guide about the new version of the Deck so I decided to write one myself. Keep in mind that I'm by no means a Pro Player (I have never even tried getting to Legend,I think my best was Rank 3) but I've been playing almost exclusively Freeze for about 6 months and I'll happily answer any question you might have....

Useless comment. There's no actual need to read it but I wanted to write it anyway.

Before we start please let's all observe a minute of silence for our fallen comrades Mad Scientist,Explosive Sheep and Antique Healbot... You'll be missed guys.... Also Loatheb and Kezan Mystic it's such a shame you won't be there with us..... Bye bye...

 Now for the actual guide:

Table Of Contents (Remeber CTRL+F is your friend)

  • Introduction to the Deck
  • Card Replacements
  • Matchups and Mulligan
  • Introduction to the Deck:

You're a Freeze Mage so all you're gonna do is draw,stall,clear the board,survive even when you should die and make your opponent feel hopeless for 10 minutes before killing them.... Against Classes that don't run healing (i.e. Rogue/Hunter) your win condition is usually Alexstrasza followed by a ton of burn the next turn, but unfortunately some classes need to be basically killed twice so you also have Archmage Antonidas in case you run out of burn, or Alexstrasza decides she likes being the last of your Deck.

  •   Card Replacements:
  1. Alexstrasza=I don't even why I'm writing this....Obviously there's no other replacement than 1600 dust... Don't even think about playing this Deck without her....
  2. Archmage Antonidas=I know many pros lists don't run him right now but  I love my Tony and would never replace him,I guess Pyroblast or even better Malygos could do the job...
  3. Bloodmage Thalnos=Kobold Geomancer or another Acolyte of Pain I guess, but I'd like to point out that he's more important than he might seem....
  4. Pyroblast=I would say Malygos would be the most suitable replacement here....
  5. Forgotten Torch=Forbidden Flame seems the only "decent" replacement to me but I would just suggest getting the 1st wing of LOE as it gives acces to many useful cards... Also replacing Torches means you lose a lot of reach....
  •  Matchups and Mulligan:


After the nerfs what was an awful matchup turned into a favored one. As far as I know the only Druid Deck seen consitently on ladder is this one,and it has just one win condition,which you don't care about most of the times... The first 3/4 turns you just draw and ignore their minions,maybe throw a Forgotten Torch on Twilight Elder or C'Thun's Chosen but that's it,then from turn 5 onwards when they start dropping their big guns you'll start using AOE and Freezing the board and since they don't have that ridiculous amount of burst from hand anymore the only thing that might threaten your Ice Block is C'Thun, but if you didn't draw really bad, by that time you should have either used Alexstrasza or set up Archmage Antonidas so you should be ok....




This matchup is one of the most of affected by the new format.Here,as in all other more aggressive matchups, the lack of Mad Scientist and Antique Healbot matters more than I thought it would, but they lost something as well so it's still manageable... Also Ironbeak Owl nerf ensures your Doomsayer will go off most of the times,so that's good for us... You want to kill Knife Juggler as soon as possible,even as 2/2 he's still pretty snowballing.... Always keep removal in case stupid Huffer pops out... Don't be afraid to play Doomsayer on empty board,messing up with their curve is always good especially on turn 5 so that you don't have to deal with Savannah Highmane... God I hate that lion... If he drops him,unless it's actually threatening your Ice Block just let it be, removing him would take too much resources..... If he doesn't curve out perfectly you should be able to just play Alexstrasza and kill him the following turn,the only problem is getting to turn 9 with the 1st Ice Block still up luckily here you can afford to "waste" burn to protect your face...


They don't run Mirror Entity anymore so you can't abuse it, and some lists started running Ragnaros the Firelord (rememberthe only things you hate more than him are Warriors and Reno Jackson)  so a matchup that was favored turned to even,but it's still doable.... Mana Wyrm and Flamewaker are two of the most snowballing shits ever, kill them as soon as they hit the board,Sorcerer's Apprentice is annoying but much less dangerous than those two,also she dies to Blizzard,so just let her be.... Try to keep removal to kill Ethereal Conjurer, without healing you can't afford to take 6 damage  to the face... 

N.B. If I knew for certain it was Mirror, I would consider keeping Emperor Thaurissan especially with The Coin, but unfortunately there's no way to know so you have to mulligan assuming it's the most common Deck that is Tempo right now....

Prepare yourself for the wall of the text....  In this matchup The Coin can make a big difference as it can trigger Archmage Antonidas or allow for mindgames with Emperor Thaurissan and Alexstrasza,so if you're up against a Mage try not to waste it.... If your opponent has a Secret up don't attack as it could be Ice Barrier and you don't want to give them 8 HP.... Dropping Doomsayer on turns 6/9 or 5/8 if your opponent has The Coin can give you more time to answer Alexstrasza or Emperor Thaurissan or give you the chance to drop yours on an empty board.... Even if you need use Pyroblast to do so kill Archmage Antonidas and Emperor Thaurissan IMMEDIATELY as leaving them up,especially the former,more than one turn means in this one more than any other match up,instant loss.... It might sound stupid but be careful with Acolyte of Pain,many Freeze Mirrors go to fatigue so you don't want to draw that much,always keep track of the number of cards in both Decks and hands and if you can try to make your opponent overdraw.... Now let's talk about Alexstrasza,I've read many guides and heard many people stating that a Freeze Mirror is decided by who plays Alexstrasza first and I strongly disagree with that statement.... Beside drawing and killing a minion every once in a blue moon you won't be doing anything else than pinging your opponent face,and it's known that this matchup drags out for many turns, so by the time you would play Alexstrasza throwing Pyroblast at your opponent's face would do roughly the same amount of damage,without depriving yourself of your only source of healing so be careful before playing the life bringer,I won many mirrors cause my opponent misplayed with her.... Beside her Battlecry you don't care Alexstrasza's body,the first turn she would just proc Ice Barrier and the second,well if you didn't do anything for two turns after her you'll probably dead anyway so it doesn't matter.... Something that might seem obvious but I want to point it out,try to pop your opponent's Ice Block when he's at 1 so that you can just ping him next turn.... Also remember that Secrets no longer trigger during your turn so making your opponent go into fatigue is a great way to prevent them from making use of their Ice Block... And last but not least be greedy,very greedy with Archmage Antonidas usually the one who gets more value out of him wins the match. 



Forget aboutAlexstrasza she's is useless here,your best friends are Emperor Thaurissan and Bloodmage Thalnos,cause you basically need to OTK them, as they have so much healing that you would otherwise have to kill them twice.... They won't probably do anything beside hero powering for the first 4 turns so and even after that they don't apply much pressure and don't have any kind of burst so you should be ok,just keep drawing till you get a hand being able to do 25 if not more damage in one turn and enjoy the lack of Loatheb....

N.B. They'll probably play Sylvanas Windrunner at some point,abuse her to ensure your Doomsayer goes off....


If it wasn't for the fact that I hate playing against Priest,especially now that Entomb is a thing I would pity poor Anduin.... Unless you draw all the crap in the world and he draws perfectly this matchup is a piece of cake,he just doesn't apply enough pressure, you have all the time in the world to draw whatever you need and kill him.... In must have played at least 50 Dragon Priests with this Deck and I recall losing just 4 times,one to Kezan Mystic,one to Ragnaros the Firelord,one cause he drew fine and I drew all the crap I could have possibly drawn and one cause he thoughtstole not one but both my Ice Blocks.... Overall any kind of Priest is a wonderful matchup for you so if you're losing to Anduin you're doing something wrong....

This is almost the same as Paladin, you basically need to OTK him cause he probably runs two Twilight Darkmender and maybe even Justicar Trueheart rendering Pyroblast useless... What I usually do is keeping Alexstrasza in the opening hand and dropping her after I had a huge Emperor Thaurissan turn,they'll probably heal almost all the damage but you should still be able to kill them next turn... Or you could go for the extra greedy Archmage Antonidas if you get 4 if not more Fireballs out of him it's gg....   


You both do the same thing,draw through your Deck till you get all the cards you need to kill your opponent,the only difference is that you have more burn and more ways to survive, all he has are more minions but if they're frozen they can't do much.... Just kill the most threating ones (i.e. Azure Drake,Gadgetzan Auctioneer and maybe Tomb Pillager) here you can afford to "waste" damage since at best he has Earthen Ring Farseer as healing and he'll take damage with Hero Power and you should be fine....  



It was already bad when our lord savior Mad Scientist was here to help us now it's just plain awful... If by turn 4 you don't have a way to kill Tunnel Trogg just concede as it'll probably be a 7/3 and you'll be a 10 HP with no Secret up.... Here what you need to do is survive,if you manage to get to Alexstrasza yourself most of the times it's done, by that time they'll be out of burst, and they can barely deal with a 5/5 let alone kill an 8/8... The problem is more than half of the times you're dead by turn 6..... Well at least it doesn't take ages to lose,just move on and hope it's Priest....

Not as bad as aggro but still not a good matchup,you need to waste removal on stupid Flametongue Totem or his damage output skyrockets,Tunnel Trogg is certainly less dangerous here but still needs to be dealt with as soon as possible,they have Hex for Doomsayer a 5/5 popping out of nowhere for 3 mana or less and more than anything else Bloodlust.... Playing against this Deck feels like playing against Combo Druid it's way easier to predict how and how much damage they have but still it's his matchup to lose not ours....


You thought it was dead? You were horribly wrong,it's back and I find it more annoying than ever.... Luckily it's a good matchup for you,they basically kill themselves you only need to finish them off.... The only problems here are an early Sea Giant or a Darkshire Councilman that snowballs out of control so be ready to freeze the former and Fireball the latter and as usual against Aggro kill the annoying Knife Juggler as soon as he steps on the board....


The strategy here is to hit the "Concede" button,cause it's almost impossible... I did it a couple of days ago but my Emperor Thaurissan survived more than 1 turn so I got a ridiculous Archmage Antonidas and yet I needed to put 75 damage into his face for him to die and he drew Justicar Truehart pretty late.... There's no real guide here,just keep Alexstrasza cause you need her as soon as possible,throw every single point of damage you have at his armor,aim for a huge Emperor Thaurissan hand and pray he doesn't play Justicar Truehart on curve cause if he does, you just can't do it, believe me,he played her on turn 6 and not even turn 8 Alexstrasza into full Malygos combo into Pyroblast was able to kill him.... I was still 4 off so I assume it's impossible..... Well luckily it's just one class....