Thijs' Astral Communion Druid
- Last updated Apr 6, 2016 (Explorers)
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- 18 Minions
- 12 Spells
- Deck Type: None
- Deck Archetype: Unknown
- Crafting Cost: 12660
- Dust Needed: Loading Collection
- Created: 4/3/2016 (Explorers)
- ThijsNL
- Pro Player
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Thijs was playing this on stream. Pretty cool deck imo.
v1.1, the following changes have been made by Thijs:
-2x Loot Hoarder
-1x Naga Sea Witch
-1x Master Jouster
-1x Sylvanas Windrunner
-1x Icehowl
-1x Ysera
+2x Novice Engineer
+1x Sludge Belcher
+2x Sunwalker
+1x Baron Geddon
+1x Alexstrasza
"hey! love the deck. Any replacements for the whole thing?"
The trick is in the muligan, and how to play astral.
That's something that needs more explanation, otherwise this is either an extremely high skill cap deck, or it's a well executed troll.
I'm leaning towards the latter.
Well so far i'm having a 50-55% winrate, as there's only one main way to play this deck, by ramping up asap. By turn 5, aim be at 8-10 mana, which then lets you secure the win easily. I went on to revert back to his Aviana deck, which is imho more fun :D
Ita guide by Born2Burn! have fun!
Playing with this deck really showed me how bad Astral Communion is. I find myself either having a hand full of 9 mana cards on turn 5 and dying to just about anything or playing Astral Communion on turn 4, discarding 2-4 of the big minions, topdecking innervate or raven idol, and wondering where I went wrong with my life. I wanted this deck to work so bad
This deck is garbage. Constantly relying on top deck RNG sucks. You get screwed by your own hand as often as you get a good top deck. Dunno how many times already i've used Astral Communion before turn 4 and then i draw into Innervate, the other Astral Communion, the Wild Growths or the Raven Idols that end up giving me junk. It might be fun once and a while but its not consistant
This deck is a LOT of fun to play and more competitive than I thought it would be. First turn The Coin + Innervate + Astral Communion is always great. I've beat zoo decks, control warriors and priest, etc. Aggro hunter and SMOrc Shaman can be difficult if you don't get the right minions out early. I watched Thijs debut it on his stream, which was great to see his play style. I didn't get to see him play with the modifications.
I'm wondering if anyone else has found the Naga Sea Witch as useful as I have. It's great to play it and something like Ragnaros the Firelord on the same turn (helpful for catching up to zoo and aggro decks)
I tinkered around with Kel'Thuzad in the deck. Tough to pull off, but when you do, It's amazing.
Anyone else having success with this deck?
loot hoarder was better , than novice engineer (not just a better body but imagine this situation:
turn 2: loot hoarder --> turn 3 (coin) or 4 : astral c. --> you kill your hoarder and you can play something not just heropower that turn.
turn 2: engineer --> after you play astral c. than the card you got also will nothing.
Nearly same as mine...
I haven't used Astral Communion once. Yet I've won a ton. Instant win against priests.
I have pulled 4 Astral Communions and Ariana. I felt obligated to try and make it work... and it doesn't. It's an interesting card to tool around with but what you need for success is not only a great draw but also subsequent great draws on your next few turns to get things going.
Most of the games I won in the dozens I tried were when I played it like ramp with a decent draw. I rarely won when I cast AC, even when it was a Turn 1, innervate+coin+AC.
Does anyone know if this deck is playable without Deathwing in it? I have every card except DW. Could I replace it with 'Tree Of life and still be viable?
Yes it is. Deathwing is just a great last hope.
Tree of Life worked well in my crappy version of this. Was wondering what I can cut to put 1 in.
Why did you change the deck?
lmao i have all these cards in gold....check that dust amount son
douche ^
So in terms of when to play it, like when should you play astral vs forgetting about it and keeping certain cards in your hand
I swapped in a Tree of Life which helps immensely versus all those aggro decks. Resetting the game usually earns you an easy win with the big boys coming out :)