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Basic priest - Ogre Want Stone!

  • Last updated Feb 7, 2016 (Explorers)
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  • 19 Minions
  • 11 Spells
  • Deck Type: None
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 320
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 1/23/2016 (Explorers)
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Nothing mindblowing here, just a basic-ish priest and some laughs.

Like many others I have a friend relatively new to hearthstone (1-3months). He's often torn between really wanting to like the game and the endless succession of defeats he suffers in casual and ranked play.
He recently unlocked the first wing of LoE, which contain the only adventure cards he has for now. That's cool, because he now has an awesome summoning stone. With it I helped him put together this here deck. It's fun, it's easy, requires only some commons, and it has a fair bit of success against the opponents he currently faces [+/-60% winrate and hitting rank 15].

Edit: To further test the deck I myself started a new f2p account. With the relevant [hidden] achievements, the 3 free packs and the 1 free arena run I was able to gather 700 gold on the 2nd day and unlock the 1st wing of LoE to build this deck. I went from rank 25 (my first ranked game) to rank 17 within 2hours, and it was still fun!

Edit: I also found that some of the card slots are very easily changeable depending on what other commons you pull from your packs, especially Crazed Alchemist might be a good include to deal with large threats, facilitate trades, to combo with your Power Words or Nova. Also the basic card Darkscale Healer could be a great include, your choice. If you're a sucker for a thematic touch, you might also want to try rotating in 2 copies of both kvaldirs instead of the ogres.



Everything in the deck is rather straightforward and self-explanatory:

Your draw comes from your Northshire Cleric and Power Word: Shield with the addition of Loot Hoarder.

The Ironbeak Owl and Acidic Swamp Ooze are basic staple counters to the relevant threats.

The Boulderfist Ogre is your main beatstick and will almost always trade at the very least 2 for 1 and is out of range of the big mean BGH. Healing him with HP or Earthen Ring Farseer will only do you good.
Same goes for Archmage to a lesser extent, in addition he often has the stats to survive long enough to follow him up with an enhanced Nova.

Always try to drop the Summoning Stone when you're as certain as possible it'll survive one turn, i.e. your opponents board is empty, you are aware of his removal options like Fireball, or he's safe behind Senjin.
Most of the time you'll be wanting to follow the stone up with a Mind Control, for a major swing in advantage. [It also lends your deck some more late game survivability.] Although Holy Nova and even Shadow Word: Death might do the trick just fine. You will almost never drop the stone on curve, since it does nothing for your current board and in most cases hands initiative to your foe.

Edit: Be careful adding in more spells, of which the priest has many decent ones, you pull or craft. And be mindful of your decks curve and the overall minion-spell balance when you do. Overall you can never go far wrong with deciding to put in a minion over a spell, especially with basic decks (see final comment on boardcontrol). Even with the urge to feed your Summoning Stone extra tasty magic, i myself found only Mass Dispel and Thoughtsteal really worth it [as cards like Ogre Brute are there more for flavor and fun]

Shadow Word: Death combo's well with Dark Iron Dwarf in a Pinch.

Holy Smite does just fine at removing some pesky 2drops, pinging or facilitating a trade. Even more so with an Ogre Magi or Archmage on the board.

In the case of going completely basic [except for the Summoning Stone, obviously], you probably want to toss in the 1x/2x Shattered Sun Cleric, 2x Novice Engineer, 1x Jeweled Scarab [same wing as the Stone], and 2x  Chillwind Yeti.

Concluding with some common sense statements for new priests:

it's always advisable to play your first few turns on curve and thus mulligan with that in mind.

Be mindful of the risks of first turn Northshire Cleric! know what class you face and what their 1st/2nd turn response might be. Loosing it, might set you back some.

Always try to pressure the board and a lot of your rank 25-20 games will be a cakewalk, especially works against charging face racers. Don't panic if you see your health go down, the board is a priority, your minions will be able to trade and heal to survive.

In the same vein when controlling the board be mindful of the regular board clears and play around them. For exemple heal at least 1 minion beyond 4health against a mage. 

Too few taunts you say? A common sight in decks of new players is a disproportionate focus on taunt minions. The truth about them is: they're only effective if they trade well and should only be played when it's necessairy to force your opponent into them. Otherwise they will only lose your tempo, e.g. dropping a Boulderfist (6) vs dropping a Lord of the Arena (6). 

I hope any of the above will prove useful to you, if so - or not - i appreciate feedback. Have fun.

Edit: spelling