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[TGT] Malygos Shaman

  • Last updated Sep 5, 2015 (TGT Launch)
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  • 15 Minions
  • 15 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Unknown
  • Crafting Cost: 8380
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 8/27/2015 (TGT Launch)
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Do you like dragons? Do you like spells and stuff? Then this deck is for you.

Background information: My name is Logan(LunacyHS) I've been a Hearthstone player since the beta and I've always loved the shaman class, through its glory days and even when it was in a pretty bad spot awhile back.

Dragons decks have always been something that interested me, ever since I saw Faerie Dragon I knew they were going to release more dragons and cards that have synergy with them. So with BRM and now TGT, I believe dragon decks will be viable for most classes.

Shaman is no exception, and with all those spells, you can do some serious damage with Malygos, which got me thinking, why not make a deck taking advantage of dragons/spell damage/MALYGOD?!?!


Aggro: Zombie Chow, Lightning Storm, Earth Shock, etc.

Against aggro matchups it's important to have early minions and cheap removal to deal with your opponents minions. Zombie Chow and Lightning Storm are some tools given to help against your weakest matchups(aggro). 

Note: If you notice a lot of aggro, simply take out alex and add either another healing wave or antique healbot.

Control: Hex, Blackwing Technican (If you have a dragon) Twilight Guardian(If you have a 3-4-5 curve) Ancestral Knowledge, etc.

Against the control decks you want to fight for tempo and making efficient trades while you dig through your deck for your combo pieces which are Crackle, Lightning Bolt, etc. 

This deck plays very similar to Malylock but with a bit more burst with the potential for absolutely hilarious crackles with Malygos.

Card Choices

Earth Shock Strong against hunters, mages, handlocks, etc. Can silence pesky minions like windrunner or absolutely ruin a handlocks day if you earth shock their twilight drakes. We only run one though because two is a bit overkill.

Lightning Bolt Solid 1 mana removal, also does 8 damage with Malygos.

Zombie Chow Solid 1 drop, trades well with 1-2 drops from aggro decks. 

Ancestral Knowledge Card draw, nuff said.

Bloodmage Thalnos Card cycle, spell damage, that's about it, works well with Shaman.

Crackle Solid damage for what it's worth 2 mana(1 overload) 3-6 damage and usually hit's around 4. With Malygos it becomes 8-11 damage.

Lava Shock Typically this card is pretty meh but it serves an important purpose in this deck, seeing as we run a lot of overload cards like crackles/ancestral knowledge/lightning bolts/elemental destruction/lightning storms/etc being able to unlock your mana crystals is very important. With Malygos it becomes a 2 mana deal 7 unlock your mana crystals. 

Elemental Destruction 3 mana flamestrike on roids, the drawback is negated via lava shock and you usually use this as a last resort with bloodmage thalnos.

Healing Wave Bonkers heal and seeing as our curve is pretty mid-late there's a good chance to get that 14 health heal which is very important against aggro.

Hex Solid hard removal against threats that are hard to kill(Ysera/Chillmaw/Rag/Windrunner/etc) Use them wisely in the control matchups.

Lightning Storm Fantastic removal for what it's worth in conjunction with spell damage can easily wipe your opponents board.

Blackwing Technician A 3 mana 3/5(assuming you have a dragon) is very strong, seeing as we run 6 dragons we have a good chance of taking advantage of that battlecry.

Twilight Guardian A senjin with an extra health point that fits the dragon theme which helps blackwing and blackwing corruptor, yes please.

Azure Drake Card draw and spell damage, also a dragon so that helps a lot.

Blackwing Corruptor Solid 5 drop, basically a fire elemental on turn 5 if you're holding a dragon(which you most likely will.

Emperor Thaurissan Important card to reduce the costs of lightning bolts/crackle/lava shock/malygos/alex/etc.

Sylvanas Windrunner Solid 6 drop that forces your opponent into awkward trades/silences/or hard removals, makes Malygos able to be played safely.

Alexstrasza Strong card to help set you up for Malygos lethal, it's also a dragon, as the meta slows down this card will get stronger in the control matchup.

Malygos The minion of the hour this card will pack some serious punch.

Lightning Bolt: Deal 8 damage

Crackle: Deal 8-11 damage

Lava Shock: Deal 7 damage

I think you see where I'm going with this.

If you liked this guide feel free to upvote it, I'll probably add class specific matchups and constantly update this deck as things change(as it most likely will in the next few days)

Twitter: @Lunacy_HS

Twitch: LunacyHS


