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Diamond Competitive Dredge Druid Deck - Midrange

  • Last updated Apr 20, 2022 (Sunken City)
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  • 17 Minions
  • 12 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Beast Druid
  • Crafting Cost: 16200
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 4/21/2022 (Sunken City)
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Been playtesting and experimenting with bottomfeeder, azsharen gardens, azsharen sentiel, and the other dredge cards with a varying set of support cards, and this is what i've settled on with good success in rank 6-7 diamond currently. Very similar decks have went a combined 30-19 win/loss, and this list specifically is 15-5. I added living seed to consistently draw my boosted bottom feeders when I run out of dredge, and it made a massive difference in my ability to control board and threaten my opponent. As you progress into the game, the more they kill bottomfeeder, the more likely they are to lose. In long games vs control decks like curse warlock and the various priest decks, bottom feeder ends up being 10+ attack and they cant silence its stats away, which makes it very hard to deal with. The permanent aspect of the stat boost is extremely underrated and strong

Another key card is capture coldtooth mine. I often use it to get access to aquatic form or sunken gardens deck/hand/field boost, but I also use it to get my raid boss onyxia or varian to take back control of the board or start threatening lethal damage. It adds consistency that gives this deck the reach needed to be competitive in the current meta of super fast agro decks that can kill you turn 5/6. 

Now to the core of the deck, dredge. Tuskar trawler, excavation specialist, aquatic form, sir finley sea guide. In the early game these are weak minions that give essential utility in grabbing bottom feeder, gardens, or faelin colossal minions, but if you get a couple azsharan garden boosts done turn 1/2 with them in your hand, they end up being strong minions that are legitimate threats and hard to deal with. Excavation specialist turning into a 4/7 or 5/8 by turn 4 or 5 is great, or tuskar being a 2 mana 4/5 on turn 3. Azsharen sentinel is also highly underrated vs agro, and it puts a 5/6 minion with taunt/divineshield/lifesteal on the bottom of your deck, which you can dredge to stabilize and heal against agro. It's been a key survival card in many games. 

Another impactful addition has been blademaster samuro. When its boosted with via azsharen gardens or earthen scales, it becomes a great removal card doing 2-4dmg to all enemy minions after it attacks. It's also able to be drawn via varian which helps a ton. Varian is underrated imo. Its a 8/8 with rush/taunt/divine shield that draw 3 minions with taunt, divine shield, and rush. Whats not to like. Super value town card that deserves more play and fits perfectly into this midrangey druid style. 

The one card i've been iffy on is smothering starfish. Some games it saves me from dying, other games its a dead card and useless because it would silence my own minions and stop integral effects with bottomfeeder, ivus, sentiel, or taunt minions in general. Maybe it should be a 1 of instead of 2, and I replace it with archdruid naralex, which can give strong dream cards that can boost your minions, clear board, or play cheaper threats. Need to playtest more to be sure. 

Lastly, we have guff. The all star in basically any druid deck because drawing cards is very important and ramping mana gives you huge power potential with ivus, along with early miracle growth/varian/raid boss onyxia to take back board control. I experimented a bit without it and you just have to play it. The value is too high not to. 

Appreciate any feedback. I think this deck has potential to be disruptive in this current meta, and would likely become a lot stronger if they hand out some ramp druid nerfs, or nerfs to mech/pirate warrior. Pirate warrior has been a struggle, like it is for nearly every deck because nelly and juggernaut are insanely strong and hard to deal with, but i've still managed to win some. I'm 3-5 against pirate warrior. Overall I love playing the deck and think you would too. Try it out, learn the mechanics and which cards are the most important to dredge back to the top of your deck, and lemme know what you recommend.