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70% Win rate Wild Egg Hunter

  • Last updated Nov 28, 2018 (Boomsday)
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  • 23 Minions
  • 4 Spells
  • 2 Weapons
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Deathrattle Hunter
  • Crafting Cost: 8300
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 9/9/2018 (Boomsday)
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Here is my Egg Hunter deck, it is base on my deck from last expansion which is here if anyone is interested (http://www.hearthpwn.com/decks/1108349-63-win-rate-egg-hunter

Fun and fast deck, all but 6 cards cost 3 or under so you can really play them out fast my average win turn is 9, it can overwhelm most control deck before they can execute there game plan as most board clears do no stop it, it can out race most aggro decks, if they are not actively controlling your board you can easily have a whole board of broken eggs by turn 6, if things go into late game it can still win as you can keep pumping out eggs with Carnivorous Cube and getting their death-rattles and with how strong Deathstalker Rexxar is right now, deck is very good at keeping your opponent on the back foot, it has a lot of gas and can go into fatigue even against heavy control decks.

No need for taunts even most aggro decks have to stop going face and try to take care of your minions as you can push them out so fast, if their damage is still to much you can play Mistress of Mixtures with Carnivorous Cube, Spiritsinger Umbra or a activator they will most likely run out of steam before you do see replay -Odd Rogue (1 Mistress of Mixtures heals for 12) for a good example.  


When playing out your minions you want to place your eggs always to the left and anything else to the right this is important as when you use Feign Death it will activate normally from left to right and you want your eggs to pop before effects like Spawn of N'Zoth  come into play so your newly summoned minions get the buffs, the only exception to this is when playing against mill Rogue, in this case you want to place eggs to the right and activators like Terrorscale Stalker to the left, this is so if he users Vanish on your board the eggs may still pop and you get back your activators. 

Tips & Tricks


Spiritsinger Umbra follow by Carnivorous Cube on a death-rattle minion will activate its death-rattle and the minions it summons this will more then double if you also have Baron Rivendare on board, you can win the game almost instantly if done on Spawn of N'Zoth and you have other minions on board ready to attack.


its not to hard to get a decent start hand as most of your cards are low mana, try to get 1 egg in your start hand, if you don't it can be very hard to get a decent start, the cards you want to try to pick up in your opening hand are as follows

Tracking - helps to set up your combo's

Runic Egg - cheap card draw, it mite not do much turn 1 but if it lives for a bit, it can draw u a lot of cards & works well with Glaivezooka.

Nerubian Egg - best draw as this set-up nicely with the next 2 cards, if you don't get this you want a Devilsaur Egg instead.

Glaivezooka - play this after a Runic Egg  or Nerubian Egg with a coin giving you 3 damage in turn 2 as long as you played a turn 1 minion, this is a good number to get rid of some of the worse turn 1 threats, not to mention if you pop Nerubian Egg death-rattle, a 4/4 minion  on turn 2 is pretty nasty.

Terrorscale Stalker - used to activate your  Nerubian Egg, Devilsaur Egg or if you didn't draw one of these then a Runic Egg, this turn can give you 7/7 or 8/8 worth of stats on the board not bad for a turn 3 play, suck on that Flamewreathed Faceless.

Feign Death - as long as you have picked up some eggs holding on to one of these can be worth it, it can make quite a swing turn if you manage to get a few eggs down early then play this.

Mistress of Mixtures - nicely stated turn one minion.


Room management - be careful not to overload your board with just eggs this can be particularly dangerous if you are using Carnivorous Cube on your eggs, save room for Spawn of N'Zoth and your other activator as this deck doesn't run Mossy Horror or Void Ripper to bail you out.

Less obvious Key cards 

Spawn of N'Zoth -this is probable the most important minion in the deck after the eggs, once you get a few eggs down on board play this guy along with a activator to make some very stat heavy boards, best target for Carnivorous Cube.

Runic Egg -this little guys helps a heap with card draw, due to being a 0-2 he is often left alone and using your activators on him can really help out, don't be afraid to use cards like  Terrorscale Stalker Carnivorous Cube on him if you have run out of cards, card draw is always worth it and if you end up with a heap of 0-2 on board you can always buff them with Spawn of N'Zoth, watch - Control Warlock (8 card draw from 1 Runic Egg ) to see this card in action.

Replacement cards

Void Ripper, Twilight Summoner, Mukla's Champion, NecromechanicSludge Belcher, Mechanical Whelp, Fireworks Tech, Sylvanas Windrunner, Meat Wagon    


1- i have been running into a lot of Star Aligner Druids lately so have made the deck a bit faster, the lost of Meat Wagon means it is even more important to try to get a egg early as possible, the extra card draw from Loot Hoarder helps to fix this. Lost Spirit helps to finish the game quick but can be a dead card if you don't draw the eggs.


New- Star Aligner Druid ( killed by turn 5)

New-Tempo mage ( draw well but eggs are good counters to Explosive Runes)

New-Odd Paladin (heavy aggro)

New- Violet Teacher Druid

Old- Control Warlock (8 card draw from 1 Runic Egg)

Old- Odd Rogue (1 Mistress of Mixtures heals for 12)

Old- Even Shaman (Spider Bomb & Fireworks Tech combo wins the the game)

Old- Star Aligner Druid ( Spider Bomb Wins again)

Old- Reno Preist (shows decks resistance to board clears)

Old- kingsbane Rogue (perfect draw, 8 attack weapon by turn 5 & life steal 3 turns after)

Old- Giant Warlock

Spell Hunter (just because)