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Doctor Priest (ft. Awaken the Makers)

  • Last updated Jul 19, 2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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  • 13 Minions
  • 16 Spells
  • Deck Type: Ranked Deck
  • Deck Archetype: Big Priest
  • Crafting Cost: 11720
  • Dust Needed: Loading Collection
  • Created: 7/11/2018 (Spiteful Nerf)
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Edit: I do not use a tracker. I am a legend player and played 30ish games with the current version at a 70-75% WR and played way more with other versions.


Hi Hearthpwn. My name is WonderHS and I have created an archetype that I hope will “resurrect” priest, which as you may already know, has been struggling in the current meta.


Deck Concept

The idea of this deck is to play and resurrect high-value minions while simultaneously completing the Awaken the Makers quest. Rotten Applebaum, Deranged Doctor, and [card]Obsidian Statue[/card] in combination with Twilight's Call allow for absurd amounts of healing. Shadow Essence, as well as Coffin Crasher allow high-value minions to get onto the board a few turns earlier. Eternal Servitude and Lesser Diamond Spellstone allow big minions and immediate threats to take the board by storm. Although Amara is not usually necessary to win, it is useful in closing out games and preventing losses from fatigue.

The Lich King and Ysera are used in this deck to provide value. It is important to note that Lesser Diamond Spellstone only resurrects different minions, so variety is necessary.

Finally, Shadow Reaper Anduin is used to ping opposing minions as threats are drawn. It also has niche use, along with Shadow Word: Death in killing friendly Deranged Doctors for immediate health gain. The rest of the cards in the deck are board clears and general anti-aggro tools.


To get an idea of the power level of this deck, I encourage you to watch this game in which I outvalued a Taunt Druid: https://hsreplay.net/replay/FuXxYw2JyYzXLxLPc4MwkY .


Card Choices

Core Cards

In making this deck, I tested many cards in order to perfect certain matchups. The following cards were used in every version of the deck:

Awaken the Makers – Amara is a great late-game play that puts you out of range of aggressive and most combo decks.

Shadow Visions – A very versatile card that can help find key cards for any matchup. Don’t be afraid to get greedy and go for extra spellstones against control.

Twilight's Call -  Resurrects minions that heal you while completing quest

Eternal Servitude – Resurrects your high-value minions.

Shadow Essence – Allows you to get your high-value minions out early.

Lesser Diamond Spellstone – Your primary win condition vs. contol.

Obsidian Statue – Great taunt minion that gets rid of board threats while healing you

Deranged Doctor – Provides a big deathrattle body that heals you.

The Lich King – Strong taunt that generates high-value cards

Shadow Reaper Anduin – Useful to ping and remove late game threats.

Ysera – Difficult-to-remove minion that generates high-value cards


The following cards were used to tech against aggro decks:

Spirit Lash – A great anti-aggro tool that can clear boards flooded with tokens

Shadow Word: Death – Great for killing giants as well as late-game threats

Flexible Cards

The following cards can be substituted out without compromising the deck archetype:

Tar Creeper - This is probably the ugliest, yet most necessary card in the deck. Although it sucks to get it off of Shadow Essence, this deck does not have a play until Turn 3 without it.

Coffin Crasher – Helps get deathrattle minions out earlier but may feel weak to play from hand

Viable Substitutions

The following cards can be substituted into the deck as tech cards:

Holy Nova – Strong against paladin and token druid but 2 damage may feel lacking in other matchups. Upgrades spellstone.

Shadow Word: Pain – Strong against zoolock and useful against taunt druid and control mage. Weak against token-based aggro and Rogue decks.

Silence – Versatile card that can be used to silence big threats or deathrattle minions but may be insufficient against token-aggro decks

Mulligan and Matchup Guide

General Notes: Playing Awaken the Makers Turn 1 is often the wrong play as it is a spell which can be used to upgrade Lesser Diamond Spellstone. It is often possible to draw or discover Lesser Diamond Spellstone with Shadow Visions on 2 and play quest and heal on Turn 3.


Always Keep: Awaken the Makers, Tar CreeperShadow Visions, Rotten Applebaum and Shadow Essence

Note: Keeping Tar Creeper doesn't always mean playing it.


Against Paladin: Keep Spirit Lash in mulligan. Win by clearing the board until you can stick and resurrect a minion. This is generally a good matchup for the deck as Spirit Lash and Rotten Applebaum can stall the game out long enough for big minions to simply out-value tokens.


Against Druid: Keep Coffin Crasher in mulligan. Save Shadow Visions until you can positively identify the deck archetype. Taunt Druid and Malygos Druid, as well are both good matchups for the deck while Token Druid is a bit tougher but still positive.

Against Taunt Druid, play on curve and apply board pressure until the Druid plays Hadronox. Then set up a 2 turn "combo" by playing Psychic Scream followed by Lesser Diamond Spellstone. Save Silence for cubed Hadronoxs.

Against Malygos Druid, attempt to apply as much board pressure as possible as the deck can struggle against big boards.

Against Token Druid, attempt to keep the board clear with Spirit Lash and Psychic Scream until this deck begins to outvalue the tokens.


Against Warlock: Keep Spirit Lash and Shadow Word: Death in mulligan. Evenlock is usually an easy win while Cubelock is a bit tougher, but still a good matchup. Zoolock is generally a bad matchup.

Against Evenlock and Cubelock, the plan is the same: Shadow Word: Death giants, apply board pressure, and play Psychic Scream after Bloodreaver Guldan is played.


Against Warrior: Keep Coffin Crasher in mulligan. Quest Warrior is generally a good matchup. Apply board pressure while completing quest and healing to stay out of range of Sulfuras. Be aware that Brawl may clear some larger boards generated by Lesser Diamond Spellstone.


Against Shaman: Keep Coffin Crasher in mulligan. Shudderwock Shaman may be a tough matchup for this deck, depending on how well it draws. If the Shaman achieves its infinite combo, a win will be extremely unlikely. Therefore, it is necessary to apply as much board pressure as possible and if possible, snowball off of The Lich King and Ysera. Note that Hex may pollute the resurrect pool. Try to force a Hex with less important minions for the matchup, such as Deranged Doctor.


Against Hunter: Keep Spirit Lash in mulligan. Kathrena and Spell Hunter feel like slightly favored matchups while Odd Hunter is a bad matchup as the deck loses to hyper-aggressive decks. Aggro/Secret hunter is also a slightly unfavored matchup.

Against Kathrena and Spell Hunter, again set up the 2 turn "combo," in which you play Psychic Scream followed by Lesser Diamond Spellstone. Make sure to stay ahead on board in the late game as Deathstalker Rexxar will eventually outvalue this deck.

Against Odd Hunter, attempt to stall until it is possible to stick a minion like Rotten Applebaum. Removing 3 health minions such as Dire Mole may be tricky.

Against Aggro/Secret Hunter, try to stick minions on the board but do not attack face until you have a stable board.


Against Priest: Keep Coffin Crasher in mulligan. This deck can easily win against other priest archetypes. Just play on curve and keep health high.


Against Rogue: Keep Spirit Lash and Silence to attempt to mitigate damage from Vicious Fledgling and Hench Clan Thug. Odd and Miracle Rogue are both bad matchups.

Against Odd Rogue, attempt to remove early threats and stick a minion.

Against Miracle Rogue, attempt to complete quest as fast as possible and get out of range of any combos.


Against Mage: Keep Coffin Crasher. Big-Spell Mage is a good matchup while Secret Mage is not.

Against Big-spell Mage, win by applying board pressure and generating wide boards of big minions. Make sure to save Shadowreaper Anduin until Dragoncaller Alanna is played unless you get Ysera Awakens off of Ysera.

Against Secret Mage, attempt to stick a minion as early as possible. Secret Mage runs a lot of 3 health minions, which are tough for this deck to remove.


The Boomsday Project and Speculation

If I am right, and the new druid card, Biology Project, makes druid extremely powerful, this deck may be able to stand up to it. Cards like Psychic Scream allow the deck to deal with Turn 3 Master Oakenhearts. This deck uses mana more efficiently, and will most likely be able to outvalue Big Druid.


Overall, this deck has a very high power level. It beats most other control decks in the meta, as well as token-based aggro decks such as Odd Paladin and Token Druid. It is weak to hyper-aggressive decks (Odd Hunter, Odd Rogue, Secret Mage etc.) and Miracle Rogue, which can remove big minions without killing them. Overall, the deck is very similar to pre-nerf Quest Rogue, in that it can produce insane winrates against control decks while struggling against aggro. In tournaments, the deck can find success in an anti-control lineup (Rogue will usually be a necessary ban).


Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the deck!  If you have any questions, don't hesitate to message me on discord @WonderHS#4807

- WonderHS