The Perfect CrimeSteal all cards from
Build-An-UndeadCraft a custom Undead.
Pirate Parrrrty!Get a Pirate. After you buy
Sign a New ArtistDiscover a Buddy.
The Galaxy's LensGet a copy of the last
Three WishesIf you have two copies of
A Tale of KingsDiscover a minion of a
Boon of LightGive a minion
DIE, INSECTS!Start of Combat:
Efficient ExchangePass a non-Golden minion.
Embrace Your RageStart of Combat:
Graveyard ShiftSteal a card from the
Honorable WarbandGive your minions with
I SpyDiscover a plain copy of
King of BeastsDiscover a Beast.
King of DemonsDiscover a Demon.
King of DragonsDiscover a Dragon.
King of ElementalsDiscover an Elemental.
King of MechsDiscover a Mech.
King of MurlocsDiscover a Murloc.
King of NagaDiscover a Naga.
King of PiratesDiscover a Pirate.
King of QuilboarDiscover a Quilboar.
King of UndeadDiscover an Undead.
Puzzle BoxSteal a random minion
Saturday C'Thuns!At end of turn, give a
See the LightChoose a minion in the
Blessing of the Nine FrogsGet a random
BloodboundGet 2 Blood Gems.
BloodfuryChoose a friendly Demon. It consumes a minion in the Tavern to gain its stats.
Bob's BurglesRefresh the Tavern with
Buried Treasure Dig for a Golden minion!
ConvictionGive {2} friendly minions
Conviction (Rank 2)Give four random
Conviction (Rank 3)Give all friendly
Fire the Cannons!Start of Combat:
For the Horde!Give a minion in
Friendly WagerGuess which player will
Galakrond's GreedChoose a minion in the Tavern. Then choose a higher Tier minion to replace it.
I'll Take That!Next combat, get a
ImprisonChoose a card in the
Lead ExplorerDiscover a minion
Lucky RollRoll a 6-sided die.
Murloc KingAt the start of next combat,
Naga ConquestDiscover a Naga.
Nefarious FireStart of Combat:
Queen of DragonsDiscover a Dragon.
Rage PotionGive a friendly minion
Reclaimed SoulsGive +3/+1 to your
Relics of the DeepDiscover a Spellcraft spell
Runic EmpowermentGive a minion +{1}/+{1}.
Sharpen BladesGive a minion +{1}/+{1}.
Smart SavingsPassive
Sneed's ReplicatorGive a minion
Tavern LightingGet a 'Lantern Light' that gives a minion stats equal to your Tier.
Temporal TavernRefresh the Tavern.
[x]Passive. Start of Game:
Aim High!Passive. Start of Combat:
Aim Left!Passive. Start of Combat:
Aim Low!Passive. Start of Combat:
Aim Right!Passive. Start of Combat:
All Patched UpPassive. Start with
ALL Will Burn!Passive
Arcane AlterationReplace a card with a
Arcane KnowledgeThe next Tavern spell
Avatar of N'ZothPassive
Azshara's AmbitionPassive. When your
Banshee's BlessingRemove a friendly minion.
Battle BrandPassive. After you buy
Brick by BrickGive a minion +@ Health.
Choose Your ChampionPassive. At the start of the
Cloning GallerySummon an exact copy of a friendly minion. (Once per game.)
Close the PortalPassive. Buy 5 minions in
Come One, Come All!Passive. Darkmoon
DeadeyeTake aim!
Demon Hunter TrainingPassive. After 14 friendly
Detective for HireLook at 2 minions.
DevourRemove a friendly minion.
Double TroublePassive. Whenever you
Double TroublePassive. Whenever you
Dream PortalPassive
Dungar's GryphonChoose a new flightpath. Complete it to get a bonus!
Earth InvocationStart of Combat: Give 4
Eastern PlaguelandsPassive. In 3 turns,
Embrace the ElementsChoose an Element.
EnhancificationPassive. After each Refresh,
Evolving ElectricityPassive
Expedition PlansPassive. Skip your first turn. Discover a Tier 2, 4, and 6 minion to get at those Tiers.
Fantastic TreasurePassive
Final ShowdownPassive
Fire InvocationStart of Combat: Double your left-most minion's Attack.
Fragrant PhylacteryStart of Combat:
Gain MomentumPassive. Buy 4 minions in