clear all

The Perfect Crime

Steal all cards from
the Tavern. Each turn,
your next Hero Power
costs (1) less.


Craft a custom Undead.
({0} |4(Creation, Creations) left!)

Pirate Parrrrty!

Get a Pirate. After you buy
a Pirate, your next Hero
Power costs (1) less.

Sign a New Artist

Discover a Buddy.
(Unlocks at Tier 2.)

The Galaxy's Lens

Get a copy of the last
Tavern spell you cast.
Each turn, your next Hero
Power costs (1) less.

Three Wishes

If you have two copies of
a minion, find the third.
(@ |4(Wish, Wishes) left!)

A Tale of Kings

Discover a minion of a
specific minion type.
Swaps type each turn.

Boon of Light

Give a minion
Divine Shield.


Start of Combat:
Deal 8 damage to two
random enemy minions.

Efficient Exchange

Pass a non-Golden minion.

Embrace Your Rage

Start of Combat:
Summon and get
a minion of your Tier.

Graveyard Shift

Steal a card from the
Tavern. Take 2 damage.

Honorable Warband

Give your minions with
no type +1/+1.

I Spy

Discover a plain copy of
a minion from your next
opponent's warband.

King of Beasts

Discover a Beast.
Swaps type each turn.

King of Demons

Discover a Demon.
Swaps type each turn.

King of Dragons

Discover a Dragon.
Swaps type each turn.

King of Elementals

Discover an Elemental.
Swaps type each turn.

King of Mechs

Discover a Mech.
Swaps type each turn.

King of Murlocs

Discover a Murloc.
Swaps type each turn.

King of Naga

Discover a Naga.
Swaps type each turn.

King of Pirates

Discover a Pirate.
Swaps type each turn.

King of Quilboar

Discover a Quilboar.
Swaps type each turn.

King of Undead

Discover an Undead.
Swaps type each turn.

Puzzle Box

Steal a random minion
from the Tavern.
Give it +1/+1.

Saturday C'Thuns!

At end of turn, give a
friendly minion +2/+1.
Repeat @ |4(time, times).
(Upgrades each turn!)

See the Light

Choose a minion in the
Tavern. Set its stats to 2
and add it to your hand.

Blessing of the Nine Frogs

Get a random
Tavern spell.


Get 2 Blood Gems.
(Twice per turn.)


Choose a friendly Demon. It consumes a minion in the Tavern to gain its stats.

Bob's Burgles

Refresh the Tavern with
plain copies of your last
opponent's warband.

Buried Treasure

Dig for a Golden minion!
(@ |4(Dig, Digs) left.)


Give {2} friendly minions
+{0}/+{1}. (After you
upgrade the Tavern,
choose an improvement!)
@Give {2} friendly
minions +{0}/+{1}.

Conviction (Rank 2)

Give four random
friendly minions +{0}/+{1}.
(Upgrades at Tavern Tier 5.)

Conviction (Rank 3)

Give all friendly
minions +{0}/+{1}.

Fire the Cannons!

Start of Combat:
Deal 4 damage to two
random enemy minions.

For the Horde!

Give a minion in
the Tavern +{1}/+{2}.
(Doubles every {0} turns!)@Give a minion in
the Tavern +{1}/+{2}.
(Doubles in {0} |4(turn, turns)!)

Friendly Wager

Guess which player will
win their next combat.
If you're correct,
get 3 Gold Coins.

Galakrond's Greed

Choose a minion in the Tavern. Then choose a higher Tier minion to replace it.

I'll Take That!

Next combat, get a
plain copy of the
first minion you kill.


Choose a card in the
Tavern to lock in your
hand. After 2 turns,
unlock it.

Lead Explorer

Discover a minion
from your Tier. Costs (1)
more after each use.

Lucky Roll

Roll a 6-sided die.
Gain that much Gold.
(Cannot be used again for that many turns!)

Murloc King

At the start of next combat,
give your minions "Deathrattle:
Summon a 1/1 Murloc."

Naga Conquest

Discover a Naga.

Nefarious Fire

Start of Combat:
Deal 1 damage to all
enemy minions.

Queen of Dragons

Discover a Dragon.
(Unlocks at Tier 4.)

Rage Potion

Give a friendly minion
+10 Attack until
next turn.

Reclaimed Souls

Give +3/+1 to your
minions that died
last combat.

Relics of the Deep

Discover a Spellcraft spell
of your Tier or lower.
Its effect is permanent.

Runic Empowerment

Give a minion +{1}/+{1}.
Upgrades after five
friendly minions die.
({0} left!)@Give a minion +{1}/+{1}.
Upgrades after five
friendly minions die.
({0} left!)

Sharpen Blades

Give a minion +{1}/+{1}.
Upgrades after you
buy 5 cards. ({0} left!)

Smart Savings

After you sell a minion,
gain 1 Gold next turn.@Passive
After you sell a minion,
gain 1 Gold next turn.
({0} Gold saved.)

Sneed's Replicator

Give a minion
"Deathrattle: Summon
a random minion from
a Tier lower."

Tavern Lighting

Get a 'Lantern Light' that gives a minion stats equal to your Tier.

Temporal Tavern

Refresh the Tavern.
Include two minions from
a Tier higher than yours.


Passive. Start of Game:
Copy your teammate's
Hero Power.


At the start of the game,
Discover a Hero Power.

Aim High!

Passive. Start of Combat:
Deal {1} damage to the highest
Health enemy minion.
(Doubles in {0} |4(turn, turns)!)

Aim Left!

Passive. Start of Combat:
Deal {1} damage to the
left-most enemy minion.
(Doubles in {0} |4(turn, turns)!)

Aim Low!

Passive. Start of Combat:
Deal {1} damage to the lowest
Health enemy minion.
(Doubles in {0} |4(turn, turns)!)

Aim Right!

Passive. Start of Combat:
Deal {1} damage to the
right-most enemy minion.
(Doubles in {0} |4(turn, turns)!)

All Patched Up

Passive. Start with
30 extra Health.

ALL Will Burn!

Start of Combat: Give
ALL minions +2 Attack

Arcane Alteration

Replace a card with a
random one of the same
Tier. (Twice per turn.)

Arcane Knowledge

The next Tavern spell
you buy costs (1) less.
(Unlocks on Turn 3.)


After you play 3 Elementals,
reduce the Cost of upgrading
the Tavern by (3).

Avatar of N'Zoth

Start the game with a 2/2
Fish that gains all your
Deathrattles in combat.

Azshara's Ambition

Passive. When your
warband reaches 30 total
Attack, begin your Naga
Conquest.@Passive. When your
warband reaches 30 total
Attack, begin your Naga
Conquest. ({0} left!)


At the start of your turn,
get 2 Bananas and give
everyone else one.

Banshee's Blessing

Remove a friendly minion.
Give adjacent minions

Battle Brand

Passive. After you buy
4 Battlecry minions, get
'Brann Bronzebeard'.
(Once per game.)@Passive. After you buy
4 Battlecry minions, get
'Brann Bronzebeard'.
({0} left!)

Brick by Brick

Give a minion +@ Health.
(Gains +1 Health each
turn you don't use this!)


Avenge (4): Summon
a 3/1 Whelp. It attacks

Choose Your Champion

Passive. At the start of the
game, Discover a Tier 7
minion to get after you
spend 65 Gold. ({0} left!)@Passive. At the start of the
game, Discover a Tier 7
minion to get after you
spend 65 Gold. (Done!)


Your first Refresh each
turn costs (0).

Cloning Gallery

Summon an exact copy of a friendly minion. (Once per game.)

Close the Portal

Passive. Buy 5 minions in
1 turn to give ALL your
minions this game +2/+2
and complete this. ({0} left!)@Passive. Buy 5 minions in
1 turn to give ALL your
minions this game +2/+2.

Come One, Come All!

Passive. Darkmoon
Tickets are in the Tavern!
Get 3 to Discover a
minion of your Tier.


Take aim!
Start of Combat: Deal {1}
damage to your target.
(Doubles every {0} turns!)@Take aim!
Start of Combat: Deal {1}
damage to your target.
(Doubles in {0} |4(turn, turns)!)

Demon Hunter Training

Passive. After 14 friendly
minions attack, the first
minion you buy each
turn is free. (@ left!)

Detective for Hire

Look at 2 minions.
Guess which one your
next opponent had
last combat for a Coin.


Remove a friendly minion.
Spit its stats onto another.
Gain 1 Gold.


After you kill 16 enemy
minions, get Sulfuras.
(@ left!)

Double Trouble

Passive. Whenever you
play a Golden minion,
both you and Cho get a
Triple Reward. (@ left!)

Double Trouble

Passive. Whenever you
play a Golden minion,
both you and Gall get a
Triple Reward. (@ left!)

Dream Portal

The Tavern offers an
extra Dragon whenever
it is Refreshed.

Dungar's Gryphon

Choose a new flightpath. Complete it to get a bonus!

Earth Invocation

Start of Combat: Give 4
random friendly minions
"Deathrattle: Summon
a 1/1 Elemental."

Eastern Plaguelands

Passive. In 3 turns,
Discover a minion of
your Tier. (@ left!)

Embrace the Elements

Choose an Element.
Start of Combat: Call
upon that Element.


Passive. After each Refresh,
give a minion in the
Tavern Taunt, Windfury,
Reborn, or Divine Shield.


After you upgrade the
Tavern, gain 2 Gold.

Evolving Electricity

After you upgrade the
Tavern, replace its minions
with ones of a higher Tier.

Expedition Plans

Passive. Skip your first turn. Discover a Tier 2, 4, and 6 minion to get at those Tiers.

Fantastic Treasure

On Turn 5, choose a
Lesser Trinket to buy.
(@ |4(turn, turns) left!)

Final Showdown

Buy 3 minions in 1 turn
to give them +2/+2 and
progress this. (@ left!)

Fire Invocation

Start of Combat: Double your left-most minion's Attack.

Fragrant Phylactery

Start of Combat:
Destroy your lowest Health
minion. Give its stats
to your other minions.

Gain Momentum

Passive. Buy 4 minions in
1 turn to give your hand
and board +2/+2 and
progress this. (@ left!)